Soros backed Palestinians and Antifa causing supply chain disruptions in Seattle.
Soros backed Palestinians and Antifa causing supply chain disruptions in Seattle.
Nice camera! Those blonde arm hairs and tan line remind me of those easy surfer girls. Their warm skin scented with coconut oil always willing to spend a little time in the back of your van on the beach.
No guilt, no obligations, no drugs, no disease, no tatoos. This brave new world is not a better place.
Losing Rush was literally a life changing experience as so many millions of people arranged their lives so they were able to listen during those three hours.
Salesmen planned their routes, farmers planned to be on the tractor, dairymen in the milking shed cleaning up.
America, for over 30 years planned their days around El Rushbo. It was a good run.
>Happy Birthday President Trump
This just jarred something loose been rattling around in the back of my head. Not a slide, honest.
Where's all the helium for the birthday balloons gone. Over the last couple years our local drug stores, gift stores and party stores haven't been able to get helium for their balloons. What gives?