Anonymous ID: edf86a June 10, 2021, 1:19 p.m. No.13872829   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2844 >>3373

I. President Trump did not collude with Russia, obstruct justice, or violate any law

II. President Trump cooperated fully with the Special Counsel investigation.

III. Although concerned about Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s conflicts of interest, President Trump never fired Mueller or limited the scope of his review.

IV. Alleged incidents of obstruction of justice merely reflect the President’s well founded frustration that a baseless investigation had created a “cloud” of controversy

V. Other noteworthy take-always from the McGahn interview

The FBI mishandled its investigation concerning Trump National Security Advisor LTG Michael Flynn

McGahn agreed that the FBI did not handle its investigation of Lieutenant General (LTG) Michael Flynn in an honorable way.

Anonymous ID: edf86a June 10, 2021, 1:24 p.m. No.13872872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2970

The new inspector general report released yesterday was looking into the episode that transpired last year involving U.S Park Police clearing out protestors from the area in and around St. John’s Episcopal Church, and the ensuing photo op that President Trump conducted in front of the church that had been the target of a firebomb attack the prior evening. This report completely exposes the media in their coverage from that time, showing just how disinterested they are in getting the facts and instead amplifying a narrative.

For days — weeks, even — this episode was used as a cudgel against the President. Stern-faced anchors intoned condemnation over this egregious act, and they noted the episode frequently as a sign of the President’s heartless rule over the country. Lost in their seriousness was the attack on the church itself, downplayed by many in the media, as its basement was set ablaze by protestors and to this point — one year later — still not fully repaired. For nearly a year, the press stood with this version of events, as it was cemented as truth.

It was all completely fake.

The finding of the report was that the USPP was not acting in concert with the White House, they were clearing the protestors in order to erect protective barriers around the targeted building and monuments in the area. Teargas was not used on the crowd; they were informed to be dispersed with speakers, and then non-caustic smoke grenades were employed, as they failed to remove themselves. The “peaceful“ aspect was also shown to be wrong, as the report details how police were assaulted with various projectiles.

It is significant that this is going completely ignored by CNN’s resident media analyst. Stelter is the voice on the front lines perpetually braying about how dangerous and insidious the lies dispensed at Fox are for the nation, yet repeatedly, CNN has been shown guilty of the very type of broadcast that raises his ire. Brian’s network was in a collective circle jerk over this event in Lafayette Park.

Most hysterical and histrionic over this was, unsurprisingly, Jim Acosta. At the White House, he asked the Press Secretary, “If the White House, President, and his team had to do it all over again, would you have gassed and pummeled protestors to clear the park so the President could have a photo-op?” Also of note is the CNN fact-checker, Daniel Dale. He responded to an earlier report detailing the very things found in the IG findings, yet he declared this to be a false claim.

Anonymous ID: edf86a June 10, 2021, 1:28 p.m. No.13872909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2946

The Florida Board of Education approved a new rule on Thursday supported by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis that effectively bans critical race theory in K-12 public education.

“The woke class wants to teach kids to hate each other, rather than teaching them how to read, but we will not let them bring nonsense ideology into Florida’s schools,” DeSantis said in a news release on Thursday.

“As the Governor of Florida, I love this state, and I love my country. I find it unthinkable that there are other people in positions of leadership in the federal government who believe that we should teach kids to hate our country. We will not stand for it here in Florida.

“I’m proud that we are taking action today to ensure our state continues to have the greatest educational system in the nation,” DeSantis added.

The governor also tweeted on Thursday, “Florida’s education system exists to create opportunity for our children.”

DeSantis added, “Critical Race Theory teaches kids to hate our country and to hate each other. It is state-sanctioned racism and has no place in Florida schools.”