Anonymous ID: bae8e0 June 13, 2021, 2:47 p.m. No.13895520   🗄️.is 🔗kun


boomers are enjoying your future


don't you see them all living the american dream?


i can't wait to reap the fruit of hard work in this honest and fair land

Anonymous ID: bae8e0 June 13, 2021, 3:27 p.m. No.13895889   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5939 >>5941 >>5949 >>5978 >>6118

German/American lawyer Reiner Fuellmich interviews Dr. Peter McCullough

46 mins


What do you think is going on ?




Dr McCullough

What's going on: A form of bioterrorism

Every response to "pandemic" made it worse: overtesting, lockdowns, etc.

He thought is was be pretty easy to treat

But encountered tremendous resistance to treating.

Suppression of early treatment was tightly tied to the development of a vaccine.

Lockdowns: designed to isolate people and prep them for phase 2: vaccine.

Can't say that over TV.


Major medical organizations

seem to be "under a spell" right now.

C19 - a group he organized

FLCCC, PANDA, HART, BIRD, Amer Frontline MD's, Childrens Defense Fund - other orgs

AAPS - only established group that worked with him

Organized about 500 MDs and telemed services - helped crush the pandemic.

Tried to stay out of politics.


Now working to change public view of vaccine

Been slowly turning the ship.

Rates of those getting the vax have dropped since April 8.

Involved in Houston Methodist Hospital case - will be escalated to SCOTUS

Are engaging more and more attorneys.


Current Projects

They are working against vax passports, allowing employers to mandate vax, etc.

Counterviewpoint to Fauci, etc.

They now have contacts in DC, social media contacts and national TV (FOX).

Twitter and YT still oppose.

Trying to get public figures who oppose the vax to speak out.

Don't know who is behind it - but they want a needle in every arm.


Goal: to get a large group that they CANNOT vax.






Dr M: VAERS data is probably only 10%: believe there are now OVER 50,000 dead Americans from these "vaxxes."


"We gave up on the MSM."

"We have to go straight to the people."

Anonymous ID: bae8e0 June 13, 2021, 3:41 p.m. No.13895975   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6022


Reiner Fuellmich is extraordinary - so is Dr. McCullough.


There is also a thread on /qrb/ that a /qr/ anon started on fake pandemics and pretend viruses where info on COVID is being compiled:


has about 80 posts so far.

Anonymous ID: bae8e0 June 13, 2021, 3:49 p.m. No.13896036   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6101


What CAPS?


You are referencing a Q drop from Jan 2018.

8bit was BO of /qresearch/ on 8kun until about first week of April 2019.


The only BO directly chastised - TWICE - by Q is FastJack. In July 2019, after he seized control of the dough and forced bakers out. Q first asked that deleted sections of dough from pgs 3 and 4 be restored; then in response to requests from anons, asked that entire dough be reverted on July 18.


Who was hoping Q would jump to MNR?

Anons just want to work where they can work without harassment.

Anonymous ID: bae8e0 June 13, 2021, 3:53 p.m. No.13896062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6177


Nope, all lies.

Made up, not gonna read this, this guy always throws shit at the wall hoping some will stick.

Pretty good tactic at first but not if you look closely.

Q never called anybody out.

Never Q'd any baker except Doc, who used to bake all day long every day.


There was never a bread war.

There was a takeover made possible by FJ supporting OSS. Once the BO supports somebody, it's over. No contest.

Anonymous ID: bae8e0 June 13, 2021, 3:58 p.m. No.13896117   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6144


All the red lines in the world won't establish a connection where none exists.

Constant repetition was more effective.

But even that's grown stale.

Just look on the boards where bakers went to see what kind of work is done - and compare it to QR, where there is constant chaos purposely instigated.

Fake conflict, fake problems, fake "baker war" - all to break up patriot efforts - no different than the fake pandemic.

Anonymous ID: bae8e0 June 13, 2021, 4 p.m. No.13896139   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm amazed at the work these lawyers and doctors are doing. Reiner is setting up a network around the world, one patriot at a time. And the doctors, nurses and other medical professionals have more and more irons in the fire. Truly encouraging to watch.