All code for [their] world..greener means 'we gonna take you peasants' money'. How long are [they] gonna 'beat' thepandemoniac? Milk it as long as they can = more power.
Cicadas don't bite. they don't have teeth, they have a straw-like tongue.They don't go after people, they like plants.
Kek! I suppose it does!
He's talking to his therapist
Is that a cicada bite?
Well that's odd.. because he already landed! Potato has landed & he & fake dr Jill are on their way to the waiting troops so he can call them SOBs when they don't laugh at his sorry jokes or don't clap because he wants his wife to have a round of applause.
She's speaking first now.
We're getting our country back!
Beau sympathy again.
They always make sure Pedo prez has an echo..jilly didn't have one on her voice a few minutes ago. Then he'll whisper to us. Creepy!