Thirded. Bubbles want to reprise your NYE post?
>I think we'll see another Q post before that happens kek
That could be centuries away
>BewbArchiver is sad
Great composition, I agree.
>good fren
Thanks fren. Right back atcha. o7
>And that was a good night.
Hells yeah it was. 'Member is vividly and fondly.
Ah, another fine day 'twas.
>I'm glad
Likewise fren. I had to take a hiatus for a bit but been back, lurking for a while now.
>I'm glad one of us can kek
I'm sure I have screencaps of how it transpired on the evening, somewhere.
>What a skill
Have to agree. Very skilled. We have some very talented folks on this board.
>Someone sperged about her notebook.
>Someone else sperged about the Monster drank.
Damn! Must have been on an RDO that day/night.
Fuckin' quads have spoken!
>if we could get some from the current year
Absolutely concur.
old. posted 21.12.2019
Used to have goats. They're fun pets.
>Greatest Of All Time.
I debated adding the caveat that I wasn't a muslim…
>They're not bad slow smoked at 225 degrees for 8-12 hrs depending on size, mopped with my vinegar sauce
Sounds scrumptious. One of my fave meats.