Anonymous ID: 4a3a3f June 10, 2021, 12:50 p.m. No.13872658   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2717 >>3292 >>3317

DOE Grants Manchin Donor’s Company $1 Million


Grant comes as Biden attempts to secure Manchin's support for infrastructure bill


A major donor to Sen. Joe Manchin (D., W.Va.) received a $1 million grant from the Department of Energy ahead of Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm’s trip to West Virginia to lobby the senator on the administration’s $2 trillion infrastructure bill.


The U.S. Research Impact Alliance, an incubator for energy startups, received $1 million as part of the Department of Energy’s "grant funding for research and innovation projects," Manchin and Granholm announced during the energy secretary’s two-day visit to West Virginia late last week. The company’s treasurer is West Virginia businessman Michael Green, a longtime political ally and donor to Manchin.


The grant was part of a $6 million Department of Energy spending blitz in West Virginia last week, where the Biden administration is working to secure support for the American Jobs Plan from Manchin—a Democratic swing vote, with the power to make or break the administration’s legislative priorities in the Senate. The news raises questions for the Biden administration, which has already been accused of providing benefits to curry favor with Manchin. In March, the White House appointed Manchin’s wife Gayle to lead the Appalachian Regional Commission, a $175 million economic development agency, just two days after Manchin cast a divisive, last-minute vote to approve Biden’s embattled Pentagon policy nominee Colin Kahl.


Manchin acknowledged his leverage over the American Jobs Plan in a radio interview in April, noting that he objected to the proposal’s large corporate tax hike.


"If I don’t vote to get on it, it’s not going anywhere. So we’re going to have some leverage here," he said.


"Friday, Manchin and Granholm announced Department of Energy grant funding for research and innovation projects," said the Department of Energy in a June 7 press release. "The WVU Research Corp. will receive $5 million for NETL. Morgantown-based United States Research Impact Alliance, a business incubator for businesses developing solutions for energy and manufacturing companies, will receive $1 million in funding."


Granholm promised during her trip that the funding was the "tip of the iceberg" for West Virginia, with more to come if the American Jobs Plan passes.


Green and his wife have donated over $11,000 to Manchin’s Senate campaign since 2010, according to Federal Election Commission records. In 2009, Manchin, who was serving as governor at the time, appointed Green to the West Virginia Board of Education. Green is also chairman of a local investment fund in which Manchin’s wife owns a financial stake, according to financial disclosure reports.


Green also serves as chairman of West Virginia Growth Investment, LLC, an investment fund that focuses on companies in the West Virginia area, according to his biography. Manchin’s wife Gayle owns a stake in the fund between $15,001 and $50,000, according to Manchin’s financial disclosure report.


A promotional video for the U.S. Research Impact Alliance, which was founded in 2020, states that it works in partnership with Mountain State Capital, an energy research and development company cofounded by Green.


Green, Manchin, the U.S. Research Impact Alliance, and the Department of Energy did not respond to requests for comment.


In addition to the $1 million grant to the U.S. Research Impact Alliance and $5 million to the West Virginia University Research Corporation, Granholm announced that a federally backed wind farm project would use steel purchased from West Virginia.


Granholm was in West Virginia "to tout the American Jobs Plan" while touring the state with Manchin, according to a DOE press release. President Joe Biden’s $2 trillion spending package—which includes $10 billion for a "Civilian Climate Corps" and $174 billion in electric car subsidies—would be financed through a tax hike that would raise U.S. corporate taxes from 21 percent to 28 percent.


Manchin expressed concerns about the bill last month. "I don’t think there is an appetite to put a big bill, $2.3 trillion, together," he said, adding that he was in favor of negotiating with Republicans on a more modest proposal.


Granholm and Manchin toured an energy research facility and an underground coal mine, according to photos the senator posted on Twitter. The energy secretary said on Twitter that she talked to Manchin and state legislators about "the opportunities the Biden-Harris administration can help them seize. We're here for a simple reason: JOBS, JOBS, JOBS! #AmericanJobsPlan."

Anonymous ID: 4a3a3f June 10, 2021, 12:51 p.m. No.13872662   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Soros-Backed Group Plans ‘Third Reconstruction’ Push


Group sets sights on Manchin in effort to abolish ICE, advance reparations and single-payer health care


A left-wing advocacy group funded by George Soros and backed by 30 House Democrats is planning a yearlong campaign for a "Third Reconstruction" that includes abolishing ICE, expanding welfare for illegal immigrants, and removing criminal penalties for violent protesters.


The Poor People’s Campaign, which received a grant from the Soros-backed Open Society Foundations following the death of George Floyd as part of the organization’s $220 million "anti-racist" initiative, held a Day of Action on Monday to kick off its crusade. The group counts Democratic Reps. Cori Bush (D., Mo.), Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.), and Jamie Raskin (D., Md.) as top supporters, with the "Third Reconstruction" described to the Washington Free Beacon by a senior GOP Senate aide as the "next Green New Deal."


Neither the Poor People's Campaign nor the Open Society Foundations returned requests for comment.


In a release announcing the grant, which reached the Poor People's Campaign through one of its "anchor organizations," the Open Society Foundations touted groups "fighting for an end to policing as we know it." Alex Soros, deputy chair of the Open Society Foundations, added, "This is the time for urgent and bold action to address racial injustice in America."


The "Third Reconstruction" includes a laundry list of far-left demands such as automatic voter registration, a single-payer health care system, a reparations commission, and "relief from student debt, housing debt, utilities debt, medical debt, and other household and personal debt that cannot be paid." Despite proposing that the dozen-plus programs, estimated to cost well into the trillions of dollars, be financed "using deficit spending," the "Third Reconstruction" calls for a 10 percent cut to the military budget.


"With this resolution, we (1) acknowledge the deep harms we have suffered from systemic racism, poverty, ecological devastation and the denial of health care, militarism and the false narrative of white supremacist nationalist extremism and (2) commit to heal and transform the nation by addressing these interlocking injustices, beginning with those most impacted, with moral and just laws and policies," the Poor People’s Campaign wrote on Facebook.


As part of their strategy to pressure Democrats into supporting the initiative, the Poor People’s Campaign will hold a march on Washington, D.C., in June 2022. In 2018, the group organized "40 Days of Action," which resulted in thousands of arrests. Protesters in dozens of states held sit-ins at government offices and blocked roads while demanding local legislators pass hikes to the minimum wage and expand welfare benefits.


On Monday, the group announced a protest against Sen. Joe Manchin (D., W.Va.) over his decision not to support H.R. 1, a bill that radically overhauls how the nation conducts elections.


"They said it's time to march on his office," Poor People’s Campaign co-chair Rev. William Barber said. "It’s time for people of all differences to stand together against him—we call it ‘from the hollers in the mountains to the hood.'"


Manchin previously met with the group to discuss a federal $15 minimum wage, although he later opposed the proposal. Democrats, including Reps. Pramila Jayapal (D., Wash.) and Barbara Lee (D., Calif.), claim the "Third Reconstruction" will "end poverty" and address the country’s income disparities allegedly caused by systemic racism. The language used by supporters of the "Third Reconstruction" follows much of the post-Civil War-era rhetoric from Democrats that has defined the early days of the Biden administration. The president’s recent failure to pass H.R. 1 came after his impassioned appeal to racial violence 100 years ago as evidence the country needs new voting rights today.


"For much too long, the history of what took place here was told in silence, cloaked in darkness. But just because history is silent, it doesn’t mean that it did not take place," President Joe Biden said on June 1, which marked the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa race massacre. "And while darkness can hide much, it can never erase what happened. That’s why we’re here: to shine a light, to make sure America knows the story in full."


Other Democrats, including Rep. Mondaire Jones of New York, who supports the "Third Reconstruction," called Manchin’s opposition to the bill an effort to "preserve Jim Crow." Biden himself has referred to GOP-led efforts to stop voter fraud as "Jim Crow in the 21st century."


Manchin did not respond to a request for comment.

Anonymous ID: 4a3a3f June 10, 2021, 12:52 p.m. No.13872667   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2692

Emails reveal plans by Hunter Biden, associates to conquer a turbulent world … for money


Evidence in FBI hands shows Biden called Italian region president, lobbied French ambassador, and targeted sovereign wealth funds


The world was on fire in February 2014, and Joe Biden was President Obama's point man for many of the crises. Russia had shocked the West by invading the Crimean region of Ukraine. Syria was engulfed in a bloody civil war with ISIS. And Iraq was rocked by a wave of terrorist bombings that killed more than 100 civilians.


Hunter Biden, the vice president's son, and his colleagues at Rosemont Seneca Partners and related businesses found it the perfect time to conquer a turbulent world for more business, according to emails on a Hunter Biden laptop hard drive seized by the FBI in December 2019 from a Delaware repair shop.


One of their plans was to target the sovereign wealth funds of America's richest allies, from Eastern Europe to the Middle East.


"I've been researching sovereign wealth funds lately in hopes of coming up with a plan to add another large manager (multi-billion dollar fund) to RSPI's platform, without over-relying on the Taft Hartley channel," Daniel McHale, the RSP Investments managing director, wrote Hunter Biden and a colleague named Eric Schwerin in an email dated Feb. 3, 2014. RSP Investments was the broker arm of the Rosemont Seneca empire that Hunter Biden helped engineer.


"I think this would provide us additional near-term cash flow while increasing the odds of landing a large allocation," McHale added. "Also, similar to Taft Hartley funds, it's a segment of the market where we could have a definable edge."


The email attached a "list of the largest sovereign wealth funds" in the world with a combined wealth of more than $3 trillion, from China and Russia to Saudi Arabia, Dubai and Qatar.


Sovereign Wealth Funds.pdf


​​Schwerin wrote back setting up a meeting to advance the plan, while cautioning that Hunter Biden did not have the sort of financial broker's license that could directly work with the sovereign wealth funds.


"Let's you and I set up a call to talk about outreach of sovereign wealth funds," Schwerin wrote. "As you know, since Hunter isn't licensed he can't do any direct marketing to any of these funds on behalf of RSPI. I'll call you later and we can discuss further."


The email is one of thousands that lay out the audacious ambition of Hunter Biden and his business colleagues to cash in on the Biden name by approaching foreign countries, governments and businesses even as the younger Biden's father was Obama's point man for a significant part of the nation's foreign policy.

Anonymous ID: 4a3a3f June 10, 2021, 12:53 p.m. No.13872671   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2719

China says Biden revoking Trump TikTok ban 'step in the right direction'


Biden removed an order by Trump that would ban 11 Chinese-based apps over national security concerns.



China on Thursday lauded the Biden administration's move to revoke a ban put in place by former President Trump against China-based apps including TikTok and WeChat.


"We hope that the US will treat Chinese companies fairly and avoid politicizing economic and trade issues," said China's Ministry of Commerce spokesperson Gao Feng, according to ABC News.


Feng's comments come after the President Biden signed an executive order Wednesday reversing a plan by Trump to ban the Chinese-backed 10 social media apps including TikTok and WeChat.


Biden replaced Trump's ban with a wider executive order that would research and address security concerns of Chinese-backed apps such as TikTok, and see whether they pose a threat to Americans. It also calls for a broader review of any foreign-owned applications and direct the secretary of commerce, director of national intelligence and other top U.S. agency officials to provide reports on potential risks the apps have on personal data and national security, according to NBC News.


"The Biden Administration is committed to promoting an open, interoperable, reliable and secure Internet," Biden said a fact sheet regarding his new executive order. "Countries, including the People's Republic of China (PRC), do not share these values and seek to leverage digital technologies and Americans' data in ways that present unacceptable national security risks."

Anonymous ID: 4a3a3f June 10, 2021, 12:53 p.m. No.13872674   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Moderna requests FDA approval to lower vaccine age limit to 12 years old


Lowering the age for vaccinations would likely result in more adolescents getting vaccinated.



Drugmaker Moderna filed a request Thursday with the Food and Drug Administration to lower to 12 the minimum age to receive it COVID-19 vaccination.


The request is expected to be approved and increase the number teens getting vaccinated, with the adult participation rate in the U.S flatting and now at roughly 63%.


Pfizer has already received approval to lower the age for its vaccine.


In a trial phase among high school and middle school students, the Moderna vaccine was successful and presented no dangerous side effects. In the trial, 3,700 students were enrolled, and 2,500 received the vaccine, with the 1,200 others receiving a placebo. Of the 2,500 who received the vaccine, zero cases of COVID occured, compared to four in the placebo group.


On Tuesday, Moderna requested the FDA grant it full approval for the vaccine in recipient 18 and older, which could make it easier for the military and government agencies to demand their employees be vaccinated. Recently, the military faced resistance when soldiers refused the vaccination.


The FDA took about one month to approve the Pfizer vaccine for adolescents and is expected to take the same amount of time for Moderna's. Last month, Moderna began testing the vaccine of children as young as 6 months.

Anonymous ID: 4a3a3f June 10, 2021, 12:55 p.m. No.13872687   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2701 >>2703 >>2878 >>3298

UK Govt Tells Social Media to Censor Videos of Illegal Migrant Crossings


Home Secretary Priti Patel under "conservative" PM Boris Johnson has been working to flood the UK with record migration and is now pressuring social media companies to censor videos of illegal migrant border crossings.


Patel tried to justify the censorship by claiming that allowing the public to see what's really happening on their borders only serves to "encourage" illegal migrants to make such crossings.


From Breitbart, "Censor the Migrants Away: Priti Patel Demands Social Media Remove Videos of Channel Crossings":


Home Secretary Priti Patel has reportedly demanded that social media companies censor videos of illegal migrants crossing the English Channel as they “glamourise” the perilous journey.


The Home Secretary has increasingly come under fire for her failures to stop illegal migration and “take back control” of Britain’s borders following its official departure from the European Union at the beginning of the year.


Patel’s latest scheme to drive down numbers of migrants crossing the Channel is to call on social media companies to take down videos, arguing that footage promoting the “lethal crossings” is “unacceptable”, according to the BBC.


The letter from the Home Secretary was sent on Saturday, after a video showing a group of migrant men crossing from France in a rubber dinghy went viral on TikTok.


“Posts which promote and even glamorise these lethal crossings are totally unacceptable. They encourage others to leave a safe European country and put theirs and their family’s life at risk and are even used by people smugglers to promote their deadly business,” Patel said.


“What these posts don’t mention are the people who have died trying to make this crossing, or those forced to spend 13 hours in unseaworthy boats in freezing waters.”


She said that social media companies “must quickly and proactively… before more men, women and children die in the Channel.”


The TikTok video mentioned has been censored everywhere but I managed to find a mirror with just a few hundred views on Facebook:

Anonymous ID: 4a3a3f June 10, 2021, 12:56 p.m. No.13872693   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2918

Former Montgomery County Children’s Swim School Employee Sentenced to Seven Years for Trafficking in Child Pornography

Anonymous ID: 4a3a3f June 10, 2021, 12:57 p.m. No.13872702   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Baltimore Man Facing Federal Charges for Sex Trafficking of a Minor

Allegedly Trafficked a 14-year-old Eighth Grader

Anonymous ID: 4a3a3f June 10, 2021, 12:59 p.m. No.13872712   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Long Island Gang Member Indicted for Sex Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation of Minors

Defendant Allegedly Prostituted Girls as Young as 15-Years-Old

Anonymous ID: 4a3a3f June 10, 2021, 1 p.m. No.13872720   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Slilpp Marketplace Disrupted in International Cyber Operation


Slilpp was a Marketplace for Allegedly Stolen Online Account Login Credentials, Offering Over 80 Million Stolen Credentials for Over 1,400 Victim Providers Worldwide

Anonymous ID: 4a3a3f June 10, 2021, 1:02 p.m. No.13872727   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Serial Child Molester Sentenced to 30 Years in Prison for Production of Child Pornography

Anonymous ID: 4a3a3f June 10, 2021, 1:03 p.m. No.13872732   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Orlando Man Sentenced To 17 Years In Federal Prison For Online Child Sexual Exploitation

Anonymous ID: 4a3a3f June 10, 2021, 1:04 p.m. No.13872736   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Westinghouse Director During Nuclear Debacle Pleads Guilty in Federal Court to Making False Statement to FBI

Anonymous ID: 4a3a3f June 10, 2021, 1:09 p.m. No.13872759   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2768

Our Government is Evolving into Something Horrifying


"Quite alarming is the emerging unholy alliance of various monopolies in Big Government, Big Business & the media, seeking to impose all-embracing cradle-to-grave control over American citizens. They seemingly lack any interest in our welfare; our quality of life; or as they continue to demonstrate with their ongoing response to COVID-19, whether we live, suffer, or die."


oday's Democratic Party, aligned with certain associated power elites, is actively fighting a second American Revolution dedicated to overturning our original one, with the objective of imposing a Marxism-style political order upon our country.


Actively employing a totalitarian political model and methods similar to those utilized by the Chinese Communist Party, a cadre of elites in this country… are working together … to … overthrowing our democratic form of government.


Overall, the key objectives of the current Democratic Party and the Biden administration, with the assistance of these elitist groups, is to undermine the foundations of our country as founded.


They are actively working to replace our political system … that will eventually include dictating our personal thoughts and daily activities. These groups work vigorously on an ongoing basis and in a coordinated fashion, attacking and devaluing our history, our democratic practices, and our traditions to place us behind a new American version of an Iron Curtain.


Objective political truth is becoming a rare commodity as the members of this increasingly powerful and disconnected elite… attempt to increase their power by deception and distortion as well as by routinely circumventing the rule of law.


Our political process has evolved to a point where the concerns and well-being of individual people no longer count or are literally a distraction. Gaining more power, privileges, and riches has become the Establishment's overriding objective…


Revolutions occur at many different types of inflection points in the histories of various countries. Intolerable oppression experienced by a nation's people, failed leadership, the extreme lack of economic opportunity available for the masses, and extremely unpopular wars are important causes from the past. It can be emphatically stated that none of these conditions existed in the United States as we began 2020…


An American government seemingly in partnership with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was born, inflicting without any compunction the destruction of the lives, health, welfare, and livelihoods of a great number of fellow Americans. The Democrats and their allies waged an operation turning the COVID health crisis on its head by deliberately acting to make conditions worse in order to gain political advantage. The direct result was to cause numerous unnecessary deaths and much suffering…




As the illegitimate winner of the 2020 election, Joe Biden was inaugurated on January 20. In January, a totalitarian-style regime with many of its political appointees with past or ongoing connections to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), complete with a figurehead Joe Biden was installed in office.

Anonymous ID: 4a3a3f June 10, 2021, 1:10 p.m. No.13872768   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Our Government is Evolving into Something Horrifying


"Quite alarming is the emerging unholy alliance of various monopolies in Big Government, Big Business & the media, seeking to impose all-embracing cradle-to-grave control over American citizens. They seemingly lack any interest in our welfare; our quality of life; or as they continue to demonstrate with their ongoing response to COVID-19, whether we live, suffer, or die."


oday's Democratic Party, aligned with certain associated power elites, is actively fighting a second American Revolution dedicated to overturning our original one, with the objective of imposing a Marxism-style political order upon our country.


Actively employing a totalitarian political model and methods similar to those utilized by the Chinese Communist Party, a cadre of elites in this country… are working together … to … overthrowing our democratic form of government.


Overall, the key objectives of the current Democratic Party and the Biden administration, with the assistance of these elitist groups, is to undermine the foundations of our country as founded.


They are actively working to replace our political system … that will eventually include dictating our personal thoughts and daily activities. These groups work vigorously on an ongoing basis and in a coordinated fashion, attacking and devaluing our history, our democratic practices, and our traditions to place us behind a new American version of an Iron Curtain.


Objective political truth is becoming a rare commodity as the members of this increasingly powerful and disconnected elite… attempt to increase their power by deception and distortion as well as by routinely circumventing the rule of law.


Our political process has evolved to a point where the concerns and well-being of individual people no longer count or are literally a distraction. Gaining more power, privileges, and riches has become the Establishment's overriding objective…


Revolutions occur at many different types of inflection points in the histories of various countries. Intolerable oppression experienced by a nation's people, failed leadership, the extreme lack of economic opportunity available for the masses, and extremely unpopular wars are important causes from the past. It can be emphatically stated that none of these conditions existed in the United States as we began 2020…


An American government seemingly in partnership with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was born, inflicting without any compunction the destruction of the lives, health, welfare, and livelihoods of a great number of fellow Americans. The Democrats and their allies waged an operation turning the COVID health crisis on its head by deliberately acting to make conditions worse in order to gain political advantage. The direct result was to cause numerous unnecessary deaths and much suffering…




As the illegitimate winner of the 2020 election, Joe Biden was inaugurated on January 20. In January, a totalitarian-style regime with many of its political appointees with past or ongoing connections to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), complete with a figurehead Joe Biden was installed in office.



Anonymous ID: 4a3a3f June 10, 2021, 1:12 p.m. No.13872787   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2827 >>2840 >>2861 >>2863

LEAKED MILITARY EMAIL: All Uniformed Military Personnel Will Be REQUIRED to Get Jabbed


Dr. Jane Ruby joined 'The Stew Peters Show' to discuss throttled VAERS numbers. During that report, Dr. Ruby received a vetted email from a top Navy official. leaked by a military source, suggesting that all military personnel will be required to get 'vaccinated'.

Anonymous ID: 4a3a3f June 10, 2021, 1:23 p.m. No.13872868   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3206

General Dynamics runs VAERS


VAERS Customer Service Representative

Anonymous ID: 4a3a3f June 10, 2021, 1:26 p.m. No.13872889   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US begins shifting Afghan combat operations outside country


WASHINGTON — The U.S. military has already begun conducting combat operations and surveillance in Afghanistan from outside the country’s borders, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told Congress on Thursday, as the troop withdrawal continues.


But Austin declined to specifically address whether the U.S. will provide combat air support to the Afghan forces to prevent them or their major cities from being overrun by the Taliban after the pullout is complete. Austin said he would not “speculate on potential actions” but noted that once troops are fully withdrawn from Afghanistan, it will be very difficult to provide such support to the Afghans.


Already, Austin said, the U.S. military is conducting air combat patrols and support from ships in the Gulf, and sending surveillance aircraft to Afghanistan from nations in the Gulf region. As of now, he said, the U.S. is still looking for options to station troops and aircraft in neighboring countries to make the flight to Afghanistan shorter. But, he said, that effort is still a work in progress and he had no timetable for completion of any negotiations.


President Joe Biden ordered the complete withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan by early September, and that pullout is ahead of schedule, the military has said. But many questions surrounding the withdrawal remain unanswered, including how the U.S. will conduct intelligence operations in Afghanistan after the withdrawal, how far it will go to defend the Afghan government and what diplomatic presence it will have in the country.


Austin noted that once the withdrawal is done, the U.S. will focus counterterrorism efforts on al-Qaida and other terror groups that can conduct attacks against the American homeland.


There have, however, been persistent questions, including from segments of the Afghan government, about whether the U.S. will provide any combat support to the Afghan forces if they are under siege from the Taliban and major cities, such as Kabul, are at risk of being overrun. The Pentagon has suggested that any such mission would not qualify under the parameters set by Biden for counterterror operations, but there is widespread concern that once U.S. and coalition troops have left, the Taliban will increase their attacks and the Afghan government could collapse.

Anonymous ID: 4a3a3f June 10, 2021, 1:36 p.m. No.13872967   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Heavy Police Presence at Atlanta Mall After Reports of Shooting - Video


According to a local media report, police officers were dispatched to the mall around 3 pm local time on Thursday. Witnesses reportedly called the police after a gunshot was heard at the mall.


The police are responding by dispatching a large contingent to a mall on the outskirts of the city of Atlanta, Georgia following reports of a shooting, the local media reported.


The shooting reportedly took place at the Southlake Mall in Morrow, Georgia, and multiple ambulances and police cars were spotted at the site of the incident.


There are also reports of a SWAT police team being dispatched to the area. And, according to several reports, SWAT team members with heavy weapons were also seen entering the mall.


According to eyewitness reports, a group of young males was seen at the mall prior to the incident, and individuals had been "pulling out guns," and the clash moved into the parking lot. At least one male was reported to be apprehended.

Anonymous ID: 4a3a3f June 10, 2021, 1:41 p.m. No.13872998   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Operation Jumita: 1.6 tonnes of cocaine and € 16.5 million confiscated in largest cash seizure from a criminal organisation in Spain


The Spanish Guardia Civil, with the support of Europol and its European Economic and Financial Crime Centre (EFECC), dismantled a criminal network that trafficked cocaine from South America to the Port of Algeciras in Spain. The network was capable of controlling the maritime traffic of containers coming from South America.


The network consisted of different employees who worked in various areas at the Port of Algeciras. These employees included a worker from a port container terminal, two workers from the Border Inspection Post, four from Auxiliary Maritime Services (SAM), and several stevedores, freight forwarders, consignees and carriers.


As a result of the operation:


29 people have been arrested;

More than 1 600 kg of cocaine has been seized;

More than € 16.5 million has been seized.


The Guardia Civil initiated the investigation in August 2020. On 29 April this year, intelligence was received suggesting the criminal network intended to introduce a large consignment of cocaine hidden among frozen mackerel and directed towards the Port of Algeciras.


A Spaniard, who was on the run from Spanish justice, was arrested in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The arrest was carried out under a European Arrest Warrant (EAW) issued by the judicial authority and executed with the support of Dutch police officers. This individual had been on the run since 2017 due to his involvement in another drug introduction operation.


Due to the criminal network’s international connections, the case was supported by the EFECC at Europol, supporting the economic investigation against the network and the alleged links of corruption with analytical and operational support. Two analysts were seconded to Spain to carry out the real-time cross-checking of data during the action day.

Anonymous ID: 4a3a3f June 10, 2021, 2:16 p.m. No.13873231   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Video Showing Deadly Strike On Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham Commanders Released Online


On June 10, RusVesna.SU released footage of the pinpoint strike which eliminated senior commanders of al-Qaeda’s Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) in the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib.


The strike claimed the lives of HTS’ military spokesman, Abu Khalid al-Shami, media coordinator, Abu Musab al-Homsi, and Mu’ataz al-Nasir, commander of the group’s internal security forces. Four militants were also killed.


The aerial footage released by RusVesna were taken by a Russian drone which was tracking the three commanders. The commanders were reportedly located with advanced electronic intelligence systems.


The commanders were most likely targeted with a Russian 2K25 Krasnopol laser-guided artillery shell. Their vehicle was apparently painted with laser by the drone.


Russian and Syrian forces fired several Krasnopol shells at militants’ positions in Greater Idlib in the last few days. At least four militants were killed by the weapon in recent strikes.


The targeted assassination of al-Shami and his comrades was a major blow to HTS and its backers, including Turkey. Ankara’s forces and proxies responded with artillery strikes. The situation in Greater Idlib may escalate even further in the upcoming few days.

Anonymous ID: 4a3a3f June 10, 2021, 2:18 p.m. No.13873249   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Scale of COVID Unemployment Fraud Is ASTOUNDING


In this, the Second Year of Our Troubles, choosing just one story for the craziest of the day can be a challenge.


Today’s was pretty easy.


First, a few details:


Unemployment fraud during the pandemic could easily reach $400 billion, according to some estimates, and the bulk of the money likely ended in the hands of foreign crime syndicates — making this not just theft, but a matter of national security.


They all knew fraud was inevitable, but decided getting the money out to people who desperately needed it was more important than laboriously making sure all of them were genuine.


That last bit was explicitly endorsed by then-Vice President Joe Biden in 2009 when he was put in charge of Barack Obama’s Porkulus I “stimulus” spending orgy.


“We know some of this money is going to be wasted,” Biden said then. “Some people are being scammed already.”


The shovel-ready jobs weren’t. The efficiencies gained from infrastructure improvements never materialized.


The waste-to-benefit ratio back then approached ∞:1.


Same thing now, because once the Leviathan gets this big, it doesn’t matter much who’s in charge of it.


Washington will surround its own buildings with troops and barbed wire to protect it from imaginary threats but let hundreds of billions of our dollars go to Russian and Chinese crooks without a care in the world.


According to the report, the absolute low-ball, low-end figure is that international thieves got hold of $200,000,000,000 of our money.


The average taxpayer will fork over $525,000 in their lifetime.


Assuming all of that went to Washington — it doesn’t even come close, after state and local taxes — it would take 381,000 average lifetimes to make up for what Washington so frivolously wasted as just a cost of “getting things done.”


But it could be as many as 762,000 lifetimes if the crooks got away with the high-end figure.


This kind of thing is exactly why conservatives are conservatives.


We understand, in our brains and in our souls, that government just isn’t very good at very many things. So the best thing is to constitutionally limit the number of things that government is allowed to do, and to keep its power to tax, borrow, and spend limited, too.


We failed at that, and now Washington fails us at every trillion-dollar opportunity.


But it does prove one thing: We might have lost the battle for small government, at least for now, but we conservatives were the sane ones all along. We’re vaccine enthusiasts, but this… no.


Just no.


So much very no.


Insanity Wrap presents this clip with a reminder that TikTok’s new privacy rules allow them to take users’ faceprints and voiceprints and send them back home to Communist China for analysis.


The next generation is even more screwed than we thought.

Anonymous ID: 4a3a3f June 10, 2021, 2:22 p.m. No.13873271   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Uber's free ride offer for vaccinating disabled people 'another bow in the arsenal'


Able Australia National Marketing Director Chandi Pfieke has hailed Uber’s free ride incentive for the disabled population as “just another bow in our arsenal”.


The global ride-share company announced on Monday it had partnered with Able Australia to provide 10,000 free rides to and from vaccination appointments for 2,500 disabled Australians.


With uptake amongst those living with disabilities currently under 50 per cent, Ms Pfieke has urged the introduction of more incentives to boost the number of people getting the jab.


“Across our sector we’d probably say that it’s still quite low,” she said.


“This last outbreak has added a sense of urgency across the sector, which in some ways is unfortunate but this is what it’s taken, but I think we’re all starting to move in the right direction.


“This initiative with Uber is a great one that will be just another bow in our arsenal to try to get more people vaccinated.”