a free floating full torso vapor zaporation
i was just shoehorning a meme into that in an attempt to get a laugh, i agree
Sanhedrin sounds like a death metal band
kek, definitely a better name than "armageddon pancakes"
i knew it would be a sweet band name
cowboys from hyelllllyaaaa
Gibson declaration
worth it
pretty much
they had a lot invested in this, wont let it go
musta used r-larp to test the waters, spent a year constructing b-larp, all to be btfo within a week
womp womp
so apparently the 6 gorillion number is some kabalistic number that they've been using since like 1850 over and over again in the media
i didnt know that until now but theres a deeper reason they keep saying "muh 6 million"
just to be clear, and i do find these hilarious, but all these images are from science FAIR competitions
ie highschoolers or gradeschoolers who have absolutely no scientific education