Anonymous ID: 1724a4 June 13, 2021, 7:17 p.m. No.13897850   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New climate script already starting to emerge


Climate lockdowns. Limiting driving and commercial activity, on fear of muh climate. All up in your grill with agenda 2030. Keep people at home, let BlackRock buy up all the land and homes in the US, issue people cards when they can go somewhere, what farmers can grow, etc.


Its for the 'planet' don't ya know.

Anonymous ID: 1724a4 June 13, 2021, 7:36 p.m. No.13898004   🗄️.is 🔗kun


By allowing temporary CCP indoctrination into the rank and file of the Military it exposes the closet Marxist in the ranks who are motivated by oppression and slavery. Secretary Austin is as much of a clown as that other Austin. By allowing the narrative to collapse and create a flood of whistleblowers it provides legitimate means of allowing the Military to hold Tribunals against officers within the Military pushing for Anti-American CCP Critical Theory from EM's Revolution. By allowing the bad actors to come up for air now that the public is aware that the enemy is already within the gates, its now time to start the show. Time is an illusion and when Tribunals begin, sure its a boolean that gets toggled in that moment in time, however given the complex quantum nature of time, it takes a lot of time (proportional to the efficiency of comprehension, deliverability performance, and number of IS-BEs involved). In order to take down a 6,000 year old death cult, we needed a lot of time to go after every angle. Everything is connected because the decision factors are coming from a centralized command authority and its more obvious now than ever. Its embarrassingly transparent and do you think its safe for [them] to walk down the street? No. Not for long. The time to get involved is now. The time for sitting back and not interfering was during 45s 1st term. It was too dangerous. Patriots are in control! School board meetings? Mass awakening against [them]? When will the audit results get published? Are known liars and liberal bigots on Fake News and Fox News going to continue to say that every audit performed of the 2020 Election came back that it was perfect. Are you awake yet? The AZ audit results are still being processed and somebody apparently knows the outcome of these audits now the DOJ has stepped in to interfere. Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing. Enjoy the show. The time to act is now. Leave the popcorn. Attend your Town meetings now. Attend your school board meetings now. Run for office. Speak the truth. The Masons are being thrown out. Their time has come to an end. Invention Secrecy Act = Treason. Plandemic = Treason. Birthing People Factories / Experiments = Treason. Mass Surveillence = Treason. Election Heist = Treason.


Anonymous ID: 1724a4 June 13, 2021, 8:02 p.m. No.13898168   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Actually me too. I became an expact in late 2016 and didn't get to vote. No way to vote in 2020 since I don't have a home of record in a US state.


Hoped and prayed for someone like Trump ever since Reagan, and confident that he will be returning.


Its a glorious time to be alive.