Anonymous ID: 89c024 June 13, 2021, 10:20 p.m. No.13898808   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8820 >>8834 >>8846 >>8862 >>8868 >>8874 >>8879 >>8924 >>8931 >>8960 >>8991 >>9019 >>9049

Is there anyone else out there lurking? I have some questions about our journey through all this. I can remember when Q’s drops were still new and the trepidation I had about it. As time went on and the proofs kept coming it became a mathematical certainty. So now after all this time we all find ourselves here wondering when the hammer is coming down. I think we all would appreciate some validation or at least to know for sure we were fucking correct. I just want to know the truth. I don’t care about revenge or validation. I want to know. The truth is only the truth when it is the whole truth. Which brings me to why I am writing this. Humans have existed on this planet for at least 200,000 years probably more but written records only go back 5,000 years. So what I want to know is the whole truth. I want to know what happened to our history and who or what erased it. I have spent countless hours trying to figure it out and the best guess is just that a guess. After all this do we need an answer? I can’t speak for anyone but myself and I suppose I know. I know that throughout the entire 5,000 or so years of recorded history that we have been lied to. From ancient Sumeria and Egypt to this moment there has been an elite ruling class of people that have lied to the rest of us. At the moment, for most of us here, it is obvious we are being lied to and in many cases simple to figure out exactly what they are lying about. The foundation of our civilization are built on lies. The biggest lie is that we the people need them. That our survival and safety is reliant on them. That we need their money and we need their religion and their education to live. That what they provide is what we need. I think the truth is exactly the opposite. I believe that what we need is within us. The great awakening isn’t going to be a mystery and it isn’t something that can be co-opted or manipulated. The great awakening is everyone knowing the whole truth. When this happens what will you do? This board and our individual research has prepared us for this moment. Our knowledge and unique abilities will be instrumental in maintaining order. We will be given the opportunity to for the first time to be leaders and to fulfill our mission. Seems like a fucking wild idea but what should any of do? I assume that when the truth is known most people will want violence. I think that being patient and allowing for justice to take its proper course is important because it will demonstrate our strength and unity. Personally I don’t care what becomes of any of these bastards, I just want to move forward. I would love it if we didn’t have to suffer through the indignities of our daily lives and instead worked together towards common goals. We the people will shed the yoke of the chosen few. We have been playing a game with a tremendous disadvantage but that is going to change. I don’t know how or why or when exactly, I just know. I know it to be true and I know other people know it also and I know it is spreading and that more and more truth will be known and eventually all will know and be known. Anyone else here feeling this?

Anonymous ID: 89c024 June 13, 2021, 11:27 p.m. No.13899032   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Sharing our knowledge and our thoughts is vital to our growth as individuals and a community. Using our knowledge as weapon and saying Language is nothing more than math is bullshit. Maybe that is true but who fucking cares. Do we talk in numbers? Why bother with that statement to prove how smart you are. I don’t fucking care. If you want to share then explain and teach me something don’t talk down to me like I’m an idiot. Anyway thanks to you and the anon who responded to you is ridiculous.