Anonymous ID: 4ab9c4 June 15, 2021, 1 p.m. No.13911202   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1210 >>1244 >>1258 >>1620

are you fucking kidding me, what is this now the Statsi in the US. The only radicalized people are in the US Government


Biden Administration Asks Americans to Report ‘Potentially’ Radicalized Friends and Family

Charlie Spiering15 Jun 2021


President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.

In a conversation with reporters, one senior administration official explained the importance of stopping politically fueled violence before it started.

“We will work to improve public awareness of federal resources to address concerning or threatening behavior before violence occurs,” the official said.

The official cited the Department of Homeland Security’s “If you see something say something” campaign to help stop radical Islamic terror as a domestic possibility.

“This involves creating contexts in which those who are family members or friends or co-workers know that there are pathways and avenues to raise concerns and seek help for those who they have perceived to be radicalizing and potentially radicalizing towards violence,” the official said.

Biden began his presidency with a stark warning in his inauguration speech about the “rise in political extremism, white supremacy, domestic terrorism that we must confront and we will defeat.” On June 1, Biden described the threat from “white supremacy” as the “most lethal threat to the homeland today.”

The Biden administration said it would also work with large technology companies on “increased information sharing” to help combat radicalization.

“Any particular tech company often knows its own platform very well,” the official noted. “But the government sees things — actually, threats of violence — across platforms. They see the relationship between online recruitment, radicalization, and violence in the physical world.”

The Department of Homeland Security also plans to deploy “digital literacy” and “digital fitness” programs to help combat “malicious content online that bad actors deliberately try to disseminate.”

The official reassured reporters that the administration’s new strategies would remain “laser-focused” on stopping violent acts.

“This is a strategy that is agnostic as to political ideology or off the spectrum,” the official said. “What matters is when individuals take their political or other grievances and turn that — unacceptably, unlawfully — into violent action.”

The official added the Biden administration was taking the threat of domestic terrorism seriously and would redirect the focus of intelligence agencies on internal threats.

“We are investing many agencies of the government and resourcing them appropriately and asking our citizens to participate,” the official said. “Because, ultimately, this is really about homeland security being a responsibility of each citizen of our country to help us achieve.”

Anonymous ID: 4ab9c4 June 15, 2021, 1:03 p.m. No.13911223   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hedge Fund Manager Kyle Bass Estimates U.S. Inflation at 12%

Joshua Caplan15 Jun 2021

(Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images)

Mark Wilson/Getty Images



I cant take much more of this winning, it feels like losing to me

Appearing Tuesday on CNBC’s Squawk Box, hedge fund manager Kyle Bass estimated that the United States’ inflation rate is approximately 12 percent.


A transcript is as follows:


REBECCA QUICK: As someone who is looking to invest in the market, what do these higher numbers mean? What does that mean for the Fed?


KYLE BASS: When you look at the inflation numbers, these are chain-weighted inflation numbers. These are numbers that are designed to be artificially be low. If you look at a non-chain-weighted index of inflation, we think it’s running about 12 percent, and with short term interest rates still at zero, that means people who have money in the bank, in their savings, are losing 5 to 12 percent of their purchasing power annually. We have 34 percent more money in the US system than we did 14 months ago. Of course we’re going to have inflation and it’s going to be significant.


“Investors and savers and retirees need to think about how to maintain the purchasing power of their capital,” Bass concluded.

Anonymous ID: 4ab9c4 June 15, 2021, 1:06 p.m. No.13911241   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1247 >>1248 >>1536

Nolte:Tucker Carlson More than Doubled Barack Obama’s CNNLOL Audience

John Nolte15 Jun 2021


Obama looks like hes getting very old, very fast


Failed former President Barack Obama appeared on CNNLOL last week and pulled in less than half as many viewers as Tucker Carlson on Fox News:


CNN[LOL] desperately needed a ratings boost from its interview with former President Obama on Monday after the liberal network failed to reach 1 million viewers for an unprecedented six consecutive days.


The 44th commander in chief sat down with CNN[LOL] anchor Anderson Cooper for an hour-long special, earning 1.4 million viewers according to Nielsen data. Despite booking one of the nation’s most popular Democrats, Cooper was still trounced by Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” which earned 2.97 million viewers, more than double of the Obama interview during the 8 p.m. ET timeslot.


The Obama interview was widely publicized on behalf of poor Anderson Cooper, who has been averaging only around 900,000 nightly viewers — which proves there are only about 900,000 morons left in the world who enjoy being serially lied to.


Anyway, it’s not only remarkable that for a rare television appearance, Obama would choose a loser like CNNLOL, but that in a world filled with tens of millions of Democrats, fewer than 1.5 million tuned in.


Well, why would they?


Why would anyone?


We’re talking about CNNLOL after all, so everyone knew the hour would be a duller than dull lovefest, which ensured no news could happen, so why bother?


As far as CNNLOL’s future, the Obama interview changed nothing…


The day after, on Tuesday, Anderson Cooper’s total viewers collapsed right back into the basement with just 795,000, or around a quarter of Carlson’s 2.866 million. Moreover, Cooper actually shed viewers from his lead-in, the hideous Erin Burnett, who earned a measly 814,000 viewers.


Jake “The Fake News” Tapper is in his usual black hole, scaring up just 684,000 viewers during his second hour, or about a quarter of Fox’s The Five, which drew 2.69 million viewers. During his first hour, Tapper somehow lost to Fox’s Neal Cavuto — 707,000 compared to 1.21 million.


Chris “The Fredo” Cuomo couldn’t scare up even 800,000 viewers on Tuesday. A mere 798,000 tuned in to watch the ethically crippled Little Brother, compared to 2.286 million for Sean Hannity and 2.276 million for MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow.


The insufferable Don Lemon, who is soon to depart his CNNLOL timeslot for obvious reasons, reached only 684,000 viewers post-Fredo — which is about a third of the 2.067 million for Laura Ingraham and the 1.6 million for MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell.


In his second hour, Lemon collapsed to just 460,000 viewers while Fox’s Greg Gutfeld nearly quadrupled him with 1.635 million.


Not even Obama can save CNNLOL.


Yeah, that’s a damn shame.