curious, isn't it. those people who now get instabannded in BV bann hammer is in the chair used to run rough shod over everyone here, bullying all the anon, announcing that thye were the crew that ran the place, staging 'bravado' and 'daring do' as conflict scripts, being jerks to everyone, and flooding the board with operational nonsense designed by inhouse agency hacks and their paid-for enablers.
so I found it curious when suddenly some time in the Spring the BV showed up and was seemingly going on with a rather horrid banter, expressing political views, and doing battle with some of the roboposters.
there was a new kind of flood that showed up sometime in March, (if my memory is correct) which was a script that created a container full of images that were all the same image, to start, but modified to have random and unique aspect ratios and sizes (within a range) and messaging to those posts was about Jim and Ron.
the idea was that iwas supposed to be Fred (the wheel chair guy, who is a villain in the script)
Part one, "the body was too long" so said the script.