Anonymous ID: 3ab5a8 May 12, 2018, 3:51 p.m. No.1388645   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8698 >>9228 >>9321

>>1383873 prev bread



Re: AJ/Corsi in particular, yes, move on. If grieving/processing is necessary, be a man as to how much of the denial/anger should be done in private. Posts to qresearch should be of benefit to other anons and our mission, not just self indulgence.


This issue of who to trust, and HOW WE KNOW is important though, takes time/effort to learn.

To just say “unity good, division bad” is too simple, and is not where Q has been pointing us. Sometimes he says unite, other times beware bad actors. This is not a contradiction. Here’s why:


>Q: patriotsfight

>Q: Pure Evil

This means there’s an U S (Patriots, selfless) and a T H E M (Evil, selfish),

So we must:

  1. Learn how to recognize both (takes discernment, digging)

  2. Treat one with loyalty/support, the other with suspicion/resistance


>Q: Unity is strength, don’t let them divide you!

A warning against weakening your own ranks ONLY. Does NOT apply to appeasing the ENEMY.

It means don’t destroy a fellow Patriot over minor differences in approach to our shared objective. Duly criticize of course, but don’t do lasting harm.

Does NOT apply to tolerating the fake and gay trojan horse of “we are all one” new age bs of the enemy, does NOT apply to tolerating fake and gay impostors claiming to be on our side while secretly subverting it.


You know the saying about give a man a fish vs. teach him how.

What if

>Learn our comms

doesn’t just apply to decodes?

What if discernment between good and evil is the ultimate decode?

Anonymous ID: 3ab5a8 May 12, 2018, 4:16 p.m. No.1388994   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The infiltrator/impostors follow similar strategies of actual parasites:

  1. confusion and mimicry to camouflage their true intentions until host begins to notice.

  2. active suppression of early immune response


In the case of human subversion, suppression of the immune response is ridicule, labeling the very act of resisting as pathological, morally wrong, stupid, a risk to you the host.


That is a lie. A fever is good because it drives out the pathogens. It doesn't feel good, but it passes. And then you heal.


For everything there is a time.

A time to fight, a time to heal.

Godspeed Q team and anons.

Anonymous ID: 3ab5a8 May 12, 2018, 4:39 p.m. No.1389306   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I saw Anon make one of them cry the other nite.

"you've gone too far waahhhh"

Was pretty glorious that.

They come here thinking they're going to make anons look bad or confuse the normies.

And then self-assembled squadron of anons just pepper their sorry asses with truth bombs and DGAFs.

If they kept their mouths shut and just let MSM do the brainwashing, they'd actually be ahead.

We'd still be talking in (((code))) and most of it would be inscrutable to newbs.

But the shills needle and we push back, and b4 you can scream oy vey there it is, all spelled out. Mad lulz every time.