Anonymous ID: 9ca3af June 12, 2021, 11:45 a.m. No.13887553   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>13887349 pb

We're sitting here fighting abortion to preserve life on earth because they want to wipe us out and so you're saying that OUR GOD is going to just come down and destroy the world and all of us in it and do it for satan, Himself?GET. FUKKEN. REAL.What happens in Heaven will manifest on Earth.

Anonymous ID: 9ca3af June 12, 2021, 1:20 p.m. No.13888080   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>13883966 pb

Dude, don't complicate it. ALL thought creates, not just some. God is consciousness. Period.


There wasn't a man with physical arms and legs floating in the pitch black sky that thought, "Let there be light." and then there was light. "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God." THAT was Conciosuness or the Awareness of Being/I AM…also known as 1st cause. That is the consciousness we ALL come from. IT IS NEUTRAL. Jesus the man ascended in Consciousness and blended with God consciousness to become the Christ. What kind of thoughts become things is up to the thinker thinking them. That's why we are changing the paradigm. FAITH happens in your thoughts, so does fear, so does drinking a glass of water, so does your entire existence. These "definitions" you use as your "factual" point of reference are ONLY someone else's thoughts. They don't mean shit or define shit. It is ALL only about the awareness of being and what that awareness is currently thinking about/focused on, period. You put on the full armor of God with your thoughts. There is ONLY God or the "pinching" off or resisting it. Like when you turn off the lights in your house you are just resisting the current, you aren't making some dark mist come cover the room. The devil was defeated long ago and only has whatever power people think it does or give it with their faithless/fearful thoughts. There's only God and the rest IS a distortion or illusion as you said. But you can't say SOME thoughts create but not others when our entire existence IS just consciousness and that's how we are eternal. You know.. the whole elon musk synthetic brain- evergreen- facebook 'type with your thoughts and hear through your skin'-gates and marina hologram commercial for eternal life-HAARP mind control- voice to skull- our brains are JUST transmitters and receivers of frequency type thing. So.. believe whatever distorted shit u want, but there IS only God, and that's the truth, the way and the life. The rest is clutter.