Anonymous ID: 56df0d June 9, 2021, 1:09 p.m. No.13865628   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5630 >>5658 >>5730 >>5745 >>5751 >>5759 >>5810 >>5813 >>5882 >>5909 >>6145 >>6258 >>6298 >>6305 >>6314 >>6330 >>6357

Fauci: Republican Attacks on Me Are ‘Painfully Ridiculous’ — They Are Attacking ‘Science and the Truth’


National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases head Dr. Anthony Fauci said Wednesday on MSNBC’s “MTP Daily” that the Republican attacks on him are “painfully ridiculous” and attacks on “science and the truth.”


Anchor Chuck Todd said, “I want to get to the political attacks. You have become— you’ve been sort of become a character on the right. There is some really wild conspiracies. I got to play one because it’s a sitting United States Senator Marsha Blackburn. I think we have a sound of this. Let’s play that one.”


In a video, Blackburn said, “Here are some facts that I want you to know. First of all, yes, Dr. Fauci was emailing with Mark Zuckerberg from Facebook trying to create that narrative cherry-picking information so that you would only know what they wanted you to know, and there would be a narrative that would fit with this cherry-picked information.”


Todd said, “I don’t even know where to begin, but it’s a sitting United States Senator. The most extreme version of what I’ve heard. You have Kevin McCarthy doing his own version of this, Marco Rubio. You’re aware of the critiques. You’ve been debunking this. How do you debunk something like that? She’s got it in her own head, again, a United States Senator that represents the state of Tennessee. What do you say to that?


Fauci said, “You know, Chuck, I don’t have a clue what she just said. I don’t have a clue of what she’s talking about.”


Todd said, “Neither did we.”


Fauci said, “So welcome to the club. I have no idea what she’s talking about. I’m sorry, I don’t want to be pejorative against a United States Senator, but I have no idea what she’s talking about. You know Chuck if you go through each and every one of the points which are so ridiculous as, you know, just painfully ridiculous, but none the less if you go through each and every one of them, you can explain and debunk it immediately. I mean, every single one.”


He continued, “He should be fired because he in the beginning changed his mind about masks. Well, okay. so let’s go back early on with the masks and let’s take a look at that. At the time that we were saying we shouldn’t be wearing a mask, there were three factors going on. A, there was thought to be a shortage of masks. B, there was no evidence that masks worked out side of the context of a hospital. I wear a mask when I’m seeing patients with respiratory disease that could be transmissible like Tuberculosis, a well-fitted N95. Thirdly, we were not aware of the extent of asymptomatic spread so we said you don’t really need to wear a mask. It wasn’t only me. I’m picked as the villain. It was the surgeon general of the United States and the entire CDC was saying the same thing.”


He added, “That issue with masks is people want to fire me or put me in jail for what I’ve done, namely, follow the science. I could go the next half an hour going through each and every point that they made. It’s preposterous, Chuck, totally preposterous.”


Fauci concluded, “It’s very dangerous, chuck, because a lot of what you’re seeing as attacks on me quite frankly are attacks on science because all of the things that I have spoken about consistently from the very beginning have been fundamentally based on science. Sometimes those things were inconvenient truths for people and there was push back against me so if you are trying to, you know, get at me as a public health official and scientist, you’re really attacking not only Dr. Anthony Fauci, you’re attacking science and anybody that looks at what is going on clearly sees that. You have to be asleep not to see that. That is what is going on, science and the truth are being attacked.”

Anonymous ID: 56df0d June 9, 2021, 1:10 p.m. No.13865633   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6269

Vaccination site worker accused of stealing over 500 blank vaccine cards


A mass vaccination site worker in California has been busted for swiping more than 500 blank COVID-19 vaccine cards, police said.


Muhammad Rauf Ahmed, 45, of Las Vegas, was charged with grand theft for allegedly taking the vaccine cards, which were reported missing from the Pomona Fairplex site, La Verne police said Tuesday.


“LVPD detectives responded and determined that the suspect had stolen blank COVID-19 vaccine cards and put them in his car,” police said in a statement.


Authorities then raided his hotel room and discovered more of the blank cards.


A total of 528 vaccine cards were recovered from both locations, police said.


Ahmed had been working as a non-clinical contract employee at the vaccination site.


Police haven’t released a motive, but the alleged theft comes as a black market has popped up online for the counterfeit cards.


Federal authorities warned earlier this year against selling or purchasing them.


“If you did not receive the vaccine, do not buy fake vaccine cards, do not make your own vaccine cards, and do not fill-in blank vaccination record cards with false information,” the FBI said in a statement.

Anonymous ID: 56df0d June 9, 2021, 1:11 p.m. No.13865638   🗄️.is 🔗kun

W.H.O. Advisory Board Member: Letter Rejecting Wuhan Leak Theory was ‘Thuggery’


Appearing on Fox & Friends, World Health Organization advisory board member Jamie Metzl said scientists who wrote a letter condemning the theory that coronavirus leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China, engaged in “scientific propaganda” and “thuggery.”


A transcript is as follows:


STEVE DOOCY: As you say, an investigation into a pandemic should never be political. But when you go back to February 2020, when people suggested it could have been a lab leak, they were regarded as a right-wing nut because Donald Trump accused of that. And then the Lancet published that article signed by 27 scientists who said there’s absolutely no chance there a lab leak, if you say that you’re conspiratorial. […]


JAMIE METZL: There’s a lot there. Certainly the small number of people raising the issue last year were labeled conspiracy theorists. I know because I was one of them. I’m not a right-wing nut. I’m actually a progressive Democrat. And so for me, the question isn’t is this a right-wing or left-wing thing. Let’s look at the data and just be honest. And you’re absolutely right because that letter published in February of last year was an outrage, because, without sufficient data, the authors of that letter declared that it’s very, very likely a natural origin and called anybody, like me, who was raising possible alternatives a conspiracy theorist. One of the reasons why I’ve called for Richard Horton, the editor-in-chief of the Lancet to step down is because I feel that letter was not data-driven science. It was scientific propaganda and thuggery.

Anonymous ID: 56df0d June 9, 2021, 1:12 p.m. No.13865646   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5790 >>5883

Celeb plastic surgeon breaks ranks, says ‘breast implant illness’ is real


An “influencer” surgeon with millions of followers on social media is calling out the medical community over what he views as painful myths about breast implants.


For some, having their chest augmented is a dream come true. For others, that dream slowly becomes a nightmare — in the form of a mysterious sickness dubbed “breast implant illness” (BII).


Now, Dr. Anthony Youn, a Detroit-based plastic surgeon with a following of 4.6 million on TikTok, is making his stance known in the contentious debate over an illness that some doctors say doesn’t exist.


In an Instagram “reel” shared on Tuesday night, Youn held a silicone implant in one hand while pointing to the various symptoms that “Bre*st Implants cause,” written in text over the video: “Not in everyone, but in some. BII is real.”


For those who suffer from BII, symptoms may not appear for months after surgery and tend to reveal themselves slowly when they do. Pain, inflammation, skin rashes, hair loss, brain fog, joint aches, digestive issues and fatigue are all symptoms commonly reported by those who believe they are experiencing BII.


Many doctors have said — despite desperate pleas from sick patients — that BII is not real and that their symptoms must stem from issues unrelated to their implants.


However, Youn is breaking ranks with the medical establishment.


“Breast implants can cause a constellation of symptoms in some women, called BII,” he explained in the video. “Yes, I believe it’s REAL. But I also believe that most women do just fine with implants. But definitely not all.”


The condition is not technically medically recognized as no studies have firmly concluded that the procedure and materials used for implants could prompt illness, leading to a stigma that suggested these patients made it up. Nevertheless, many patients have opted to go under the knife again and have their implants removed — an “explant” — as a result of the illness that left them feeling “poisoned.”


Youn’s followers are thanking him for bringing more awareness to the issue.


“I was so sick,” wrote one viewer. “BII nearly killed me.”


“Thank you for being so REAL,” another added. “I’ve had many friends get theirs taken out because of symptoms like these, and their original plastic surgeons comment that it’s probably not from the implants (even if they’ve had a full workup to rule out everything else).”


Refusing to suffer in silence, online forums, such as the private Facebook group for that boasts nearly 145,000 members, have formed to support those who believe they have BII.

Anonymous ID: 56df0d June 9, 2021, 1:13 p.m. No.13865653   🗄️.is 🔗kun

DeSantis Tears Into Fauci After Leaked Emails Reignite Wuhan Lab Leak Theories


MIAMI — Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis tore into Dr. Anthony Fauci during an interview with the Daily Caller News Foundation following the release of leaked emails reigniting Wuhan lab theories.


DeSantis sat down with the DCNF’s Mary Margaret Olohan Monday morning in Miami, Florida and discussed how he handled lockdowns in his state, Fauci’s emails, his bill combating China’s influence on American academics, transgender athletes in sports, and more.


The interview came after the governor signed two bills Monday aimed at combating the influence of the Chinese Communist Party in the U.S.


“To me the most troubling thing was the way they were trying to scurry to tamp down any inquiry in the origins of COVID,” the governor said of the Fauci emails. “They did not want this lab leak hypothesis to be tested or investigated. And you have to understand why, especially now a year later when we know there really is no other really strong explanation for how this thing could have started.”


“I think that’s because there was U.S. money that has gone to fund this type of research,” he continued. “I think that some of these grants end up in these charities that can end up in Wuhan. And I think all that needs to be investigated.”

Anonymous ID: 56df0d June 9, 2021, 1:15 p.m. No.13865662   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5671 >>5683 >>5706 >>5757 >>6336

Joe Biden to Troops Stationed at Royal Air Force Mildenhall: “I Keep Forgetting I’m President”


Joe Biden on Wednesday evening landed in the UK and addressed troops at Royal Air Force Mildenhall.


Joe Biden will spend 8 days in Europe and participate in the G7 summit in Cornwall.


At one point during his awkward speech, Joe Biden said he keeps forgetting he’s president.


“I keep forgetting I’m President,” Dementia Joe said.