Anonymous ID: 6a0667 June 14, 2021, 7:16 p.m. No.13905733   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5750 >>5927



>>13905004 #17601 Anon bun

>>13905032 Canadian military second-in-command steps down after golf outing with disgraced general

>>13905074 Supreme Court Rejects Election Lawsuit That Targeted California’s Voting Process

>>13905097 Secret projects in the background? “There is reason for Zuckerberg to be concerned if the Facebook box is opened.”

>>13905116 Dog food with salmonella meant to be thrown out was accidently sent to stores in several states - comms?

>>13905241 BG comms?

>>13905302 Rep. Greene apologizes for invoking Holocaust, says 'there is no comparison to the Holocaust'

>>13905312 Project Veritas introduces you to Ivory Hecker,

>>13905354 Escondido Businessman Sentenced For Tax Evasion Scheme With Former Chabad of Poway Rabbi

>>13905360 Chuck Schumer's office says he's sorry for referring to disabled children as 'retarded'

>>13905371 Hunter Biden Invested Millions In Chinese Communist Party Firm Operating Nuclear Plant Reportedly Experiencing Leak.

>>13905384 California working on electronic vaccination-proof system, Newsom says

>>13905385 Defective COVID shots given at Times Square vaccination site

>>13905462 FBI agent admits to falsely accusing nanotech research professor of being a Chinese military spy

>>13905504 DC Mayor Honored At DNC For Riot Response. New Reports Reveal She, Not Trump, Teargassed Protesters

>>13905523 Nuix CEO and CFO step down after disastrous IPO

>>13905538 Harvard University Professor Charged with Tax Offenses

>>13905551 Twenty-Year Sentence in GirlsDoPorn Sex Trafficking Conspiracy

>>13905578 Canadian doctor suspended from hospital duty for speaking out about vaccine damage to Amer-Indians

>>13905560, >>13905701 FBI building in DC is closed. Doors boarded over. WTF?


Anon Bun

Anonymous ID: 6a0667 June 14, 2021, 7:24 p.m. No.13905782   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anonymous ID: 6a0667 June 14, 2021, 7:26 p.m. No.13905792   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5800 >>5843 >>6373

Corrupt Georgia Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger Pretends He Was Unaware of Missing Chain of Custody Documentation In His State


The corrupt Republican leadership in Georgia continues to pretend that they are what they’re not and that no one sees their true colors.


The most corrupt Secretary of State in recent history, Brad Raffensperger in Georgia, continues to pretend that he is a good man working for the people of Georgia. This he is not.


Despite piles of evidence of a corrupted election and fraudulent acts, this crooked Secretary of State pretended that he was working for the people of Georgia and he certified the election. He was not. We really don’t know who he was working for, but a free and fair 2020 Election was not his goal.


When the President finally attempted to talk some sense into Raffensperger, he lied about what was said, leaked it to the most untrustworthy publication in the US – the Washington Post, and then deleted the evidence that he conjured up. Unfortunately for him, he got caught.


Raffensperger is not a good man or an honest man and his actions show it. He handed the Georgia election to Joe Biden knowing there were hundreds of thousands of invalid votes for Joe Biden included in the results he certified. Now crooked Raffensperger is pretending that he didn’t know and he’s expressing anger towards the Fulton County election team because they got caught.

Anonymous ID: 6a0667 June 14, 2021, 7:30 p.m. No.13905812   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5823 >>5927 >>6295 >>6444

Ashli Babbitt Attorney Terrell Roberts Drops HUGE Clue to Identity of Her Killer


Ashli Babbitt‘s husband Aaron Babbitt and Attorney Terrell Roberts joined Tucker Carlson on Monday night to discuss the continued challenges they have had getting any information on her death or the identity of her government-employed killer.


During the discussion, Tucker Carlson asked Attorney Roberts about the report that Ashli’s shooter also left his loaded gun in a US Capitol restroom



Tucker Carlson: Mr. Roberts, let me ask you, there are reports online, that’s incredible I don’t know if they’re true, that the Capitol Hill police officer who shot Ashli Babbitt, I’m not going to mention the name, was the same officer that left his loaded handgun in a public men’s room on the Capitol. Do you believe that is the officer, it seems like a very reckless person, who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt on January 6th?


Attorney Terrell Roberts: That’s my belief. That’s my belief.


Tayler Hansen reported at The Gateway Pundit on the identity of the shooter back on February 25th.

We reposted the report below.



Anonymous ID: 6a0667 June 14, 2021, 7:32 p.m. No.13905823   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5927 >>6444



The Capitol Police Officers statement regarding the killing of Ashli Babbitt


The Officer could not see three uniformed Officers against the wall nearest to Ashli, was not able to see how far down the crowd extended, saw a hallway full of “oncoming people“, and claims Ashli Babbitt wearing a backpack compounded his fears leading to the shooting.


He contradicted himself multiple times in one statement. If he is telling the truth about not seeing the Officers, he is lying about Ashli Babbitt’s backpack compounding to his fears.


Unless he has X-Ray Vision.



Anonymous ID: 6a0667 June 14, 2021, 7:36 p.m. No.13905855   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5886 >>5896 >>5901 >>5927 >>6444

Florida Judges Declare Mask Mandate Unconstitutional


Are you shocked or surprised that this bit of news has received little coverage? Attorney Jeff Childers struck a blow for freedom in Alachua County, Florida. Alachua County is home to Gainesville, which is where the University of Florida is located.


Childers represents Justin Green, owner of a plant nursery, who brought suit last March after Alachua County commissioners passed an order that required all employees and customers in Alachua to wear masks in businesses. Green lost his initial foray into court, but he appealed.


Jeff Childers, on behalf of Green appealed and the Judges in the First District ruled:


Governmental mask mandates in the 32 counties in the First District of Florida must now be presumed to be unconstitutional after yesterday’s ruling by the First District Court of Appeals (1st DCA) on a lawsuit brought by business owner Justin Green against Alachua County.


The lawsuit was originally filed on May 8, 2020, only days after Robert “Hutch” Hutchinson, then-Chair of the Alachua County Commission, instituted a county-wide mask mandate. Eighth Judicial Circuit Judge Donna Keim denied a request for an emergency injunction on May 21.


Jeff Childers talks about his mask victory with Howie Carr:

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This appears to be the first case in the United States where a mask mandate is declared unconstitutional.

Anonymous ID: 6a0667 June 14, 2021, 7:41 p.m. No.13905884   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5927 >>5981 >>6444

Thomas Jefferson vs. the Federal Reserve


The Federal Reserve is the engine that drives one of the biggest, most powerful governments in the history of the world.


Without the Fed, it would be difficult, if not impossible, for the government to fund its foreign wars, its massive, unsustainable social programs, the ever-growing police state, and the tangled web of corporate welfare programs. It’s almost certain none of this would exist as we know it today – not even close. The federal government would truly be limited.


Although the Federal Reserve is relatively new within the scope of American history, its roots go back to the early days of the republic and the First Bank of the United States, chartered by Congress on Feb. 25, 1791.


A national bank was the brainchild of Alexander Hamilton. His rationale wasn’t much different from those who later came up with the Federal Reserve. Hamilton thought a central bank was necessary to stabilize and improve the fledgling nation’s credit and to better manage the financial business of the United States government.


The notion of a national bank but wasn’t without its detractors. One of the most vocal opponents of the bank was Thomas Jefferson who argued that it was unconstitutional.


The debate was really about more than chartering a bank. At its core, it was an argument about the extent of federal power. Jefferson held to the promise of the ratification debates – that federal authority would remain carefully circumscribed by the enumerated delegated powers. Given that the Constitution doesn’t authorize Congress to charter corporations, much less a national bank, Jefferson argued that it was an unconstitutional act.


On the other hand, Hamilton pivoted from the position he took during the ratification debates and justified his project by invoking the doctrine of “implied powers.” His arguments foreshadowed how federal policies of every imaginable stripe would be justified moving forward. Arguably, Hamilton’s arguments for the First Bank of the United States set the foundation for much of the federal overreach we have today.

Anonymous ID: 6a0667 June 14, 2021, 7:52 p.m. No.13905950   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Cops search a RUBBISH TIP for missing Melbourne mum, 33, last seen wearing a pink nightgown and slippers - as her boyfriend is charged with murder


Kelly 'Ju' Zhang,33, was last seen leaving her home in Epping on February 1

Her boyfriend Joon Seong Tan, 35, was charged with her murder on February 11

Police will now conduct a four-day search of landfill to find Ms Zhang's body

Anonymous ID: 6a0667 June 14, 2021, 7:53 p.m. No.13905961   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6004 >>6015

Cristiano Ronaldo angrily REMOVES Coca-Cola bottles in front of him at press conference as Portuguese star shuns Euro 2020 official sponsor… shouting 'drink water' instead


Cristiano Ronaldo moved the bottles of Coco-Cola away at his press conference

The brand is an official sponsor of Euros but Portuguese star made views clear

He shouted 'drink water' instead and looked shocked at the sight of Coke bottles

Portugal get their tournament defence underway on Tuesday against Hungary

Find out the latest Euro 2020 news including fixtures, live action and results here.


Cristiano Ronaldo was in no mood to pander to the sponsors as he removed the bottles of Coca-Cola in front of him during a Euro 2020 press conference.


The brand is an official sponsor of the tournament and had the product on display, but the Portuguese star could not bring himself to even look at the bottles as he swiftly moved them away.


After getting rid of them quickly after sitting down, Ronaldo then shouted 'drink water' as he made his views very clear, before proclaiming 'Coca-Cola' with noticeable disdain.

Anonymous ID: 6a0667 June 14, 2021, 7:55 p.m. No.13905978   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Texas AG fights big tech, says or else ‘we may never have our free speech back’


Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton appeared on the Sara Carter show Friday to talk about his state’s fight with big tech. According to him, Texas is winning.


A federal judge in California recently threw out Twitter’s case against Paxton. The social media platform attempted to take Paxton to court when he began investigating former President Trump’s ban. But, the judge sided with Paxton, and allowed his investigation to continue.


“We have every right to ask those questions,” Paxton said of the investigation.


Paxton said he was lucky in this case, where others aren’t so lucky.


Big tech companies have every resource at their disposal, often able to employ many more lawyers than their competitors and they also have many Congressional members on their side because of campaign contributions, Carter pointed out. The Texas lawyer is now suing Google for its anticompetitive practices and wants to sue more big tech monopolies like it, but he knows it takes significant resources to stand up to them.


Carter asked the attorney general how these companies have gotten away with cornering the market for so long. Paxton suggested that it was a huge oversight from the beginning.


“I think the reason they do it is because we let them,” Paxton said. “Part of that is we’ve been lax in overseeing them.” He also mentioned Congress gave them special protections. Among them is Section 230, which protects social media companies from being liable for the opinions that are shared on their platforms. So, when fake news is circulated on their sites, they don’t face the consequences for it. But Paxton sees how this can lead to election interference in the future. In fact, it already has.


“I think that if we don’t quickly address this issue at the state level federal level in every possible way through litigations, there are such large monopolies,” Paxton said. “If we do not address this now, we may never have our free speech back.”

Anonymous ID: 6a0667 June 14, 2021, 7:58 p.m. No.13906011   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Elite private schoolboys chase 12-year-old girls into a park taunting them with homophobic slurs and asking them how much they charge for sex


Schoolboys from top private schools chased three 12-year-old girls through park

Abusers believed to be students from Melbourne's Carey and Trinity Grammar

Allegedly yelled homophobic slurs and told them to show evidence of self-harm

Mother of one of the young girls said the boys posted footage of pursuit online


A group of five Year 7 schoolboys from elite private schools chased three 12-year-old girls through a park and asked them how much they charged for sex.


The boys also allegedly shouted homophobic slurs and asked the girls to show evidence of self-harm as they pursued them through Victoria Park in Kew in Melbourne's inner-east about 4pm on Saturday.


A mother of one of the young girls said the boys then posted footage of their behaviour online, which has since been deleted.


The abusers - understood to be students from nearby Carey Grammar and Trinity Grammar - were egged on by as many as 30 teenagers, The Herald Sun reported.


The mother said the boys taunted the 12-year-old girls by asking them 'how much' it would cost for sex as well as 'homophobic slurs'.


They also asked them 'to show wrist reveals' - a reference to self-harm.


A witness also claimed they saw a knife during the pursuit, although this was not seen in footage of the chase posted on Snapchat.


The mother of one of the girls has since pleaded with the schoolboys' parents to show respect to their peers.


'I am asking for help here, not to name and shame, but if you are the parent of, or know the parent of any of these kids, please ask them to speak to their kids about the importance of kindness,' the mother said.


'I would also ask these parents to check their kids’ social media and assist with removing any video evidence.'


Daily Mail Australia has contacted both schools for comment.

Anonymous ID: 6a0667 June 14, 2021, 8:01 p.m. No.13906025   🗄️.is 🔗kun

LEAK: Conservative Party asking employees about vax status, plans


The headquarters of the Conservative Party of Canada is surveying employees about their vaccination status, according to documents provided to Rebel News.


In a survey titled “CPC HQ - Return to Work,” the first question, which is open-ended, asks “How are you doing with COVID restrictions?”


The second question, which is marked as required, asks, “Have you received or scheduled your first COVID-19 vaccine dose?”The second question, which is marked as required, asks, “Have you received or scheduled your first COVID-19 vaccine dose?”


Along with the obvious “yes” or “no” answers are: “I can't get vaccinated for personal reasons,” “I'm choosing not to get vaccinated,” and “I'm planning to schedule an appointment soon.”


The last question asks what type of work situation employees would like to have:


“Based on COVID-19 case numbers and vaccination rates in Ottawa, it's likely we will return to the office in the fall. What is your preferred return to work situation?”

Anonymous ID: 6a0667 June 14, 2021, 8:03 p.m. No.13906038   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US federal judge charges MARSHALS amid row over refusal to reveal Covid-19 vaccination status


A federal judge in South Dakota is on the warpath against the US Marshals service that provides courtroom security, accusing them of ‘kidnapping’ and criminal contempt after they refused to disclose Covid-19 vaccination status.


On Monday, US District Judge Charles Kornmann fulminated for nearly an hour at the courthouse in Aberdeen, as Justice Department lawyers and two of the Marshals he wants criminally prosecuted took notes.


“This was such an outrageous thing to do,” the judge reportedly said, according to the Washington Post, referring to the incident last month when a female deputy refused to tell him if she was vaccinated – and took the three defendants with her when Kornmann ordered her to leave the courtroom.


Federal judge accuses three senior law enforcement officials of criminal obstruction

— Justin Long (@jrlongatlaw) June 15, 2021


“When you move someone against their will, that's kidnapping,” Kornmann said. “I don't care who you are.”


“Nothing like this that we could find has ever been done in this country. If it is the marshals’ position that they can override court orders, they are badly mistaken,” he added.


Kornmann wants obstruction of justice and criminal contempt charges levied – not against the female deputy, but against the Marshals Service chief of staff John Kilgallon in Washington, DC; as well as Daniel Mosteller, the marshal for the District of South Dakota and his chief deputy Stephen Houghtaling. He gave the federal prosecutor until Friday to do so, or he would appoint a prosecutor who will. The trial date is already set: September 13.


The feud goes back to March, when Kornmann sent a letter to the Marshals demanding to know if the people working in his courtroom were vaccinated.


“We are not talking about politics or conspiracy theories. We are talking about science and protecting all of us who serve the public here as well as the jurors, lawyers and parties who come to this building,” the judge had written. “If you are refusing to take the vaccines, I want to know that so I can decide what further action is required on my part.”


“I had always thought that the principal responsibilities of the Marshals Service was the protection of the federal judiciary,” Kornmann added. “As it stands now, they could well be the most dangerous people in the courtroom.”

Anonymous ID: 6a0667 June 14, 2021, 8:05 p.m. No.13906051   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UK PM ‘misled parliament’ by briefing media re Covid-19 updates before MPs – Commons speaker


The speaker of the House of Commons has accused UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson of misleading Parliament over his decision to tell members of the media about changes to Covid-19 restrictions before MPs.


On Monday, Johnson told a press conference that the final stage of England’s so-called ‘roadmap’ out of lockdown would be delayed due to a rise in infections caused by the Delta variant of the virus.


Ahead of Johnson’s announcement in Downing Street, where he fielded questions from journalists, details of the government’s decision had already been leaked to British newspapers and broadcasters.


In a furious tirade at the PM earlier on Monday, Commons Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle blasted Johnson’s handling of communications around the pandemic as “totally unacceptable” and accused Downing Street of “running roughshod” over MPs.


“I have repeatedly made it clear how important it is that announcements should be made in this chamber first,” Hoyle told MPs in the Commons.


“I am at the stage where I am beginning to look for other avenues, if they are not going to treat this House seriously. It is time for me to have a meeting with the Prime Minister.”


Hoyle added that Parliament was “being misled” by Johnson, who, in his role as PM, is the arbiter of the ministerial code governing the conduct of MPs.


The code states: “Ministers who knowingly mislead Parliament will be expected to offer their resignation to the Prime Minister.”


Hoyle said he had intervened with Downing Street to ensure Health Secretary Matt Hancock updates MPs in the Commons on Monday evening.


The speaker’s comment on Monday is not the first time this year that Johnson or members of his cabinet have been accused of misleading Parliament.


The PM was hit by a similar allegation in March, after a court said his government had acted “unlawfully” by not publishing Covid-related contracts in the allotted time period.

Anonymous ID: 6a0667 June 14, 2021, 8:27 p.m. No.13906221   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6444

Stacey Abrams: ‘The Insurrection Is Continuing’ with Republican Voting Laws — ‘This Is Not Hyperbole’


Failed Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams said Monday on MSNBC’s “The ReidOut” that Republican state lawmakers forwarding voting legislation is a continuation of the January 6 Capitol riot “insurrection.”


Abrams said, “We have got to pay attention to the fact these laws do things. One, they are anti-voter. They are designed to stop voters the Republicans found inconvenient in this last election. Namely, young people, people of color, the disabled. Number two, these are anti-election worker bills. They are designed to get good people to abandon their post. To criminalize those who still want to do their job and to replace them with those who will undermine the administration of elections. Three, they are designed to subvert democracy. The challenge is, to the extent we have secretaries of state, who support and suborn this behavior, they are hastening the demise of our democracy, and this is not hyperbole. This is exactly what happens across the world when, you know, past, long-standing democracies start to erode.”


She continued, “It begins by undermining how people feel not about the democracy that they have but about the administration of that democracy. And what this is intended to do to convince voters that it is not worth the effort, to your point, about being GOP TV. It’s to convince those who decided to show up for the first time. Who, you know, decided they were going to push through those barriers, once more, that’s not worth it, and it’s trying to convince those who want to believe the big lie that there is something in it for them, on the other side. That, if they break down democracy, they get something better on the other side. Unfortunately, we know that is autocracy. It is not designed for their benefit and not designed for America’s benefit.”


Abrams added, “We know there are a number of U.S. senators who stand to lose their elections in 2022 if we do not protect our democracy. But we also have to remember that, beyond each individual candidate, it’s about who we are as a people, as a nation, are we willing to lose our nation to those who had the failed insurrection in January and decided to franchise it to every single state? The insurrection is continuing, and we have got to stop it in its tracks.”