Anonymous ID: 3ce1f2 June 12, 2021, 4:47 p.m. No.13889190   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9202 >>9205 >>9208 >>9215 >>9431


>Alex Jones paid $500,000 to organize the insurrection on January 6th and he admits


Calls for Alex Jones' Arrest Grow Louder After His $500K Donation to January 6 Rally Resurfaces


Right-wing radio host Alex Jones is facing online calls for his arrest after social media users resurfaced the conspiracy theorist's nearly $500,000 donation to a January 6 rally that preceded the Capitol riot.


In a video posted from Washington D.C. on January 6, Jones said his media company paid to organize the pro-Trump rally that took place prior to the insurrection. He also claimed that the White House instructed him to lead the march to the Capitol.


"No one would book the Ellipse, no one would book the other areas. No one would pay for it. We went and paid for it," he said. "It cost close to half a million dollars."


Jones has previously faced calls for his arrest over his involvement in pushing Trump's baseless claim that widespread voter fraud caused his election defeat to President Joe Biden. In December, critics demanded the radio host be arrested for insisting that Biden would be removed from office "one way or the other."


On Saturday, the calls for Jones' arrest grew louder after a Twitter user resurfaced his donation to the event that led to the riot. "Alex Jones paid $500,000 to organize the insurrection on January 6th and he admits to getting his marching orders from Donald Trump. They literally sponsored a domestic terrorist attack on our nation's capital. Arrest them," tweeted user @davenewworld_2, alongside Jones' January 6 video.


Alex Jones paid $500,000 to organize the insurrection on January 6th and he admits to getting his marching orders from Donald Trump. They literally sponsored a domestic terrorist attack on our nation's capital. Arrest them.

— Fifty Shades of Whey (@davenewworld_2) June 12, 2021


The post prompted "Alex Jones" to trend on Twitter, with more than 48,000 users discussing the video. Numerous users demanded his arrest for his involvement in the rally, while some conservatives defended Jones' remarks.


"Why is Alex Jones a free man?" tweeted David Weissman, a former Trump supporter.

Anonymous ID: 3ce1f2 June 12, 2021, 4:49 p.m. No.13889206   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9388 >>9821

Maxine Waters is Dodging Being Served by Republican Joe Collins Who Accuses Her Defamation and Illegal Voting Practices


Republican Joe Collins is challenging Democrat Maxine Waters for her Congressional seat for the second time in 2022. The first time in 2020, he had two issues with Waters, for which he is suing her. The first case for defamation, which was dismissed and appealed according to his legal counsel, Michael Douglas Carlin, and the second case for election interference in 2020, Carlin and Collins have described Waters as dodgy.


Joe Collins told The Gateway Pundit:


“Maxine Waters is dodging service of papers, she won’t even accept legal papers anywhere I try to find her. She has her office staff say they refuse to accept for her, and she is not anywhere to be found.”


Carlin explained the situation further, adding that he had video tapped himself trying to serve Waters in her Los Angeles office, at her California mansion, and even to Washington DC office. He could not find her, nor would her office staff accept the papers from him.


The three-part video evidence of his story is on his youtube page.


The first video in his three-part series is especially interesting because Carlin clearly shows that Waters staff, who is in the office, is lying and refuses to take the legal papers.


Collins had one lawsuit for defamation against Waters when she spent “$700,000′ to advertise an outright lie about Collin’s military service, claiming that Collis was dishonorably discharged. Carlin told Gateway Pundit it is a slam dunk case, except for a Democrat judge who wants to be re-elected in a heavily Democrat area protecting Democrat Maxine Waters.


Carlin told Gateway Pundit:


“The defamation case is now a Veteran Rights issue and it is easy, because Collins either was or was not dishonrably discharged, and we are going to take that one all the way to the Supreme Court now. He was given an honorable discharge, it is in his DD214. Joe wants to defend all Veterans. If we let that one stand anyone can refer to Collins Versus Waters and say it is ok to lie about the service of a Veteran. We are appealing: COURT OF APPEAL: B312937 – Collins, III v. Waters, et al. [ Trial Court Case No: 20STCV37401 ].”


The second case is an Election case, for which Waters refuses to be served. Carlin says he feels very optimistic about the case because what happened is illegal. Carlin told the Gateway Pundit that he and Collins are prepared to take that one to the US Supreme Court as well and an appeal on the first ruling has been filed.


Carlin told TGP:


“I have tried to serve Maxine Waters six times. We had a hearing today and we will have another hearing in 60 days. There is a statute in California that the signatures must be validated for mail-in ballots, and none of them were. I believe the office was overwhelmed and understaffed and they just couldn’t verify signatures, but it is still illegal. Two other people were served for that case, without a problem. This is a pretty standard case. The Mail in Ballot boxes were left unattended at night, no one was watching them, anyone could have stuffed them leaving everything too ripe for fraud.”


Collins told GWP:


“Maxine could have used the power of the government to find out about my record, and she didn’t. I came closer than anyone else to beating her, and she is scared of me. I want to fix Education and bring back Jobs to this area. We are focused on engagement here. Maxine doesn’t even know the people in her district. I do and I live here.”

Anonymous ID: 3ce1f2 June 12, 2021, 5:07 p.m. No.13889323   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9850

Poll Rates Ex-Mossad Chief Cohen as Potential Likud Party Leader if Netanyahu Steps Aside - Report


Cohen has reportedly enjoyed a close relationship with the outgoing Israeli prime minister, apparently due to his significant role in the special operations aimed at undermining Iran's influence in the region. According to the Israeli media, Netanyahu has himself called Cohen his possible successor in the party.


Members of Israel's right-wing Likud Party prefer former spy agency chief Yossi Cohen to head the party if its current leader Benjamin Netanyahu decides to resign from the post, given that a new coalition government will soon assume power in the Jewish state, The Times of Israel reported.


A Channel 12 news poll reportedly showed on Saturday that 27 percent of Likud respondents were in favor of Cohen, who was followed by ex-Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat with 16 percent. Next comes Israel's ambassador to the US and the UN, Gilad Erdan, who has the support of 8 percent of the party, and Finance Minister Israel Katz who stands at 5 percent.


This comes after a revealing interview with the ex-top spy, published earlier this week, in which he shared details on the Mossad operations against Iran in the region. In particular, Cohen hinted at Israel's possible role in the recent Natanz plant accident and the assassination of Iranian top nuclear physicist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, who the Israeli government believes was behind a special unit within the Iranian military allegedly working to develop a nuke.


Barkat, who also has aspirations of succeding Netanyahu as Likud leader, reportedly commented that the outgoing prime minister should have stepped aside in recent weeks in order to prevent the newly formed coalition from taking power. The eight-party government will include parties from all over the political spectrum - starting from the right-wing Yamina led by Naftali Bennet and Israel Our Home to the left-wing Meretz - but will not include Netanyahu's Likud.


If Netanyahu had followed his advice, "Likud and the national camp would have been forming the government on Sunday", the TOI quoted Barkat as saying.


Earlier, Israeli President Reuven Rivlin gave Yair Lapid, the leader of Israel's largest opposition party Yesh Atid, a mandate to form a coalition government after Netanyahu failed to do it following the inconclusive March elections. Naftali Bennett will become the country's new prime minister on a rotation basis, and be replaced by Lapid after about two years.


In a last-ditch attempt to retain power, Netanyahu might try to ruin the opposition's plans of building a broad coalition on Sunday, as he's been harshly criticizing right-wing parties, especially Yamina and New Hope - Unity for Israel, for joing the leftists. Ironically, on Friday, Netanyahu offered his Defense Minister Benny Gantz the prime ministership for three years - which Gantz ran against Netanyahu to win - in an attempt to save their coalition from falling apart.


"Whoever is right does not vote for a left-wing government, and whoever is for a left-wing government is not right", Netanyahu tweeted.


The ousting came as another blow (but apparently the most striking) for the Israeli prime minister, who has been the subject of multiple corruption investigations in relation to allegations that he had received luxury gifts from various businessman, pushed through legislation that would benefit a major newspaper and supported loosening regulations on telecom giant Bezeq in return for favorable coverage.


Netanyahu has been leading the Israeli government for more than 12 consecutive ears, thus breaking the record of the country's first prime minister David Ben-Gurion. In accordance with Israeli political tradition, Netanyahu will have to handover the premiership to Bennett in a transition ceremony, but due to his harsh criticism of the new coalition, this tradition may be broken, media speculates.—report/

Anonymous ID: 3ce1f2 June 12, 2021, 5:15 p.m. No.13889381   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9394

Anonymous ID: 3ce1f2 June 12, 2021, 5:18 p.m. No.13889404   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9850

COVID-19 digital vaccination certificates are here. This is what you need to know


Australians fully vaccinated against COVID-19 can now use a digital certificate as proof of vaccination.


The certificate is automatically generated and available on the Express Plus Medicare app.


But it's unclear if it can be used as a "vaccine passport" out of coronavirus restrictions.

What is a digital vaccine certificate?


For those who have had both doses of an approved vaccine – currently Pfizer or AstraZeneca – the COVID-19 digital certificate will be automatically generated and available through their Medicare account.


The proof of vaccination can be accessed and downloaded on a smartphone app or found online.


Minister for Government Services Linda Reynolds said the record made it easy for people to show their coronavirus vaccination status "anytime, anywhere".


"We're also giving people control over the level of vaccination history they share, as the certificate only shows your COVID-19 vaccination status," Ms Reynolds said.


The certificate features the person's name, date of birth and the dates of their vaccination injections. The validity of the certificate is protected with a holographic coat of arms watermark and unique document number.

How do I get the vaccination certificate?


The COVID-19 digital certificate is automatically generated after the second dose of an approved vaccine.


Hank Jongen, Services Australia general manager, told ABC Radio Melbourne the best way to access the digital certificate is through the Express Plus Medicare smartphone app.


"Link Medicare to your MyGov account. Once you've done that, download the app because that means the evidence is there in the palm of your hand," he said.


The certificate can also be found online by logging into Medicare via MyGov, and going to "immunisation history".


Mr Jongen confirmed Medicare accounts must be linked to MyGov before the vaccine certificate can be accessed.


For those unable to find the certificate online or via the app, an immunisation history statement can be requested from your vaccine provider or the Australian Immunisation Register.


The certificate will still be available for those who have opted out of My Health Record, as the Australian Immunisation Register is a separate database.