Anonymous ID: 29b4ce June 14, 2021, 10:36 a.m. No.13901930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1975

Boris and globalist friends are currently holding a press conference announcing an extension to the UK lockdown to 'prevent scary numbers of people dying a day..' Also pushing vaccinations on kids..




Either this is the beginning of people dying from the vaccine in increasing numbers to be blamed on the unvaccinated or could it be timed for when the election fraud is exposed over the next few weeks?


Boris Johnson tonight dramatically delayed 'Freedom Day' by another four weeks to prevent up to 500 deaths a day after scientists warned the Indian variant could be 80 per cent more infectious.


Giving the bad news at a Downing Street briefing, PM defied fury from Tory MPs and the hospitality industry to insisted he cannot press ahead until more people are double-jabbed.


He said the disease cannot be 'eliminated' and the country will have to learn to 'live with it'. But he said he needed to 'give the NHS a few more crucial weeks'. 'I think it is sensible to wait a little longer,' he said. 'Now is the time to ease off the accelerator.'


Government experts have told the premier that the Indian - or Delta strain - is far more transmissible than the Kent version, while single doses of vaccines are thought to be less effective in countering it.


Allowing the relaxation in England could put millions of people who have yet to have a jab at risk, as well as those who have only had one dose and elderly people who remain vulnerable.


The move means that current rules will essentially remain in place until July 19 - with social distancing in force in bars and restaurants, and the edict to work from home where possible staying.


At the same time the vaccine rollout will be intensified, with dosing intervals reduced to eight weeks. As a result around two thirds of adults could have been double-jabbed by July 19.


Government experts say hospitalisations should be slashed by between half and a third as a result, preventing 'thousands' of deaths. Modellers have indicated that otherwise hospital admissions could hit 2,000, with 250 or even 500 deaths a day possible.


In an effort to sweeten the pill for people who have been putting their lives on hold for more than a year, there will be some easing on the rules for weddings. The 30-person limit on services and receptions will be abandoned - but venues will still be restricted by how many they can accommodate while respecting social distancing rules.


Dancing will also still be out in another blow to couples hoping to celebrate.


In a sop to critics, Mr Johnson offered a 'break clause' with another review of the situation in two weeks' time - although officials warned that it is very unlikely to conclude restrictions can be eased quicker.


And the premier was adamant that there will be no further slippage from the new July 19 timetable. One aide said almost all the 'benefit' from additional jabs will have accrued by that date.


'As things stand now… I am confident we won't need more than four weeks and will not need to go beyond July 19,' Mr Johnson said.


But Mr Johnson's own MPs are livid at the move, with fears running high that this delay is only the first and lockdown might not be dropped at all.


He will face a Commons showdown with them on Wednesday, with the new regulations requiring a debate and a vote.


Although they are certain to go through with Labour support, the scale of the rebellion from Tory MPs will show the level of anger he is facing.


Vice chairman of the 1922 Committee of Conservative backbench MPs Sir Charles Walker said that 'existing isn't living' as he raised concerns that restrictions will stay in place all summer.

Anonymous ID: 29b4ce June 14, 2021, 10:39 a.m. No.13901958   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Men (and women), people.. Not persons or any other 'legal fictions' that clone us at birth and kill off our natural rights.


Anywhere, not just in America.

Anonymous ID: 29b4ce June 14, 2021, 10:48 a.m. No.13902014   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2028 >>2053


We need to stop paying taxes en masse to punish the system and stop complying as natural men and women (taxes unlawful under common law)..


Unfortunately whilst many people say they've had enough, there are still to many people who continue to comply.. I'd say they have no idea that they can simply refuse to consent too..


I went to the supermarket for the first time for quite a few weeks today (I don't have a car at the moment so been getting food deliveries and generally enjoying not communicating with idiots) and everyone still make up while shopping. I saw one lady pushing a pram who wasn't wearing a mask and the muppet at the door asked if I had a mask when I walked back into buy BBQ things that I forgot to buy..


Sheep everywhere and people are supposed to have been vaccinated too but they still wear them..