Anonymous ID: 87f39e June 14, 2021, 7 a.m. No.13900580   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0592

China planning to launch attack on America "in a matter of months"


China has been planning this for 100 years and will take every opportunity to exploit America's weakness (Biden, election audits, mass vaccination of USMil).


Why is the Canadian border still closed?

Why have Canadians been so severely locked down?

Why is Texas suddenly introducing legislation against Chinese owning property?


America has never been more vulnerable to attack than it is right now.


Stop huffing hopium for 20 minutes and give a listen to JR Nyquist who knows far more about the CCP than you do.

Anonymous ID: 87f39e June 14, 2021, 7:11 a.m. No.13900638   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0669


>Just imagine if/when

what do you mean IF/WHEN?

it's already happening, FFS


West Point cadets are being put in solitary confinement for refusing the vaxx.


Our youngest, healthiest, finest and SMARTEST military members ARE BEING FORCED RIGHT NOW.

Anonymous ID: 87f39e June 14, 2021, 7:40 a.m. No.13900843   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0855 >>0871




This tired theoretical narrative holds no water. None.


it completely discounts the fact that the Pfizer vaxx was made by two Turks at BioNTech who took $55million from Bill Gates before being bought out by Pfizer.

The vaccines were all in the pipeline long before OWS, in labs all over the world.

Ask Tony Fauci how much of a personal stake he has in Moderna.


It's simply a ludicrous and egregious claim on Trump's part that his administration "saved large portions of the world."


>How many millions of third world people would that annihilate?

the FDA is not the world authority on vaccines

Israel wasn't looking to the FDA when it made its vaccine decisions

neither was Pakistan, where they are deactivating the SIM cards of those who refuse the shot.


This false, fictitious narrative needs to end.

It's an attempt to rationalize Trump's extremely vile position as the self-proclaimed "Father of the vaccine."



>Patriots Are Now In Control.

>Warp Speed saved Millions of lives

>Can't make something Mandatory when it's Declared a Choice.

this is a MAGA-bot

not a critical thinker