>all this projection
You got a lot goin on in that subconscious, sir. An awful lot.
>Yes, because I'm a self conscious teenage girl.
Your words, not mine.
They say the denial stage of the coping process ends with eventual acceptance, so I'm glad you found it so quickly, Tina. Take care now.
BO has nothing to do with those.
And that's all, or almost all, of them. Including the ones who get hero-worshipped.
You're thinking site admin, not board owner. BO does not control advertisements.
Everything you post just makes people like Q and Trump more, btw. You've been sabotaging yourself for months by spamming the board with clumsy bullshit. Fyi.
I keep trying, but it doesn't work. You seem to think everyone is stupid enough to believe some random idiot posting "Trump and Q worship Satan". They aren't. YOU are that stupid, not the rest of us, and it's painful to watch.
You just called yourself Satan.
You don't even understand posting replies works, after all this time. Jesus.
If you eat more fiber, you'll poop all the shit you're full of out and be less grouchy. Again, fyi.
I'm not suggesting it happen, you dumb fuck. I'm saying those are the options, and killing either won't happen or won't succeed. Being this stupid is why you faggots aren't welcome on other boards. Kill yourself, fucking nigger.
We know, gerbil. We know.