Sorry so long. TLDR: Don't let any circumstance make you give up. Exercise your faith as the greatest gift, and the purpose of earthly experience.
Reading through this bread and the last few, I see a lot of pessimism and basically, 'it's all bullshit, trust no one, we are screwed, everything wrong and evil has won.' I do not know how many of these are discouragement shills and how many are real anons. I suspect most are shills.
For any anons who have legitimately lost all hope (God knows that I have done so several times), I just recommend to step away from this board and all the news until you can take care of yourself and come back with a fresh, clear mind. Then put into perspective where the world is in terms of the timeline from beginning of humanity to today. What is at stake, and which way will the future go depending on what happens in the short-term? Is this just another very difficult time in our country, or is the entire future of the entire world on a knife's edge? How does the combined hard work, honor, and commitment from each of us (or hopelessness, despair, and mean-spiritedness) nudge the balance of the world in one direction or the other?
For those who have a spiritual faith, what really is "faith?" Simply knowing good promises and expecting to receive those benefits, but then losing hope when it doesn't happen in weeks, months, or years? Or actively choosing to continually decide to believe in what is right and good over what is evil and terrible? To contribute what you can to what is right and good, despite any current circumstance, emotion, fear, or hardship? If faith was believing whatever we perceive and experience, it wouldn't be worth much and everyone would have it.
Jesus told [doubting Thomas], "You believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who believe without seeing me." John 20:29
Even if the Q stuff and the Great Awakening does not happen (and there are many reasons to believe it can), will you use this one opportunity in your short existence within time-space, before you exist in eternity, to prove that your soul has a strong pure faith and love that cannot be ruined by what is wrong and cruel and unjust? Once eternity comes, we cannot go back and 'do it better now that we know better.'
This is the time to do it, and to be how we most want to be. The moment of "now" in each day is the only space-time we can experience in this dimension, not the past or future. By faith we can decide to be how we choose to be in this moment, and all the moments as we move through our short time here, which can end at any point.
Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. 2nd Corinthians 6:2