Real anons invest in the Holy Spirit.
They have no other options.
Alien bullshit will be pushed.
We no longer fear - they cannot touch us.
Ignore it all, focus on Jesus during the storm.
Let them have this world and the material objects in it.
We're collecting souls and ever lasting life.
Now is your time to thank God.
"Lawyer Matt DePerno seems to have proven that the election servers were logged into REMOTELY during the election."
Breakthrough point approaching.
Time travel is fun.
They lost control, the 8' virus is being dismantled, the time loop has been stopped. The sun has ascended and the "simsuns" are in place.
Nothing can stop it now, we're going for a ride.
Spend a little time with Jetson White.
Liberals are, and always have been racist.
I'm shooting for the east gate.
Random coincidence: Bowie played "electric" Tesla in The Prestige.
Don't think we're getting the full picture on Elon, never liked him.
No, use your search engine and leave the moonshine alone.
DC turning into a ghost town.