First image is from the book "secret teachings in tibetan buddhist sects", or something like that. Second image is a combo of hindu philosophy and others. Third image is from rumi, a sufi. They all agree it's a dream. Westerners forgot, or were deliberately not taught.
Way too much to explain, and words only go so far. If you really want to know, this explains better than I can. I have many similar books on this topic if you are interested.
>>13875369 < this post was meant for you >>13875321
What is most interesting about this information, in my opinion, is that, as you can see, you can post these "secrets" publicly and those who aren't ready for them still won't pay much attention to them. These topics are called "self-secret" for this reason, meaning they keep themselves secret from all but those ready to understand them. This is part of why secrecy is relative to the experiencer.