Jim sells T-Shirts, too.
kek - Settle down, SnarksterAnon.
Uh-oh, GB gonna call that one a Muh Graphic.
I think I'll go visit the Hoover Dam.
They've already burned that ammo so I should be safe.
>srsly though, that honey is actually good stuff.
I believe it - but I buy local for that because it's better for you.
>I considered the coffee but I don't have a grinder for it and using my blender takes too long.
Oh no you dint't - better off just swallowing the bean than doing that.
Well, shit, maybe Chuck can come hang out on QR.
This is a safe space for tard, nigger, and all sorts of other cancel culture language.
Come on, man.
Pete Townshend has blue eyes and there's no way someone as egotistical as he is would ever write a song like that about anyone other than himself.
Seems to be the home base for F&G more than anything else.
>Maybe it's a wraparound smear?
It's wrap-up smear, but I think I like your version better.
Start Choppin'!