Your just jealous and mad. Stay mad.
NOBODY has smaller hands then this pooh bear chink.
Only jews say it's not jews or it's not only jews.
The jews control the media
The people attacking jews out in the open are their own allies. Even nature attacks jews because they are evil and they live to lie and make slaves out of all of us and our lineages.
All jews do is race bait and agitate black people to hate white people. I hope people start waking up to the reality we have to deal with on a daily basis living in this God forsaken jewish dominated country. Jewish supremacy either by religion, holocaust you are to surrender to them and stop opposing what they try to brainwash all of us and your children with.
kek. WOuld you have the pepe version of the aerobic instructor in front of the myanmar raid?
The institution of religion is sacrilege and it came from the temple which the catholics mimic. The catholics and all the churches do the same as the temple. They charge MONEY for services. The TEMPLE OF THE JEWS WAS A BANK! IT WAS A FUCKING BANK!!!