Anonymous ID: 4cc23b June 13, 2021, 10:38 p.m. No.13898874   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>Anyone else here feeling this?


Yes. Lies from Day 1.

Timelines change history.


Follow your gut instinct on your knowing, what resonates for You. Every individual connects to the collective in frequency. More truths unlock as we each remember who we are. We are souls having a 'human' experience.


They pulling strings of control are desperate as they can only survive with us staying dumbed down and programmed as their failed timeline has to be seen by all in order for most of humanity to evolve.


The end is not for everyone.


People are being tested on this planet of duality, the end game is the possession of your soul. Stay in the failed timeline with [them], evil ai, end game or wake up, get to 0(Zero) point to unlock the 9 through frequency/emotions and the soul through God(Source) returns to (Source), Heaven realm unlocked.


Violence is low frequency.

Love, peace is the key to unlock the heart.


Step back, pray, meditate and Armor of God on daily even in researching. Unlock who you are and understand your mission here.


Blessings, fren