Anonymous ID: 20d436 June 15, 2021, 2 p.m. No.13911544   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1548 >>1551 >>1573 >>1575 >>1593 >>1608

Anons, I am the anon that did the frozen chicken test with a watch battery last bread. (It did not stick due to moisture, btw. It "pulled" as if magnetic and snapped into place and would not shake off. But I'm not here to argue that.)

Anyway, we've all heard about watch batteries sticking to people who got the COVID-19 vaccine. Dr. Tenpenny is all over it. I haven't been vaccinated but spouseanon has. However, I do give myself a daily injection of Victoza (liraglutide) for blood sugar control. I got to wondering… So I took my watch battery and put it on my stomach where I gave this morning's injection. Sure enough, it stuck. Then I put the battery on my forehead. It stuck. Wouldn't shake off. I put it on my chest. It stuck, firmly. My cheek. It stuck. It even stuck to the palmer side of my thumb. So, I'm thinking…spouseanon shed the vaccine and now I'm magnetized by whatever causes it in the vaccine. Watch battery also sticks to spouseanon forehead but not as firmly. It doesn't stick elsewhere on spouse. I called my sister who is single and hasn't received the vaccine nor been around anyone much that has. She got a watch battery and it stuck to her too – in the same places as me. She does not take injections. WTF???

So now I'm wondering how many of us are magnetized regardless of getting the vaccine. If you have a watch battery handy – see if it sticks to you too. I'm betting it will stick to a good percentage of you. Next question is "why"!