Anonymous ID: c62106 May 12, 2018, 5:57 p.m. No.1390167   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0182 >>0270 >>0315 >>0522

In Q's drop


[Time to move on]

was written in brackets.

I wonder, is it an anagram?

I too movement (our answer to the #MeToo movement?)

Emotion vote MO (Are emotions running high in Missouri campaign?)


But wait…

[misinformation] and [targeted]

were also in brackets.


More anagrams?

Or 3 parts to one long anagram?

Or ???

Anonymous ID: c62106 May 12, 2018, 6:04 p.m. No.1390216   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0244 >>0269 >>0484


Yes, time to move on, and remember that Q closed with EXCELLENT advice…


Truth is Freedom.

Truth is logic.

Stay the course.


We need to stick to what we know is true.

Not guesses and suspicions and our preferences.

So unless you have facts about AJ and Corsi

That can be proven from more than one source

And are incontrovertible

Best to just IGNORE THEM.


Because we got a whole lot of truth from digging

That we can logically explain

Which has direct impact on people and their freedoms

So let's stay the course

Let's dig. make connections, draw maps and circular flow diagrams,

Talk to people in our local areas, get organized local

And be ready to educate the stream of people who are newcomers

To the horrendous revelations

Of how the USA was nearly destroyed

By the conspiracy of a organized crime network

That had tentacles worldwide

And which had plans to kill off 7.1 billion people

And that is no joke!

Anonymous ID: c62106 May 12, 2018, 6:09 p.m. No.1390256   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0271 >>0272 >>0292 >>0295 >>0417 >>0452 >>0695



You are WAYYYY off base here

We didn't lose any followers

We have no followers

Q has no followers

People are patriots or they are not

They are awake or they are not

They will choose to fight evil or they will not

These are things that matter

Who they follow is irrelevant

A woke patriot who is out in the world organizing in his local community and who NEVER comes to this board.

Is worth more than a dozen couch potatoes who sit at their computers monitoring Qresearch 16 hours a day but who never talk to anyone who is not a certified Q believer.

Anonymous ID: c62106 May 12, 2018, 7:02 p.m. No.1390757   🗄️.is 🔗kun



You are quite simpleminded

You don't seem to understand that a person could travel for more than one reason

That they could demand donations to their foundation for more than one reason

Maybe she is collecting her vigorish for scams in NZ that she helped set up

Maybe she is getting help laundering money from some other source.