Anonymous ID: a2de06 June 14, 2021, 2:47 p.m. No.13903686   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3694 >>3705 >>3741 >>3777 >>3860 >>3896 >>3907 >>4011 >>4036 >>4060 >>4070



so where is the actual report?

all MSM are merely echoing what CNN says…


Wrays actual words are here-


"We're not investigating the theory in its own right," Wray told the House panel

"Social media has become, in many ways, the key amplifier to domestic violent extremism just as it has for malign foreign influence," Wray he told House lawmakers. "The same things that attract people to it for good reasons are also capable of causing all kinds of harms that we are entrusted with trying to protect the American people against."

"We focus on the violence and the federal criminal activity regardless of the inspiration. We understand QAnon to be more of a reference to a complex conspiracy theory or set of complex conspiracy theories, largely promoted online, which has sort of morphed into more of a movement,"


Still, Heinrich asked Wray about the public speculation around two individuals who have been suspected of posting as "Q."

"You're no doubt familiar with some of the public speculation that Q is really Ron Watkins, the administrator of the internet message board 8con, formerly known as 8chan," Heinrich said Wednesday while questioning Wray on the issue.

"Whether or not Watkins is Q, he and his father, clearly, are responsible for hosting the sites and co-opted further in the QAnon conspiracy phenomenon … given the prominent role that QAnon did play in the January 6 attack on the Capitol, what are the potential legal repercussions for those who might be primarily responsible for propagating these sorts of dangerous, and in some cases, violent messages in these forums?" he asked.


Wray declined to address Heinrich's question about Ron and Jim Watkins directly but did offer some insight into how the FBI views its role in investigating those behind QAnon or other potentially dangerous conspiracy theories.

"From the FBI's perspective, from a law enforcement perspective, we try to be very careful to focus on violence, threats of violence and associated federal criminal activity," Wray said.

"There may be certain instances where language becomes part of a conspiracy, for example, and there are instances where there are other federal statutes which may be violated, but again, those are complicated questions which I would refer to the lawyers over at the Justice Department," he added.

Anonymous ID: a2de06 June 14, 2021, 2:50 p.m. No.13903718   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3760 >>3787



CNN & MSM are pushing anti Q, not FBI

read the actual FBI report or what Wray actually said


this is the same BS as the fake pheonix anti Q bulletin


and their is no "US"

we are everyone and anyone.


Report all threats of violence you see on QR and let that be our record

Anonymous ID: a2de06 June 14, 2021, 2:57 p.m. No.13903767   🗄️.is 🔗kun


today was the first day i noticed Dan wont allow pics to be posted in his FB comments. You could 2 days ago. Must a figured he would get a lot of BDay or Qproof pics today