Anonymous ID: c16082 June 13, 2021, 3:04 p.m. No.13895677   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5895

>>13895419 pb


>>13895426 pb

>>13895409 pb

>>13895402 pb

>>13895375 pb

^^^ Proved correct again

Dude is from somewhere else, not organic to here, it's an astroturf from half chan.. .that's the first layer

But it obviously was ignorant of us before it came here.

Maybe it just read about us on Reddit and that's why the disrespect?

Or maybe deeper// I understand Gizzlaine was a mod on Reddit.

>>13895361 pb

>>13895374 pb

Claims no one reads the hash compilations

Yes, they do.

And what do they find?

A big fat nothing.

Except the idiot promotes its own critics

I thought about this, They are so used to fucking with the sheep, they do stuff like that - put out alleged evidence which shows nothing, but with a sneer. And expects everyone to think it's damning. As what they did to DJT POTUS over "Russia Russia" or to Nixon over "The burglery"

Anybody who bothered to look couldn't find it (the evidence of crime) since it was not there.


"evading" what?

As if it has the right to ban?

It's got an over-estimate of its own worth and role.



abusing BV privileges



>>13895241 pb

Why prove yourself to the guy

It's a crook

Like lining up for the police to prove you are innocent.

Offer for them to search your bag; it's unnecessary.


>>13895239 pb

no "River Bottom Phoenix" did a fake death. Bet you can't guess who it is now?


>>13895206 pb

upcoming indictments.

still waiting.


>>13895205 pb


It says we're all the same person?

What if we were a team, as you are?


>>13895115 pb

Maybe they'll show us its picture again?





Why do they have to announce THE BODY AT THE BOTTOM OF THE CLIFF has "nothing to do" with event?


"OSS new role as BV is perfect


he always seemed like the perfect stereotypical snitch"


An the retort is always

Ur ...anime,,, kike... laughing man... pig... fungus... what are some more names?



So paranoid it's more than one person

It's more than one person.