President Trump: Release the “Conspiratorium!”
By Kent Heckenlively, JD
Like many of you I’ve been thinking a lot about Q and the “Conspiratorium” which has gathered around him – not necessarily considering if Q is real or a Psy-Op, whether he is Artificial Intelligence, or he’s Trump, or in league with Trump, but something much deeper.
The most important questions are spiritual ones and I respectfully wonder if Q is spiritually advanced enough to handle what has been placed in his/her/its hands.
I refer to the Q posts in which it is said that not everything can be disclosed because the ninety-five percent of the population who has not entered one of the hallways of the conspiratorium would go absolutely nuts if the truth was revealed.
This is a matter of faith. I have no evidence or facts to back this up. But neither does Q. It is a gut-level feeling and I will tell you mine.
The ninety-five percent of the population who is in the dark about the wickedness and corruption which haunts so many parts of our world can handle the truth. I believe in them, even though at this moment many of them may believe I am nuttier than a fruitcake.
The five percent of us who have struggled with the darkness will take them gently by the hand and lead them to a better place. I believe my fellow members of the conspiratorium have become kind and powerful spiritual warriors. That is what being vilified by the mainstream media, and being ignored by family and friends has done to us. We have become better people through what for many of us has been unimaginable suffering in our families.
We are fierce warriors, especially against those who lie, and yet we have a gentleness about us which would astonish our enemies.
I have no hesitation in letting people know my wing of the conspiratorium deals with vaccines and autism.
I do not have an informed opinion about other wings of the conspiratorium, such as the 911 wing, the Kennedy assassination wing, the GMO wing, the suppressed technologies and cures wing, the alien wing, the chem-trails wing, or the virtues of a plant-based diet wing.
Because of the lies that have been allowed to flourish, those of us who have sought the truth on various subjects have been confined to a virtual conspiratorium, where our friends and families believe us not only to be wrong, but dangerously misguided.