Anonymous ID: 52e1e5 June 14, 2021, 8:10 p.m. No.13906084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6086

Extract from "The Truth in Time"


Robert Welch, founder of the John Birch Society, speaking in 1966 of Communist regimes and their hidden "insider" leadership:



"…their exhaustive strategy for achieving their final goal includes…:


a. The deliberate and insidious breaking down of all morality…

b. The distortion and destruction of religious influences…

c. The constant indoctrination… in a preference for "welfare and security" against responsibility and opportunity.

d. Making an ever larger and larger percentage of [Americans] accustomed to… government checks.

e. A constant increase in legislation, taxation, and bureaucracy leading directly towards 100% government.

f. The gradual conversion by judicial fiat of our republic into a democracy…

g. The creation of riots and the semblance of revolution under the guise and excuse of promoting civil rights…


…you can see all of these things taking place today…


…the only thing which can possibly prevent a successful culmination of these Communist plans is exposure…


…if enough people can be brought in time to see and understand that it is happening here now, the process can still be stopped, and the chains thrown off before the shackling is complete…"



"…modern man is simply being played for a sucker by an amoral gang of sophisticated criminals. These cunning megalomaniacs seek to make themselves the absolute rulers of a human race of enslaved robots…


…The insiders at the top, and all their Communist minions, constitute only a tiny percentage of the race they plan to rule. Although they now occupy most of the positions of great prestige and influence… their power rests entirely on bluff, pretense, and deception…


They are sitting precariously on the gigantic powder keg of all honest human emotions…


They themselves are well aware that sooner or later the whole framework of their cruel power will be blown to pieces by a mighty uprising of the incalculable forces of Man's moral principles, love for freedom, and common sense."


