Anonymous ID: e024cd May 12, 2018, 3:48 p.m. No.1388626   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8642 >>8653 >>8676 >>8698 >>8780 >>8969 >>8995 >>9035 >>9075 >>9107 >>9228 >>9321


Stop and think for a minute. Do you really believe that POTUS and anyone in his inner circle would be posting specific details about a plan to take down the Satanic cabal on an image board? Obviously most, and perhaps all, details of such a plan would be classified, would it not? What is a LARP? Are you expecting Q to post specific details about events and dates? Do you also believe that arresting all these people would lead to ANY of them being prosecuted? Friend, let me tell you this…not one of them would be convicted. Not one! Many of the people at the top of the criminal justice system are corrupt. Things would be slow walked. Evidence would disappear. Judges and juries would rule in favor of the criminals if it ever got to that point. To prosecute these people the AG needs a rock solid case with irrefutable evidence, and he needs prosecutors who were not on the Clinton/Soros payroll. We still don't know who all of these people are yet. The DOJ and the FBI that POTUS inherited from Hussein was full of Clinton people who cleared her of all wrongdoing without even interviewing her. They would have done the very same thing for all the others.


Q doesn't have to tell us anything at all. And what he does tell us is not supposed to be clear cut detals of how anything is going to go down. That would be just stupid. Would you tell your enemies all the details of your plans to destroy them? Some people who come here to read the posts seem to eventually forget where they are and that not everyone here is a patriot or has good intentions. I like Q's Socratic method of asking questions that encourage people to search for the information and come to conclusions about the answers on their own.


Not everything is meant to be clearly understood by us now. And some posts are not intended for us at all. The world has been the way that is is for a very long time, and it is not going to change overnight. People get impatient and want to see everything happening right away. Please!


Its for the very same reason why many so-called Christians backslide away from God. They believe that God should act according to THEIR timetable and do things the way that THEY want when THEY want him to. And when it doesn't happen that way they get mad and say that there is no God. They read about all of God's promises in the Bible, but decided that they can't be bothered waiting for those things any longer so they go live their lives however they want. Does God care about faithless humans who huff and puff and criticize him? I don't think so. God will do what God wants to do whenever he feels its the right time to do it, and that's just the way it is.


Our POTUS is not an impulsive despot who acts on whims. He has to move purposefully and cautiously with every move because bad actors in our government and media and all over the world are actively working to cause him to fail. So, 'Q' shows up to give some hints about certain things that are happening. He has told us that everything is somehow connected to everything else, but we have not successfully figured out many of these connections. That doesn't mean that the posts are wrong, only that we still don't know a lot of what has happened or is happening behind the scenes. Anons have discovered many things from digging into the hints that are dropped here….many things that most of us previously had no clue about. if we can't figure out the answers on our own then we just wait until the event is publicly revealed.


Q never asked anyone to trust him/them. He asked people to trust the plan. The plan is not Q's plan, it's POTUS's plan. POTUS will move the plan forward as he sees fit, and perhaps we should apologize if that doesn't suit your expectations. If you believe that things can and should be moving along much faster then perhaps you could run for office and after you win you could implement your own plan. See how far you'd get and how quickly you'd get there when so many people all around are doing everything possible to slow you down and stumble you.


Maybe you could do it better. Maybe. Take a break if you are fatigued, but don't go too far.

Anonymous ID: e024cd May 12, 2018, 4:14 p.m. No.1388959   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9221


The apology was forced. He was facing a big lawsuit. That whole thing ended badly all around. The pedogate story was growing, but there wasn't yet any solid evidence to prove any of it, and a LOT of Youtube famewhores fired up channels and begun sensationalizing 'pizzagate' in such an over-the-top way that it quickly lost credibility in the mainstream. A few of the pissagate videos were very well done. Most of them were ridiculous. Google removed many of them from Youtube after a while. I remember reading that a lot of AJ's fans were disappointed when he apologized and retracted the story, but I can't imagine what else they expected him to do.