Anonymous ID: d0204b June 9, 2021, 4:59 p.m. No.13866732   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



What Are Splunk Logs? Why Are They So Important for the Audit?


@ArizonaConservatives Eric, Trooper, and Jerry break it down for us.


๐Ÿ‘‰ What are splunk logsโ“


Eric: Splunk is a very popular security and distributed systems monitoring application that provides a dashboard for network operations personnel to catch abnormal events and changes across all connected computers and computerized equipment.


If they were using Splunk and were using it properly then there should be a record of many things that would help focus forensic audits.


Trooper: The logs capture critical data, like user_ID's, actions taken, date-timestamps, adjudication and other corrections or changes to votes, counts, rejections, etcโ€ฆ Look in any audit training manual: concealing, deleting, modifying, tampering, or refusing to provide access to logs - is in fact a criminal indicator.


๐Ÿ‘‰ Why are splunk logs important to the auditโ“


Eric: Splunk logs would be absolutely critical to reveal what happened on election night and thereafter โ€” whether or not curious Internet traffic happened, for one thing, and to show a trail of infiltration and/or manipulation. We absolutely need them.


Trooper: The reason the Splunk logs and keys are important is because they were configured to directly support the event recording of things like ballot scanning, vote changing, tabulation counts and errors, etcโ€ฆ They offer critical insight and record of what/ when/ how the machines were utilized in ballot handling and vote tabulating/adjustment processes.


The logs are public records because they are in fact germane to the voting/ballot tabulation, adjudication, rejection, and adjustment processes, among other things. This is material information. They are literally withholding evidence and intentionally obstructing the audit.


Jerry: I work in Cybersecurity and have experience with Splunk. That said, those logs will expose a trove of events that may have taken place on election day. It would have captured all anomalous behavior as well as any outside network traffic that may have infiltrated the election systems. It's no wonder they don't want to release those logs as any half way competent Security Analyst would be able to easily identify fraud. SIEM tools such as Splunk are specifically designed to not only detect a potential breach but to also provide an audit trail to get to the bottom of what happened


Eric: If there was any kind of security monitoring, like Splunk et al, we need to see those logs since they might show if hackers created new accounts with root access, etc., and other things including configuration that would show how packets were routed to/from election equipment. In a way, Splunk is like a real-time auditโ€ฆas long as it is configured to catch the vulnerabilities that could alter results. If weโ€™re mining for information, Splunk is gold.


Its importance cannot be understated.


The BOS needs to hand over the rest of the information, routers, logs, access, chain-of-custody everything.


โ—๏ธPlease take a minute to call or email Paul Boyer who is blocking the contempt resolution, which would enable subpoena enforcement. And contact Senators Fann and Petersen to ask why they are not filing a motion to compel.


Contact details ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ”—


We havenโ€™t come this far only to let the Supervisors get away with fraud.
