Anonymous ID: f891cf June 13, 2021, 2:44 p.m. No.13895489   🗄️.is 🔗kun


New York Times Reports Andrew Weissmann and Robert Mueller Sought, Then Hid, Special Counsel Surveillance of Trump White House Attorney Don McGhan


June 13, 2021 | sundance | 42 Comments


My headline is what happened, the New York Times headline is massive spin: “Apple Is Said to Have Turned Over Data on Trump’s White House Counsel in 2018”.


Notice what the New York Times is doing here. Everything about their article is written to hide, obfuscate and ignore the reality of what their article actually is revealing. Look closely:



…So what this New York Times article is really highlighting is how the Weissmann/Mueller special counsel went after the personal records of White House Attorney Don McGhan and his family. DOJ Attorney Andrew Weissmann was digging for information that could be used against the Trump White House. THAT is where the subpoenas came from.


It is possible the New York Times is trying to get out in front of the issue with this article. Keep in mind the primary PR firm of the FBI is the New York Times. When the FBI needs cover, they shape their side of events to the New York Times via “people familiar with the matter” etc.


Perhaps Durham is close to reporting on the motives and operations of the Special Counsel, who knows? But there’s a reason why the New York Times is trying to cloud the background of what this surveillance of the Trump White House counsel is all about.

Anonymous ID: f891cf June 13, 2021, 3:06 p.m. No.13895699   🗄️.is 🔗kun



One, two, three, four

I just want to celebrate another day of livin'

I just want to celebrate another day of life

I put my faith in the people

But the people let me down

So I turned the other way

And I carry on, anyhow

Anonymous ID: f891cf June 13, 2021, 3:07 p.m. No.13895712   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Had my hand on the dollar bill

And the dollar bill flew away

But the sun is shining down on me

And it's here to stay