Anonymous ID: 1003c2 June 14, 2021, 10:30 a.m. No.13901885   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1914 >>2178 >>2374

Wuhan Lab Partner Dr. Ralph Baric Reviewed Coronavirus Vaccine in December 2019 – After Scheming in 2018 on How to Make Money from Pandemic


When did Doctors Fauci and Baric find out about the China coronavirus leak in Wuhan and how did they know it?

Why was the US investigating the coronavirus vaccine before the Western world even knew about it?


On April 9, 2020, we were the first media outlet to report on major events leading up to the China coronavirus leak that we suspected came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. We were able to determine Chinese Doctor Shi Zhengli was part of a team that was working on a coronavirus project jointly with US doctors in 2014 before it was shut down by the DHS for being too risky.


After the US research project was shut down, Dr. Shi continued her coronavirus research in Wuhan, China.


We reported that Doctor Shi Zhengli from China was part of a team, including Doctor Ralph S. Baric from North Carolina, that published an article in a 2015 edition of Nature Medicine.


In the article, they discussed bat coronaviruses that showed potential for human emergence. The article was published in 2015.


This report was published shortly after their project was defunded by the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).


The HHS in 2014 sent a letter to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where they announced they were going to defund the program.


Dr. Ralph S. Baric was identified in the letter.


After the work stopped in the US, the Chinese moved forward with the project and ran research and development in Wuhan at the Wuhan Virology Center. From Shi Zhengli’s papers and resume, it is clear that they successfully isolated the virus in the lab and were actively experimenting with species <-species transmission.


Today, Dr. Lawrence Sellin, who contributed much to this effort to uncover the truth about COVID, reported that a December 12, 2019 agreement was signed by Dr. Ralph Baric that he would receive the “mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates developed and jointly-owned by NIAID and Moderna”:

Anonymous ID: 1003c2 June 14, 2021, 10:33 a.m. No.13901909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1965 >>1971 >>2029 >>2178 >>2181 >>2374

CONFIRMED: Judge Delays Depositions from Georgia Election Workers Ruby Freeman and Her Daughter Shae Moss


Earlier this month, Gateway Pundit reported that Shaye Moss was subpoenaed in Georgia for her activities in the 2020 election in Fulton County.


Shaye Moss was famous for kicking everyone out of the room where votes were counted in Fulton County and telling observers to go home. Then Shaye and others including Ralph Jones and her mother Ruby Freeman dragged hidden boxes of ballots out from underneath tables and started running them through the machines. Ruby Freeman was caught on tape running the same stack of suspect ballots through the machines multiple times:


Shae’ mother Ruby Freeman was also subpoenaed and served papers to testify.


Last week Georgia Elections analyst Garland Favorito told TGP reporter Jordan Conradson that it was likely the new motions by the Fulton County attorneys to challenge the audit of ballots in the county would likely delay the depositions of Ruby and her daughter until after the motions are resolved.


A judge on Thursday agreed to postpone the depositions of election workers in Fulton County, Georgia.


Martin Walsh at Conservative Brief reported:


A judge has agreed to postpone depositions of election workers in Fulton County, Georgia.


The election workers were set to give depositions after a lawsuit was filed alleging that thousands of fraudulent ballots might have been cast there.


The plaintiffs said they consented to allow the depositions to be rescheduled until after a judge holds a hearing on a motion to dismiss the case, according to a filing submitted to Fulton County Superior Court.


This agreement, the petitioners said, made a prior filing by the defense moot after attorneys for Fulton County officials asked the court to grant a protective order to postpone the depositions…


…Lawyers for the Fulton County, Georgia Board of Registration and Elections filed a last-minute motion to the court to dismiss the election fraud case brought by Garland Favorito and others before the forensic audit is launched.

Anonymous ID: 1003c2 June 14, 2021, 10:35 a.m. No.13901926   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2178 >>2374

Lying Hack Gets Promotion: Biden’s Pick for Top Pentagon Post Is Former Aide Who Pushed Garbage Steele Dossier to Damage Trump


Dr. Colin Kahl is an unhinged lunatic who pushed the Steele Dossier to damage President Trump.


Kahl defended the Obama regime’s decision to buy off the Iranian terror regime with billions of dollars for a weak nuclear deal.

The Iranian regime then spent the dollars on funding terror groups in the region.


Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) destroyed Colin Kahl for being wrong on EVERY major decision on war and peace.


So it only makes sense that the Biden-Obama regime would promote him to a top Pentagon post.


The Washington Examiner reported:


President-elect Joe Biden’s pick for a top Pentagon post has a lengthy Twitter history of defending British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s discredited dossier and promoting allegations of Trump-Russia collusion.


A statement issued on Wednesday said Colin Kahl, a former deputy assistant to President Barack Obama and national security adviser to then-vice president Biden from 2014 to 2017, was announced as Biden’s nominee for undersecretary of defense for policy, along with Kathleen Hicks picked as deputy defense secretary. Biden said Kahl would “help lead the Department of Defense with integrity and resolve” and “safeguard the lives and interests of the American people.” He currently works as co-director of Stanford’s Center for International Security and Cooperation and as a strategic adviser at the Penn Biden Center.


“I know how hard the professionals in Policy work every day to keep America safe,” Kahl tweeted in response to the announcement. “I would be honored to lead this great organization and work with Kathleen hicks and Lloyd Austin to strengthen DoD!”


Reports emerged in 2018 that Kahl was targeted in a “dirty ops” effort seeking to discredit the Iran nuclear deal, with claims that the Israeli private intelligence agency Black Cube was hired by Trump aides to find damaging information about him. Black Cube responded by saying that it “has no relation whatsoever to the Trump administration … or to the Iran nuclear deal.” Kahl tweeted at the time that “Black Cube’s dodge is not credible.”


But Kahl’s talk about Russia is what underlay some of the biggest controversies during the Trump presidency.


The 2018 book Russian Roulette by journalists Michael Isikoff and David Corn said Kahl was part of the small Obama national security team inner circle working on Russian interference issues in 2016. “Kahl had to insist to [national security adviser Susan] Rice that he be allowed to attend so Biden could be kept up to speed,” they wrote.

Anonymous ID: 1003c2 June 14, 2021, 10:37 a.m. No.13901939   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2047 >>2178 >>2374

UK Extends COVID Lockdown By 4 Weeks Over Fears About "Delta" Mutant


Update (1310ET): British President Boris Johnson has expanded the UK's controversial COVID-19 lockdown by another four weeks Monday, citing concerns about the "Delta" COVID mutant that first emerged from India. The PM said the delay would allow British adults more time to get vaccinated.



"It's sensible to wait just a little longer," the PM said as he claimed that the government is concerned that the link between COVID and hospitalizations "hasn't been severed."


The UK's remaining lockdown measures will now expire July 19, BoJo said. Previously, measures were supposed to expire on June 21, a day the government had deemed "Freedom Day". Instead, the UK will need to wait another month, as BoJo said Monday, so that the country's health-care infrastructure will be well prepared for any further acceleration in new cases, hospitalizations and deaths.


Johnson acknowledged that it was a "difficult choice," but that he wants to give the NHS "a few more crucial weeks" to get jabs in peoples’ arms. He said unlocking now could create the "very real risk that the virus outruns the vaccine" and thousands more could die.

Anonymous ID: 1003c2 June 14, 2021, 10:39 a.m. No.13901955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2178 >>2374

UPDATE: Swing State Ballots Were Missing Legally Required Chain of Custody Documentation Giving Democrats Impossible and Likely Fraudulent Wins in Battleground States


Chain of custody documents are legally required for a ballot to be counted. But in the 2020 election, this documentation is missing almost everywhere.

The result is that hundreds of thousands of ballots counted in the 2020 election, likely most of them for Biden, are invalid. This issue alone makes the 2020 Election invalid.


For months and again today we’ve reported on over 300,000 missing chain of custody documents in Georgia. Notably, most if not all of these ballots are likely for Biden and Biden was given Georgia by around 12,000 votes which included these bogus ballots:


In Arizona, the Maricopa Count Board of Elections has not turned over any chain of custody documentation on any ballots in the county. Any ballots lacking this documentation are invalid. Thousands of ballots reported for Biden fall in this box:


In Wisconsin, there were over 140,000 ballots dropped early the morning after the election. Do these all have proper chain of custody documentation?


In Michigan, a white van dropped off thousands of ballots in the early morning after the election. Did these ballots include chain of custody documentation?


Americans in the swing states where this occurred should demand their 2020 Election results are audited for these chain of custody documents alone.

Anonymous ID: 1003c2 June 14, 2021, 10:43 a.m. No.13901986   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Probe into infamous 1987 murder of British sleuth may reveal links to Murdoch media, ‘institutional police corruption’ – reports


A high-profile probe into the unsolved 1987 axe murder of a British private detective could reportedly link Rupert Murdoch’s media empire to “criminality” involved in the killing and expose a “culture of corruption” at the Met.


On March 10, 1987, Daniel Morgan, 37, was discovered with an axe lodged in his head in a south-east London pub car park. Over three decades later, it remains the most investigated case in British history after five corruption-mired inquiries and an inquest failed to bring the killers to justice.


Ahead of the release of its much-delayed report on Tuesday, a government-appointed panel that has been investigating the killing since 2013 apparently sent letters of warning to a number of individuals whose actions it criticises, according to The Guardian.


The publication reported that one such letter reveals that the inquiry might find the now-defunct News of the World paper as being “linked to the criminality associated with the murder.”


The panel is said to have investigated claims that at least two suspects in the crime had worked extensively for the tabloid, owned by Murdoch at the time.


Even after one suspect, Johnathan Rees, had been identified as such, the tabloid continued to employ his services, paying out upwards of £150,000 ($211,550) a year.


Rees and the other suspect were acquitted after the trial collapsed in 2011, and even won damages for the manner in which the police pursued the case. That year, Murdoch was forced to shutter the tabloid after its phone-hacking scandal.


Rees and Morgan had jointly run a private detective agency called Southern Investigations, which was regularly given work by the tabloid. Two of the paper’s executives had even set up a business registered at the agency’s address, according to The Guardian report.


In addition, the investigation has also apparently examined the scandal-hit tabloid’s surveillance of the lead police detective investigating Morgan’s murder. But The Guardian also noted doubts about whether such “details… of alleged criminality” would be included in the final 1,200-page report.


Murdoch’s News UK – the parent company representing his media interests – responded that it was not in receipt of any warning letter from the panel. The company said it had cooperated with the inquiry and denied attempting to hold up the release of its report.


“We have cooperated with and assisted the panel during their investigation. No communication has been received from the panel as part of their advance notice of criticism process,” News UK told the Guardian. “The suggestion that there has been any attempt by News UK to influence or delay the report’s publication is entirely without foundation and false.”


However, a solicitor for Alastair Morgan, the victim’s brother, refuted this and said the company’s “failure to cooperate speaks volumes in itself.”

Anonymous ID: 1003c2 June 14, 2021, 10:47 a.m. No.13902012   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2178 >>2374

Chemical plant in Illinois explodes, fire prompts evacuations


An Illinois chemical plant that manufactures grease and oil caught fire Monday morning, creating a massive conflagration that rained ash and debris as far as 50 miles away, reports said.


The Rockton Chemtool plant, located close to the Wisconsin border about 100 miles northwest of Chicago, caught fire around 7 a.m., leading to the evacuation of anyone within a one-mile radius due to possible dangerous chemicals being released into the air, FOX 39 reported.


“We have confirmed all on site are safe and accounted for. Our concern right now is for the safety of all our employees and the surrounding community. As a precaution, authorities have evacuated residents in a one-mile radius of the site,” Chemtool told the outlet in a statement.


“We do not yet know what caused this incident, but we will be working with local authorities and with our own risk management team to determine what happened and identify any corrective actions. We will share more details as they are known.”


In total, 70 employees were evacuated from the facility and a single firefighter was injured, Rockton Fire Chief Kirk Wilson said during a news briefing.


He said the City of Rockford’s HAZMAT team conducted air quality tests and there is currently “no danger” at the ground level but as a precaution, people within a one-mile radius of the facility were “strongly suggested” to evacuate.


An employee, who identified himself only by his first name Scott, said he’d been at work for less than an hour when he heard someone shout “Fire!” before alarms started blaring.


“Everybody that got us out of there — they were on top of it. We had plenty of time to get out. Everybody got out. It was pretty well organized,” the worker told the outlet.


“There’s a lot of grease, oil and fluids in there. It’s gonna burn for a while. If it was going to explode, it would’ve already done it. Those small explosions that everyone’s seeing are drums of fluid or grease.”


Scott said he believes the fire started after one of the pipes that carries hot grease to the ceiling from kettle to kettle broke but Chemtool is yet to confirm if that was the cause.


He said small emergencies have forced evacuations at the plant in the past but he’s never seen anything at this level.


“This is the worst it’s ever, ever been,” he said.


“We’re just seeing a lot of hard work go up in flames… we’re all scared and wondering what we’re gonna do.”


Enormous dark plumes continued to billow from the facility late Monday morning, raining ash and debris as far away as DeKalb, a town 50 miles south of Rockton, the outlet said

Anonymous ID: 1003c2 June 14, 2021, 10:49 a.m. No.13902022   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2065 >>2084 >>2178 >>2374

Despite Biden Admin Claiming Afghan War is Over, Air Force Admits It Will Never End


As the United States is only halfway through finally withdrawing from the horrendous war on Afghanistan, the military-industrial complex has come forward confirming the unfortunate yet unsurprising — Even when it’s over, it’s never REALLY over.


According to The Defense Post, on Tuesday, June 8th, acting Air Force Secretary John P. Roth revealed to members of the Senate Appropriations defense subcommittee that the Air Force was “preparing for ‘over-the-horizon’ strike capabilities in Afghanistan following the withdrawal of American troops from the country”.


“Post-withdrawal strike capability”, in other words, meaning “even after we no longer have boots on the ground, we’re still going to bomb you into oblivion”….


This comes as no surprise as the Biden Administration has openly fed the war machine since taking office. On the very first day of Joe Biden’s presidency a large US military Convoy was documented entering into Syria.


Shortly thereafter, not even 2 months into the presidency Biden followed in the footsteps of his predecessors by authorizing (illegally) an explosive bombardment in Syria.


Just as much then, as it is now with the news of these prolonged bombardments in Afghanistan, more than likely much to the delight of recently appointed US Defense Secretary, Lloyd Austin — Formally a board member for a weapons manufacturer Raytheon, who has been handing out billion dollar contracts to his former employer like candy.


Although, according to Breaking Defense, Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks attempted to assuage any concerns of this continued presence, assuring that it was not meant to replace boots on the ground.


Stating —


“It is rather to take the approach we do in most parts of the world with regard to counterterrorism, which is to ensure that we have sufficient strategic warning and ability to prevent threats from coming and reaching Americans who are at home.”


This may a sound like a well intended tactical approach, but is actually completely ignorant of the facts. It is assuredly by now common knowledge within the defense department that continued aggression on behalf of the United States’ imperialist interests doesn’t actually prevent terrorism in the slightest. A 2016 study from the FBI concluded that violent US foreign policy is actually the primary cause for inspiring foreign-born terror attacks within the United States.


Who could have thought by unlawfully invading, destroying, pillaging and occupying smaller nations, and slaughtering countless innocents, that it would foster disdain and a desire among the oppressed population to fight back?

Anonymous ID: 1003c2 June 14, 2021, 10:53 a.m. No.13902049   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2064 >>2069 >>2178 >>2374

Audit Organizer Says Hundreds of Thousands of Ballots MISSING In Arizona, Boxes Full of Blank Ballots


'The ballots are missing'


Several hundred thousand votes that were counted in Maricopa County, Arizona are associated with missing ballots, according to an audit organizer who is speaking regularly with people on the audit floor.


“We found a ballot shortage, anywhere from 5 to 10 percent of the votes,” Josh Barnett, an audit organizer who led the affidavit drive to make the audit happen, tells NATIONAL FILE. “It looks like a couple hundred thousand ballots are unaccounted for. The ballots are missing.”


“I also know that there were boxes filled with blank ballots in those pallets. There were blanks in there,” Barnett said, citing a person who is frequently at the audit site as part of the audit process. “They (election officials) were doing it for appearance, to try to hide the fact that ballots are missing by saying, ‘It’s okay, they’re all right here.’ But the ballots are blank.”


The massive enthusiasm for the Arizona audit is spreading to other states as Audit Fever sweeps America. NATIONAL FILE REPORTED: American patriot activists tell NATIONAL FILE that they are just getting started when it comes to sparking 2020 election audits in disputed states. Some of the main patriot organizers who are leading the audit effort are very optimistic that what started in Maricopa County, Arizona will now spread quickly to nine other states. Targeted states include Virginia, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Alaska, Colorado, New Hampshire, and Nevada.


Patriotic delegations from Georgia, Alaska, and Colorado visited the Maricopa County audit floor in Phoenix, Arizona this week following a visit from a Pennsylvania delegation led by State Senator Doug Mastriano, who met with President Donald Trump in Trump Tower. Insiders tell NATIONAL FILE that more states will be heading to Maricopa County.

Kandiss Taylor, Conservative Running for Governor of Georgia Against Brian Kemp, Is Confident


“There’s a team going. There’s three or four Republicans going to Arizona” from Georgia, Kandiss Taylor told NATIONAL FILE prior to the Georgia delegation’s visit to Maricopa, which was kept quiet so as not to prevent it from happening ahead of time. Taylor noted that the pro-audit Georgia delegation is working with a very good attorney who is advising the lawmakers.


“It’s going great. We’ve got senators willing to go at it. I’ve sent 2 affidavits, and we’ve sent thousands of affidavits to people in power to get audits in Fulton County and Chatham County, which is Savannah,” Kandiss Taylor said.


Kandiss Taylor even confronted Quisling governor Brian Kemp about the audit effort. Taylor said, “I saw the governor, he said ‘okay,’ he said ‘okay, thank you.’ He was in my hometown in South Georgia.”

Anonymous ID: 1003c2 June 14, 2021, 10:56 a.m. No.13902063   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Wuhan Lab Partner Daszak Admits He ‘Didn’t Really See Many Bats’ In Wet Market While Describing Studies ‘Using U.S. Taxpayer Money.’


Despite the mainstream media and Chinese Communist Party narrative that COVID-19 originated from a wet market in China, EcoHealth Alliance President and Wuhan Institute of Virology collaborator Peter Daszak insisted that he “didn’t really see many bats” in these markets while speaking on a podcast unearthed by The National Pulse.


Daszak – a “longtime collaborator” of the Wuhan Institute of Virology – also admitted that U.S. taxpayer dollars funded his research at the Chinese Communist Party-controlled laboratory during his appearance on a June 3rd, 2020 episode of the show “This Week In Virology.”


The unearthed remarks come amidst increased scrutiny over Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance funneling money to the Wuhan Institute Virology under the auspices of a $3.7 million grant from the Anthony Fauci-led National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).


As he admits on the podcast, “we have 16,000 bat samples in a freezer in China that we collected using U.S. taxpayers’ money.” “We’re the last organization funded by the federal government to work with Wuhan Institute of Virology,” Daszak reiterated.

Anonymous ID: 1003c2 June 14, 2021, 10:58 a.m. No.13902075   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2092 >>2111 >>2178 >>2374

Scientists Sound Alarm on ‘Imminent Radiological Threat’ at Chinese Nuclear Plant


French nuclear power company Framatome said on Monday it has detected a “performance issue” at the Taishan Nuclear Power Plant, which it operates in partnership with the state-owned China General Nuclear Power Group (CGN).


Framatome took the highly unusual step of warning the U.S. government about an “imminent radiological threat” from the plant, located in Guangdong province near Hong Kong.


Framatome and its parent company EDF said on Monday that according to available data, “the plant is operating within safety parameters,” but a troubling “increase in the concentration of certain noble gases” was detected in the primary circuit of the cooling system at one of the plant’s two nuclear reactors.


CGN said on Sunday that both reactors at the plant are “operating according to nuclear safety rules and regulations,” and conditions in the surrounding environment “meet normal parameters.” Both CGN and the Chinese government resisted making any comments about the plant until persistent media inquiries prompted Sunday’s brief statement.


Framatome’s alleged message to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) last week was somewhat more alarming than the statements released on Sunday and Monday.


According to left-wing American news agency CNN, which claimed to obtain the documents on Monday, Framatome accused Chinese safety officials of “raising the acceptable limits for radiation detection outside the Taishan Nuclear Power Plant in Guangdong province in order to avoid having to shut it down.”


CNN claimed, failing to cite on-the-record sources, that U.S. officials took the June 8 warning seriously but concluded the situation at the Taishan nuclear plant has not reached “crisis level” and decided to give Framatome, CGN, and Chinese authorities some time to resolve the problem:


Concern was significant enough that the National Security Council held multiple meetings last week as they monitored the situation, including two at the deputy level and another gathering at the assistant secretary level on Friday, which was led by NSC Senior Director for China Laura Rosenberger and Senior Director for Arms Control Mallory Stewart, according to US officials.


The Biden administration has discussed the situation with the French government and their own experts at the Department of Energy, sources said. The US has also been in contact with the Chinese government, US officials said, though the extent of that contact is unclear.

Anonymous ID: 1003c2 June 14, 2021, 10:59 a.m. No.13902091   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2178 >>2374

EU Blocked G7 Condemnation of China for Xinjiang Slave Labour: Report


European Union leaders reportedly blocked attempts from the United States, Britain, and Canada to call out the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for the use of slave labour in Xinjiang.


EU leaders said that the West should focus on “cooperative” areas with China instead of adversarial elements.


German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, and European Union leaders Ursula von der Leyen and Charles Michel opposed efforts to publicly shame the regime in Bejing over forced labour in Xinjiang, The Times reported.


The summary of the G7 communiqué failed to mention China, Xinjiang, or Hong Kong at all and the full 25-page report of the summit’s agreements reportedly had a reference to Xinjiang slavery removed despite pushes from the Americans.


The final version of the G7 communiqué read: “We are concerned by the use of all forms of forced labour in global supply chains, including state-sponsored forced labour of vulnerable groups and minorities, including in the agricultural, solar, and garment sectors.”


A US administration official told the paper that reaching an agreement on China became “one of the more complicated and thorny” issues at the summit.


The 90-minute foreign policy meeting, which almost entirely consisted of discussions on China, saw the United States, the UK, Canada, Japan, and France seeking a harder line on China and the Europeans looking for a softer approach.


The unnamed official said that there was “a little bit of differentiation of opinion, not on whether the threat is there but on how strong, from an action perspective, different G7 members are willing to take this”.


G7 leaders did agree to mention Xinjiang and Hong Kong once in their 25-page report, which said: “We will promote our values, including by calling on China to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms, especially in relation to Xinjiang and those rights, freedoms and high degree of autonomy for Hong Kong enshrined in the Sino-British Joint Declaration and the Basic Law.”


The Chinese state overtook the United States as the European Union’s top trading partner in 2020, as ties between Brussels and the communist dictatorship in Beijing continue to deepen.


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) February 17, 2021


President Joe Biden, for his part, said that he was “satisfied” with the language on China, saying that the “last time the G7 met, there was no mention of China but this time there is mention of China.

Anonymous ID: 1003c2 June 14, 2021, 11:02 a.m. No.13902101   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2114 >>2120

Farage: Black Lives Matter Movement ‘Wants to Bring Down the Whole of Western Civilisation’


Brexit leader Nigel Farage has had harsh words for England’s national football (soccer) team taking the knee for the Black Lives Matter movement during the belated UEFA European Football Championship 2020.


“Look, you cannot separate taking the knee from the Black Lives Matter movement,” said Mr Farage during an interview with the newly launched GB News network.


“It is an avowedly, openly Marxist organisation that wants to defund the police and wants to bring down the whole of Western civilisation — don’t take my word for it, just read the website — and you can’t separate the two,” explained the former UKIP and Reform UK party leader.


Farage had some compliments for England manager Gareth Southgate, but disagreed strongly with his pro-kneeling stance.


“When he said this week ‘We are about more than football’ — no, Mr Southgate, you are about football,” he insisted.


“The idea that it’s right for the football team to get involved with political gestures is a mistake, and that’s what the fans are rebelling against.


“And you’ll notice we’re pretty much the only team in the whole competition that are taking the knee,” he went on,


“I think [Gareth Southgate] has made a big mistake with this, I really do.”


Boris Johnson’s government, meanwhile, has been comparatively lukewarm on issues such as taking the knee, with the once-notoriously politically incorrect Prime Minister having in recent months defended Joe Biden against charges of wokery on grounds that there is “nothing wrong with being woke”.


He also issued a bizarre call for the post-pandemic world to “build back better” in a “more equal, and… in a more gender-neutral, and perhaps a more feminine way” at the G7 summit in Cornwall.


However, Home Secretary Priti Patel, regarded by many as the Cabinet’s strongest member when it comes to rhetoric — if not results — has issued an unusually unequivocal criticism of kneelers, telling GB News that she does not “support people participating in that type of gesture politics”.


“We saw last year, in particular, with some of the protests that took place, I speak now very much from what I saw on the impact on policing — it was devastating,” she went on.


“I just don’t subscribe to this view that we should be rewriting our history; toppling statues,” she said, declining to criticise football fans who have been booing England players for kneeling: “That’s a choice for them, quite frankly.”

Anonymous ID: 1003c2 June 14, 2021, 11:05 a.m. No.13902122   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2178 >>2374

Deaths in US nursing homes increased 17% in 2020 amid the COVID-19 pandemic compared to the year before, study finds


Deaths in assisted living facilities in the U.S. increased by nearly one-fifth amid the COVID-19 pandemic, a ne study suggests.


Researchers led by Brown University looked at data from licensed assisted living facilities with 25 or more beds from 49 states between 2019 and 2020.


They found that there was a 17 percent increase in fatalities from all causes through August of last year and a 24 percent increase in deaths in the 10 states with the highest rate of COVID-19 cases.


In both the overall data and the data only pertaining to the 10 states, the largest large surge of deaths at the end of April and in early May.


The data suggests what many knew, that coronavirus itself, plus deaths indirectly tied to the pandemic, caused a massive swell of deaths among older residents at nursing homes.


The researchers add that the findings give those studying the pandemic their first opportunity to see the true toll the pandemic had on its most vulnerable population at its very start, and can be a foundation for future research.


Researchers used data from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to track deaths among Medicare beneficiaries in assisted living facilities in 2019 and through August 2020.


They found that rates of all-cause mortality, deaths from any cause, increased from 2.02 per 1,000 residents during the first half of 2019 to 2.30 in 2020.


At the worst week in late April, 3.28 out of every 1,000 residents died in 2020, compared to only 2.24 in 2019, a 46 percent increase.


The biggest disparity was in New York, where 2.5 residents out of every 1,000 died in 2020, compared to only 1.57 the year before, an increase of nearly 60 percent.


The ten states with the highest rate of COVID-19 included in the study are Rhode Island, South Carolina, New Jersey, Georgia, Alabama, New York, Mississippi, Florida, Arizona, and Louisiana.

Anonymous ID: 1003c2 June 14, 2021, 11:08 a.m. No.13902138   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We're Living the Founding Fathers' Nightmare: America Is Corrupt to the Core


Our ruling elites, devoid of leadership, are little more than the scum of self-interested, greedy grifters who rose to the top of America's foul-smelling stew of corruption.

The Founding Fathers were wary of institutional threats to liberty and the citizenry's sovereignty, which included centralized concentrations of power (monarchy, central banks, federal agencies, etc.) and the tyranny of corruption unleashed by small-minded, self-interested, greedy grifters who saw all elected offices and positions of government influence as nothing more than a means to increase their own private wealth.

The Founders feared the dominance of self-interested, greedy grifters because they had no concept of the public good: to the greedy grifters, the government existed solely to serve their petty private interests and the interests of their fellow grifters.

The Founders understood that a republic required disinterested leadership capable of looking past petty self-interest to the common good of the people and their nation. They feared the election of self-interested, greedy grifters because once no one served the common good, the republic would fall into a fatal disunity.

We are living the Founders' nightmare, for America is corrupt to the core. While everyone gorging at the public trough bleats about the "common good," their single-minded focus is on aggrandizing as much power and private wealth as possible, and feeding their corrupt crew of insiders, lobbyists, "business interests," bankers and assorted other legalized looters.

America has plenty of law enforcement, prosecutors and prison cells for those who loot a Whole Foods, but none for those who loot the public treasury, commit stock market swindles or financial fraud on a monumental scale. Not only did no one go to prison for the rampant institutionalized fraud of the 2008 looting, a.k.a. the Global Financial Meltdown–the looters were bailed out by the Federal Reserve and Treasury.

More recently, no one was even questioned when a biotech company issued a press release about a Covid-19 vaccine trial that boosted the stock's price just long enough for insiders to dump millions of dollars of shares on a credulous public and also sell new shares in the company at a premium: a classic looting strategy known as pump and dump.

Members of Congress were caught red-handed in what amounted to insider trading, selling millions of dollars in their stock portfolios based on their secret briefings of the coming pandemic, while they reassured the public Covid-19 was no biggie. The farcical "investigation" found no wrong-doing.

Corruption in our political parties is so endemic nobody even bothers listing it except as a parlor game of pondering which party is more corrupt.

Our ruling elites, devoid of leadership, are little more than the scum of self-interested, greedy grifters who rose to the top of America's foul-smelling stew of corruption. As for the nation's infinitely greedy billionaires, if there was any justice left in America, Apple CEO Tim Cook would be rotting in a cell on Devil's Island for buying back billions of dollars of Apple stock–buybacks were illegal not that long ago.

The cells next to his would be crowded with Big Pharma CEOs who advertised their products directly to consumers–also illegal not so long ago.

Anonymous ID: 1003c2 June 14, 2021, 11:15 a.m. No.13902189   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why Did Ballots Scanned Offsite Continue to Be Delivered to Maricopa Elections Center After Voting Ended?


Thousands of mail-in ballots in pristine condition in Fulton County, Georgia suddenly showed up after the 2020 presidential election. The same scenario simultaneously occurred in Maricopa County, Arizona.


They were printed by Runbeck Election Services in Phoenix, Arizona. This is the same company local media reported on regarding Rey Valenzuela, elections director, and Kevin Runbeck, owner of the printing company.


Brian Runbeck, a significant employee, has been a prolific financial contributor to Democratic campaigns and causes, records show.


Sworn Testimony


When Rudy Giuliani and Arizona state legislatures held public hearings regarding the Maricopa County election fraud of November 2020, among the most compelling sworn testimonies came from elections witness Jan Bryant.


Her testimony coincided with others and may explain Arizona audit director Ken Bennett’s later revelation that Dominion Voting Systems had refused to comply with a subpoena to turn over passwords to its Maricopa County voting machines.


During the hearing on November 30, 2020, Bryant testified under oath that not even county IT staff were allowed access to the machines.


Bryant witnessed Dominion employees with a laptop computer in the counting room during the six days she worked at the Maricopa County Election Center.


During questioning by Republican state Rep. Mark Finchem, Bryant said there were daily election ballot deliveries to the center by Runbeck Election Services. According to witness testimony, these deliveries happened from Nov. 3 to at least Nov. 10.

Anonymous ID: 1003c2 June 14, 2021, 11:16 a.m. No.13902192   🗄️.is 🔗kun

YouTube suspends Republican senator's account for promoting hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin as cheaper alternative to treat COVID


Republican Sen. Ron Johnson was suspended by YouTube for sharing videos of him promoting the use of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin to treat COVID-19

YouTube said Johnson's comments were not 'in accordance with our COVID-19 medical misinformation policies'

YouTube 'doesn't allow content about COVID-19 that poses a serious risk of egregious harm' or content that contradicts local health authorities' or WHO

Johnson said this was another example of 'Big Tech's' censorship

YouTube has 'decided there is only one medical viewpoint allowed and it is the viewpoint dictated by government agencies,' Johnson said

Ivermectin is being used in a handful of other countries, but medical experts have warned available data does not support their use

Anonymous ID: 1003c2 June 14, 2021, 11:17 a.m. No.13902198   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2235

Bush family nonprofit in bed with China: Group linked to Beijing-linked propaganda outlet


America is not a monarchy and in fact, the United States was born out of rebellion to a monarch’s rule.


As such, America should not suffer the burden of, or entertain, political dynasties, and yet, we have had them throughout our history.


The Rockefellers. The Roosevelts. The Kennedys. The Clintons. The Bushes. And each one of them have come with their own unique set of alluring, inimitable qualities. But they have also come with their skeletons, as is the case with the most recent of the political dynasties, the Bushes.


By now, most informed people know that China is increasingly becoming a peer competitor to the U.S. And in fact, China doesn’t just want to be our peer; China wants to be the leading global power.


President Donald Trump not only understood the threat but he took it seriously: Trump battled China’s expansion in the South China Sea, battled China’s trade dominance, and battled against China’s encroachment in American society.


But even as he did that, there were factions working against him (and our country at large) who, you would think, would know better. Like the Bush family.


Axios reports:


A nonprofit affiliated with the late former President George H.W. Bush agreed to accept $5 million from a policy group at the center of China’s U.S. influence efforts, Axios has learned.


Why it matters: As tensions escalate between the U.S. and China, leaders with the George H.W. Bush Foundation for U.S.-China Relations have sounded off for closer ties — and while criticizing Beijing in some cases, have toed China’s line on some major geopolitical issues.


“Axios obtained a written agreement that spells out the details of a $5 million grant from the China-United States Exchange Foundation to the Bush China Foundation, established in 2017 with the former president’s blessing,” the outlet continued.


Now mind you, President George W. Bush had an early brush with the Chinese regime. Within a few months of taking office in 2001 (and just months before the 9/11 attacks), Bush was faced with the capture of an 11-person EP-3 Orion crew whose plane was forced to land on Hainan Island after it was ‘brushed’ by a Chinese fighter jet. The Chinese plane crashed after the pilot ejected and died at sea, but Beijing held onto our crew for nearly two weeks. And they got as much data from our spy plane as they could harvest.

Anonymous ID: 1003c2 June 14, 2021, 11:19 a.m. No.13902211   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'Where is the proof?' Putin furiously DENIES 'farcical' claims Russia was behind cyberattacks in the US and says he's 'surprised' he hasn't been blamed for Black Lives Matter along with the list of 'unfounded accusations'


Russian President Vladimir Putin continued to try to pick apart U.S. claims on a media tour in advance of his summit with President Biden – denying in an interview airing Monday that Russia engaged in cyber attacks and saying there was no proof it interfered in U.S. elections.


'Where is the evidence? Where is proof? It's becoming farcical,' Putin said in a sit-down interview with NBC News from Moscow.


'We have been accused of all kinds of things - election interference, cyberattacks and so on and so forth - and not once, not once, not one time, did they bother to produce any kind of evidence or proof, just unfounded accusations,' he told the network's Kier Simmons.


'I'm surprised that we have not yet been accused of – provoking the Black Lives Matter movement. That would have been a good line of attack. But …' Putin said, ridiculing the attack.


Then he waded further into U.S. domestic politics, saying: 'We have always treated with understanding the fight of African Americans for their rights,' but said he couldn't approve of any 'extreme' actions associated with the movement.


Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team issued detailed indictments for Russian intelligence operatives accused of 2016 election interference. But Russia didn't hand over the alleged hackers, and they have not stood trial.


The U.S. government has said Russia may be housing cyber hackers who carried out the ransomware attack on Colonial Pipeline, but has not said it was a government operation.


U.S. intelligence does assess that Russia interfered in the 2016 and 2020 elections.


Putin's comments come as Biden kicked off the NATO summit in Brussels by saying Russia and China had not acted 'in a way that is consistent with what we had hoped.'


Putin once again sought to undermine a U.S. push the Kremlin to respect press freedoms and allow a sphere for political opponents to exist – by bringing up U.S. prosecution of rioters who stormed the Capitol Jan. 6th.


Putin, who is to meet President Joe Biden at a summit Wednesday, has suggested that the hundreds of people arrested for rioting at the U.S. Capitol are being subjected to 'persecution for political opinions.'


Charging documents reveal many of those who have been arrested were carrying sticks and poles, attacked police officers, or broke through windows to enter the seat of legislative power.


Putin is likely to come under strong criticism from Biden at their meeting in Geneva for moves against his political opponents in Russia, particularly the imprisonment of opposition leader Alexei Navalny, the detention of thousands of demonstrators protesting his arrest, and the outlawing of Navalny´s organizations as extremist.

Anonymous ID: 1003c2 June 14, 2021, 11:21 a.m. No.13902224   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2236 >>2374

Hackers Stole Nearly 26 Million User Login Credentials for Sites Like Amazon, Google, Facebook


Hackers using a custom Trojan-type malware stole nearly 26 million login credentials - emails or usernames and associated passwords - from almost a million websites over a two year period, including from such namesakes as Amazon, Facebook, and Twitter, according to cybersecurity provider NordLocker.


The malware infiltrated over 3 million Windows-based computers between 2018 and 2020, with the cyber intruders making off with around 1.2 terabytes of personal information, according to a case study carried out by NordLocker in partnership with a third-party firm specializing in data breach analysis.


The 26 million stolen login credentials were across twelve different website types, including social media, online gaming, and email services. They included such household names as Google (1.54 million), Facebook (1.47 million), Amazon (0.21 million), Apple (0.13 million), Netflix (0.17 million), and PayPal (0.15 million).

Anonymous ID: 1003c2 June 14, 2021, 11:23 a.m. No.13902238   🗄️.is 🔗kun

8 Maine Residents Die After Receiving Two Doses of Covid-19 Vaccine


Eight Maine residents have died after being fully vaccinated against Covid-19, according to the Maine Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The eight fatalities included people who were vaccinated while receiving end-of-life care.


Individuals who catch coronavirus 14 days post-final vaccination are considered “breakthrough cases.” As of June 4th, the state of Maine had reported 387 such cases, and the CDC has stated that they have expected a small percentage of fully vaccinated people who will get sick, be hospitalised, or die from Covid-19, and the eight Mainers joined this figure.


A spokesperson from Maine’s CDC said that the eight people’s deaths “met the criteria to be Covid-19 related after fully vaccinated”, but noted that these individuals “died with Covid-19, not ‘of Covid-19.'”


Arthur Mitchell was among one of the eight Maine residents who died post-vaccination. His daughter, Margaret Staggs, said that her father got his second dose of the Moderna vaccine on March 8th and was “very excited about that.”


She said that the entire family had realised once the family had been fully vaccinated after a year of restrictions, however, just four weeks later Staggs, her husband, and her father tested positive for Covid-19.


“We were one of those small majority that become positive afterwards,” Staggs said.


Her father had to be hospitalised as his oxygen levels were low, and despite being place on a ventilator for four days, his condition did not improve. On May 6th, hospital staff allowed Staggs to be by her father’s side as he passed away.


Staggs said: “My dad was a fighter. It was really hard to realise that he was going to lose that battle.”


DIED FROM COVID DESPITE VACCINATION | Today we sat down with Margaret Staggs. Her father died from #COVID19 weeks after being fully vaccinated.


“Because of his vaccination, we just really didn’t think that he would die from it.” @WGME @FOX23Maine

— Blair Best (@BlairWGME) June 7, 2021


Despite working as a nurse, Staggs recognised that the vaccine’s benefits are “never 100 percent.” She said: “Just remember that not everybody is going to go back to the normal that they knew before because it’s affected too many people.”

Anonymous ID: 1003c2 June 14, 2021, 11:26 a.m. No.13902248   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2250 >>2374

WHO Chief Scientist Accused of Suppressing Evidence That Ivermectin Cures Covid


Dr. Soumya Swaminathan chief scientist for the World Health Organization, has been charged by the Mumbai-based association of lawyers of “running a disinformation campaign against Ivermectin by deliberate suppression of effectiveness of drug Ivermectin as a prophylaxis and for treatment of Covid-19, despite the existence of large amounts of clinical data compiled and presented by esteemed, highly qualified, experienced medical doctors and scientists.”


Are public health bureaucrats trustworthy, or are they on the take from Big Pharma? Why do they suppress the evidence of known cures and instead push dangerous and deadly vaccines?


There is no doubt that Ivermectin and HCQ are safe and effective both as cures and as preventatives. Recently, I posted links to the 305 studies of HCQ’s effectiveness and the 96 studies of Ivermectin’s studies.


The question that is evaded by “public health authorities,” the Big Pharma indoctrinated majority of the medical profession, and the presstitute media is why were the known treatments suppressed?


There are two obvious answers, neither reassuring.


One is that it was done for the vaccine profits of Big Pharma, profits that were used to make 9 new billionaires while the rest of us experience exploding food prices.


The other, more disturbing, is that it was done to maximize deaths and use fear to drive people to take an experimental, untested, vaccine. Why? Is the intent population control? Evidence is mounting that the vaccine attacks female fertility.


We know exaggerated Covid case numbers and death rates are being used to erase civil liberties and justify coercion of people forcing them to accept a dangerous and often deadly vaccination.


What is most disturbing is that despite the clear evidence that the Covid threat is greatly overstated and that cures are readily available, governments and public health authorities are pushing harder than ever to vaccinate everyone despite the evidence that the vaccine is more dangerous to many than Covid itself. The Pakistani government, if government it is, promises to disable people’s iPhones if they refuse to be vaccinated.


Some California health authorities are demanding mandatory vaccinations of everyone in the state.


What explains the worldwide identical response to a media-hyped-up-threat exposed by large numbers of experts? I don’t know the answer. What I do know is that the official narrative is not accepted by large numbers of independent experts. I also know that those behind the official narrative pay experts who sell their integrity to support, despite the evidence, the official narrative, which is a lie.


What we can safely conclude is that we should not believe any official explanation, any public health authority, any government, and most certainly not believe the pressitutes such as the New York Times, Washington Post, NPR, CNN, MSNBC, BBC.


The proof is in: For many age groups the Covid vaccine is more dangerous than Covid.


Why haven’t you heard this proven fact from the New York Times, Washington Post, NPR, CNN, MSNBC, BBC?


The fact that you have not should tell you something.

Anonymous ID: 1003c2 June 14, 2021, 11:29 a.m. No.13902261   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2334

UK Charity Teaches Staff 'White Women Reporting Rape By Black Men Support White Supremacy'


In the wake of sex scandals that have rocked the British charity, an Oxfam staff training document says “privileged white women” are supporting the root causes of sexual violence by wanting "bad men" imprisoned.


The Telegraph reports that the four-week 'learning journey' states that: “Mainstream feminism centres on privileged white women and demands that ‘bad men’ be fired or imprisoned”. Accompanied by a cartoon of a crying white woman, it adds that this “legitimises criminal punishment, harming black and other marginalised people”.


The PowerPoint recommends staff read Me Not You: The Trouble with Mainstream Feminism, a book by Alison Phipps, a professor of gender studies at Sussex University.


It then links to the academic's Twitter account, including a thread which summarises the main themes of the book, including: "White feminist tears deploy white woundedness, and the sympathy it generates, to hide the harms we perpetuate through white supremacy."

Anonymous ID: 1003c2 June 14, 2021, 11:31 a.m. No.13902269   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BBC Just Admits 50% of Deaths Include Vaccinated People!


What is really going on behind these vaccines? I do not think that the politicians are part of a plot to reduce the world population. It is perhaps a way of tagging the sheep v wolves. Stalin killed tens of millions simply because they were seen as the resistance. Perhaps this is what they really are doing in their mind. They are probably getting kickbacks from the vaccine manufacturers. How in all reality can the United States give away 500 million doses of the vaccine when in fact the population is just over 300 million? That means they must have bought nearly 1 billion doses for what? Kickbacks? They sell this as their charity being a “donation” using other people’s money.


Career politicians are simply greedy corrupt people who love the power and endless money that flows into their pockets. This is why we cannot tolerate career politicians. Our real problem is their greed has gotten in the way of our health and their corrupt courts are ruling in their support. A federal judge has ruled that the Houston Hospital can force employees to be vaccinated. He is a total disgrace to what we pretend is the rule of law. I hope the employees quit and if I were in Houston, I would not allow any member of my family to go to that hospital. They are playing politics with the lives of patients and staff and should be shut down.

Anonymous ID: 1003c2 June 14, 2021, 11:36 a.m. No.13902300   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The commando turned tech millionaire who ended Netanyahu's 15-year rein to lead Israel: How Naftali Bennett fought in undercover unit before making a fortune from cyber-security company


Naftali Bennett, who was sworn in Sunday as Israel's new prime minister, embodies many of the contradictions that define the 73-year-old nation.


He's a religious Jew who made millions in the mostly secular hi-tech sector; a champion of the settlement movement who lives in a Tel Aviv suburb; a former ally of Benjamin Netanyahu who has partnered with centrist and left-wing parties to end his 12-year rule.


His ultranationalist Yamina party won just seven seats in the 120-member Knesset in March elections - the fourth such vote in two years. But by refusing to commit to Netanyahu or his opponents, Bennett positioned himself as kingmaker.


Even after one member of his religious nationalist party abandoned him to protest the new coalition deal, he ended up with the crown.




Bennett has long positioned himself to the right of Netanyahu. But he will be severely constrained by his unwieldy coalition, which has only a narrow majority in parliament and includes parties from the right, left and center.


He is opposed to Palestinian independence and strongly supports Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank and east Jerusalem, which the Palestinians and much of the international community see as a major obstacle to peace.


Bennett fiercely criticized Netanyahu after the prime minister agreed to slow settlement construction under pressure from President Barack Obama, who tried and failed to revive the peace process early in his first term.


He briefly served as head of the West Bank settler´s council, Yesha, before entering the Knesset in 2013. Bennett later served as cabinet minister of diaspora affairs, education and defense in various Netanyahu-led governments.


'He´s a right-wing leader, a security hard-liner, but at the same time very pragmatic,' said Yohanan Plesner, head of the Israel Democracy Institute, who has known Bennett for decades and served with him in the military.


He expects Bennett to engage with other factions to find a 'common denominator' as he seeks support and legitimacy as a national leader.

Anonymous ID: 1003c2 June 14, 2021, 11:41 a.m. No.13902328   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former PWSA Supervisor Charged with Violating the Clean Water Act