Anonymous ID: 09acab June 15, 2021, 1:19 p.m. No.13911324   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Media content is not an accidental byproduct of competition for popular attention, its an engineered product used in peacetime to shape popular opinion, control purchasing behavior, regulate sexual morality. Currently MSM news and entertainment media are directed to immediate tactical necessities of nonlinear, ‘unrestricted’ or Information War (IW) .


“Information Poisoning” is a form of psychological attack or “psyop” that damages our cognitive capacity over time. The primary purpose of MSM media news and entertainment content is not to amuse and inform but to influence social decision making and shape purchasing behavior.

Advertising /entertainment media content suggests we buy things, adopt a fashion, get a piercing. Hate this, love that or be left out. It has normalized medical atrocities and induced a wide range of paraphilias or sexual fetishes.


Can you think of self-destructive behaviors trends promoted and propagated by MSM media since 1950?

We human beings are extremely suggestible and highly imitative; this fact is known, widely studied and exploited in engineered news and entertainment content.


Popular media content is generated for the purpose of social control, the management of consumer behavior and long term psycho-sexual demoralization of the general population.


MSM media is part of the Mockingbird social control system built by the clowns, aka CIA following the second WW. Engineered news and entertainment content is used by the clowns to guide and constrain human consciousness, to manipulate individual and group purchasing behaviors, to limit what we understand and ‘’’what we are capable of understanding.’’’


MSM media has been deliberately, ‘’’knowingly’’’used by satanist pedovores to create a distracted, obsessive hyper-sexualized consumer cargo culture.

legacy media is running 24/7 psyops targeting a naive civilian population.



Anonymous ID: 09acab June 15, 2021, 1:27 p.m. No.13911380   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ATTN Legacy Media shills


The satanist pedovore mind control era is over.


290 million Americans want the truth; including the truth about the gas lighting of America – MSM media complicity in C_A social subversion operations.


Entertainment company executives who think movies like NORMAL on HBO are the product of creative competition to meet audience demand will be surprised to discover that MI, POTUS and anons of QR all see it as subversive IO, a destructive psyop, one of hundreds run by MSM/legacy media against an unwitting civilian population.


Whether the public is aware, or ever becomes aware, of the harm done by MSM/legacy media content shilling, anons know, POTUS knows and MI knows.


Media companies closely associated with satanic mind control like Disney testify to the destructive nature and subversive power of cult mind warfare tactics.


Media shills and entertainment companies prepared to repent, to admit their role in social and sexual subversion and atone for decades evil must make a 180 reversal; stop destroying, start repairing and rebuilding, and begin undoing the harm they have done to civilization, the US and throughout the world.


A Turkish proverb says “No matter how far down the wrong road you have gone, turn back.”


Repairing damage for legacy media content means initiating a cross platform, all format, surge of error corrected, future positive, neural malware-free news and entertainment content, without subliminal or subsonic embeds, hypnotic induction or “side band” symbolic language technologies targeting our unconscious below the threshold of awareness.


Restoring the integrity of our news and entertainment media means resuming our journey toward the light, as individuals and as a species, and start of the long process undoing the harm done our minds by decades of satanic IO.



Anonymous ID: 09acab June 15, 2021, 1:54 p.m. No.13911517   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1538



Unrestricted Warfare Kits!


Sell like hot pies


Unrestricted Franchise Opportunity!


Unrestricted shill opportunity!


Use shill skills and shill contacts!






Need Macao district rep. Vanuatu rep, most shitholes have vacancies!




Join Mr. Lee Team Lee Le Team!


Unrestricted Warfare kit wholesale 25 dollar, price to you? Much less. You sell 50, 60 even 70 dollah to inebriates, the elderly, mental incompetents, undocumented refugees and registered sex offender!


BIG time, BIG time, BIG time shill!


Read to join established HK area Triad?


See mountainous reward top notch shilling?


Think hard. Your future noe no bigger than this teeny dot can hardly .







Red Team shills need not apply.

Anonymous ID: 09acab June 15, 2021, 2:03 p.m. No.13911557   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Can see why POTUS would say "peace is the prize."


Not that there's anything wrong with "Greek friendship ceremonies."

Anonymous ID: 09acab June 15, 2021, 2:10 p.m. No.13911598   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The owners and operators of the major media companies don't just protect pedovores, they are the architects and operators of the mass mind control system, the social engineers, the mind poisoners.

Many of our fellow citizens are so trapped in pseudo reality created by legacy media news and entertainment content they will never escape. We call the brainwashed “NPCs,” but they're victims of legacy media information poisoning.


We think we can watch legacy media news and entertainment content safely, that it won’t and hasn't hurt us… but it has. We've heard more lies about the world than we can remember. Those unremembered lies are the basis for important assumptions we make, about who is a friend and who's not, about what we do in our spare time and what we dream of for our children.


We've been exposed to hundreds of thousands subliminal images, subsonic induction, ultrasonic brain state modulation, images we’re not aware we even saw of sex hate death greed, all of which influence our behavior, creating a form of unrecognized PTSD, which victims often project outward as hate.

Legacy media has gradually, over decades reduced the common vocabulary and amplified the violence, venality, selfishness, greed and overt occultism in programming.


Hundreds of thousands of Americans suffer physical symptoms, increased blood pressure, respiration, perspiration and pulse – people shake, stutter at the mention of the name of a man they have never met. A man they know only from the thousands of negative stories about him in every media, every hour of every day on every conceivable media platform. The physical symptoms are a psychogenic illness produced nonstop adverse IO, cultist Information Operations, aka psyops.


By gradually reducing our vocabulary and simplifying discussions legacy media has gradually reduced our cognitive capacity and normalized bizarre fetishes and psychopathology; moral subversion is a recognized tactic of unrestricted war; lifetime exposure from infancy means that many of us are no longer able to understand what is happening to us.


Legacy media protects satanist pedophile occultists, ignores massive evidence, discredit and slanders honest researchers, elevates fake experts to debunk perverts like Epstein, and scandals like Pizzagate, the Presidio, Keating S&L perverts, and dozens of other similar scandals equally serious and always dismissed as "satanic panic" which is now the approved explanation for the McMartin preschool scandal in Los Angeles.


There, at McMartin the children described ritual abuse, but. as always. the the Daily Beast assures us is an hallucination



Anonymous ID: 09acab June 15, 2021, 2:24 p.m. No.13911687   🗄️.is 🔗kun


A real racket for Boss Hogg type plasma bandit proudly opened the trunk of his caddy and showed anon it was full of vinyl, 1 unit bags of yellow fluid. He said, "Plasma. " He slammed the trunk, "From prisons."


Cool enough to suspect he rehearsed it.

Anonymous ID: 09acab June 15, 2021, 2:34 p.m. No.13911750   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1768 >>1867 >>1913

From The QR Interzone archive:


Marianne Williamson ACIM MKUltra




Paragraphs referring to Marianne Williamson


Dr. William Thetford, Professor of Medical Psychology, Columbia University, New York, assisted Dr. Helen Schucman as a ‘scribe’ in the initial channeling of the “A Course in Miracles “(ACIM) book originally published in 1975 by an organization called The Foundation for the Investigation of Para Sensory Phenomena.


From 1971 to 1978, Dr. William Thetford, along with a David Saunders, headed CIA MK-ULTRA Subproject 130: Personality Theory while at Columbia University. In other words, Dr. Thetford was working for the CIA conducting TOP SECRET Personality Theory of Conversion Hysterics experiments under MK-ULTRA at the same time he was the scribe for the 1975 ACIM book.


After graduating from college in 1949, Thetford worked as a research psychologist in both Chicago, and later in Washington, DC. According to Colin Ross, from 1951 to 1953, Thetford worked on Project BLUEBIRD, an early CIA mind control program that led to MK ULTRA. He spent 1954 and 1955 as the director of clinical psychology at the Institute of Living in Hartford, Connecticut. From 1955 to 1957, he was an assistant professor of psychology at Cornell University’s CIA-funded Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology.


In 1958, he accepted an assistant professorship, which later developed into a full professorship, at the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. During a portion of this same period he also served as the director of clinical psychology at the Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital. It was here that he would stay for the next 20 years, and it was here that he first met Dr. Helen Schucman, hiring her as a research psychologist and assistant.[20]


In other words, at the time that Dr. Schucman channeled ACIM, from a voice she resonated from a master named JESUS, she also working for the CIA as a MK ULTRA mind bended (hallucinogenic drugs, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, psychic driving) guinea pig.


Oprah, The CIA Keystone Spiritual Awakening: “A Course in Miracles “


Reading through the MK-Ultra/ACIM article. This phrase stuck out:


Oprah, The CIA Keystone Spiritual Awakening: “A Course in Miracles “


…did a search on CIA Keystone. Here are some of the results from the cia page that talk about keystone.



CIA Headquarters — Central Intelligence Agency…cia…/cia-headquarters.html


Apr 15, 2007 - Established in 1947 and located in Virginia, the Central Intelligence Agency is the keystone of the Intelligence Community. The Agency, unlike …


Chapter One — Central Intelligence Agency…u…/chapter_1.htm


Mar 16, 2007 - DCI Allen Dulles in 1961 used the word “keystone” to describe CIA's place in the Intelligence Community, and in 1994 DCI R. James Woolsey …


In this context, is the cia the keystone that once removed cause the whole thing to collapse?