>The "sacred sacraments" that must be constantly applied, do they remind you of anything?
Go on. Explain it.
>Mary is your co-mediatrix? Is that in the bible?
Yes. But even so, that's not dogma, so a Catholic mustn't believe it.
>You need salvation dripped into you week by week, rite and ritual by rite and ritual, and cannot ever be sure you are saved?
You don't? You're perfect? Careful, you're being imprecise.
As for being sure I'm saved? I'm more sure I'm in a state of grace and saved than any non-Catholic.
>Confessing your sins to a pedophile gets you forgiveness?
Ignoring your blasphemy, this is literally in the Bible.
>A pedophile saying extreme unction over you gets you into heaven?
Ignoring your blasphemy, this is in the Bible.
>And if not, through "purgatory" faster?
What is your objection to purgatory?
>Jesus only established one church, and that church did not exist for 300 years after the cross?
It did. I don't know why you think that the Catholic Church, which traces its authority back to Peter, who celebrates her birth date on Pentecost, doesn't think it has existed since Pentecost.
>Jesus only established one "visible" church, and all of its members go to heaven?
Yes, one visible Church. No, not all of its members go to heaven.
>Jesus left, and now we have Jesus' representative, the pope, instead of Jesus?
Unless you see Jesus's body on Earth, and reject the Ascension, yes, He left. Yes He left a visible head, as stated in the Bible.
>But they are heresy against your church, not against God, and not against the word of God, and not against the Son of God.
Your lies are boring.