barr said he didnt know anything about it. DA for conneticut is part of the DOJ too. and so is the office of special council. durham is the one investigating russiagate, which would include the commitee's closed door basement collusion hearings. barr was the B2. Durham was the payload. look here not there
we arent even allowed to agree with you without you going beserker mode. your jew projection has killed any humanity left in you. fucking degenerate.
ya. we know. we've been here for years just like you. only you faggots are the only ones that thinks the best thing you can do with your knowledge is spam and be a fucking asshole if anybody replies to you with anything other than "gas the kikes". its not what you know its what you do with it. you dont matter any moar. the great awakening is leaving you behind loser.
stick to that script bitch. you are literally a fucking meat bot.
they've been comped for a long time. but something has them so spooked theyre exposing themselves moar and moar lately.
i think it was moar like an inverted S manouver than a true barrel roll. epic non the less.
anything would be better than what you have to offer faggot.
naw i wont be here much longer. should be crossing over soon. sorry no flip.
fuck you.
takes two to tango. its kicking in. see you on the flip side.