Anonymous ID: 33d41d May 12, 2018, 6 p.m. No.1390188   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0214 >>0224 >>0249 >>0255 >>0279 >>0282 >>0605


>If the white house, or military intelligence can't find a better, more effective place to communicate with patriots than this wretched hive of scum and villainy with all of the power of the military and white house at its beck and call, then they are likely to lose anyway and we're all fucked.


Newbie Anon, if you are truly just interested in following the Q drops without the drama of the chans then you might want to try BackChannel17. They hate him here for some reason. They mistakenly think Q told them that BC17 was not legit, but really all Q did was ignore their requests confirmation, and assumptions were made. BC17 has been operational since April. I think they were created as a "safe place" for normies to gravitate to for the Q experience.


Anyway BC17 posts all the latest Q drops almost as soon as they are posted on the chans, and tells you all the time he is not Q or speaking for Q. In the meantime you get lots of little tidbits throughout the day that are usually confirmed a little while later. I am a natural born skeptic and so far I have not caught BC17 doing or saying anything "off".


Why Did Q Pick 4chan & 8chan?


Q has always said the chans were chosen for a reason. POTUS has officially created a new military arm for Cyber Warfare. Part of Cyber Warfare (maybe a BIG part) would be Social Engineering. What if, in addition to helping the Qanon Team with public awareness as the drops unfold, and the directed Meme War campaigns, we also exist as a "test group" for honing and refining social manipulation skills under various adverse conditions? Perhaps we are even assisting in training AI software. I am ok with that - whatever helps the cause.


The chans at the time, back in October, were really the only social media outlet not controlled by the CIA. Of course most of us did not know that back then. As long as Reddit, Facebook, Youtube, Google, and Twitter are subject to the whims and agendas of the left and the CIA, where could a Cyber Warface group "practice"?


I have had this idea about our alternate purpose since early January and kept it to myself. Subsequent Cryptic Anon posts have recently bolstered my opinion. No need to rock the boat however, so I have stayed silent as the board has become more rigid and intolerant of thoughts and ideas that go against what has now evolved (devolved?) into more of an idealogy. We always seem to bounce back though, right!.


I have been here since the beginning in October.


I have contributed a few notables along the way with some deep research.


I will be thinking for myself, verifying everything, doing my own timeline research and analysis, just as I was doing before October


I will be here to celebrate on 11/11/2018 if the board is still here.


And now I will go back to lurking and learning, in the most chaotic, rewarding and enjoyable environment around.


Keep digging and fighting Anons!



Anonymous ID: 33d41d May 12, 2018, 6:22 p.m. No.1390369   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0397 >>0428


I watched that whole thing in real time (I am the boards constantly) and Q said no comms outside this platform. He never directly said that BC17 was a larp or a shill, and BC17has never posted anything he claims is a Q communication and ever has said that he talks to Q.


I have watched how people are viciously attacked when they mention BC17, so I have been expecting pushback. No surprise.


I spent a 45 year career as a programmer and systems analyst. I deal in logic not emotion. The vicious irrational attack on this one twitter account, who is a cheerleader of all thing Q and all things Trump is irrational.