Anonymous ID: 846238 June 15, 2021, 12:59 p.m. No.13911198   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biden Admin Prepared to Lift Sanctions on Iran’s Top Terrorism Financers, Senator Says


Sen. Toomey demands internal documents about Biden's plan to lift sanctions


The Biden administration is prepared to lift sanctions on the Iranian regime's primary vehicles for terrorism financing, according to the ranking Republican on the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, which is investigating Treasury Department efforts to waive these crippling measures.


Sen. Pat Toomey (R., Pa.), whose committee has jurisdiction over the Treasury Department, is demanding the Biden administration turn over internal documents related to its impending decision to dismantle the toughest sanctions campaign in U.S. history.


Toomey suspects the administration will lift sanctions on Iran's central bank and its national oil company, both of which were sanctioned by the Trump administration for acting as the primary funders of Tehran's global terrorism operation. As negotiations with Iran in Vienna continue this week, Toomey and other leading Republicans are stepping up efforts to block the Biden administration from granting Iran billions of dollars in sanctions relief. GOP foreign policy leaders say they are seeing signs that President Joe Biden will waive sanctions that even the Obama administration pushed to keep in place.


"I am particularly troubled by reports that the administration is preparing to lift restrictions on significant economic entities, including the Central Bank of Iran and the National Iranian Oil Company," Toomey wrote in a June 10 letter to the Treasury Department in which he demands that the agency produce scores of documents related to future sanctions relief. "These firms were designated as terrorism-supporting entities following a 2017 law mandating terrorism sanctions on IRGC agents and affiliates."


Like other congressional committees investigating the Biden administration's closed-door negotiations with Iran, Toomey's committee is questioning claims by U.S. diplomats that sanctions relief will not fund Iran's regional terror operations.


"Even former President Obama did not lift terrorism designations when signing the [original 2015 nuclear deal]," Toomey wrote. "Meanwhile, since the beginning of the Biden administration, U.S. sanctions have been flagrantly violated by America's strategic rival China, which has imported a record amount of Iranian oil."


After the original nuclear accord was signed, Iran went on a military spending spree, laying waste to claims by the Obama administration that the sanctions relief would be spent helping the Iranian people.


Toomey says the Biden administration is repeating the same mistake and will go further in the scope and scale of sanctions relief.


The senator demands the Biden administration provide his committee with all internal analyses about the financial "implications of providing billions of dollars in sanctions relief to the IRGC-controlled regime in Iran, including but not limited to, any analyses that have led the administration to conclude that lifting sanctions on Iran-affiliated terrorist entities furthers U.S. national interests."


He also wants all records detailing how exactly the Biden administration will ensure Iran does not build a nuclear weapon and expand its military infrastructure, including the country's ballistic missile program.


"Iran's hostility towards the United States has only increased since President Biden took office, but his administration appears poised to give billions of dollars in sanctions relief to the world's foremost sponsor of terrorism," Toomey told the Washington Free Beacon. "Tehran is refusing to explain the existence of nuclear material it hid during the original Iran nuclear talks in 2015, and the International Atomic Energy Agency warns that it's now impossible to confirm the peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear program. Make no mistake: Capitulating to Iran's ongoing aggression and nuclear blackmail will only encourage further malign behavior."

Anonymous ID: 846238 June 15, 2021, 1:01 p.m. No.13911212   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Feds Investigating Chinese Spies’ Return to US Ahead of COVID Travel Ban


Chinese nationals' travel changes prompt espionage and pandemic concerns for national security agencies


Intelligence officials are investigating why suspected Chinese spies returned to the United States on student and work visas at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to internal government documents reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon.


Hundreds of Chinese nationals are the subject of a federal probe after law enforcement officials flagged their travel at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Chinese nationals returned to the United States earlier than expected in January 2020, often having modified their travel plans. Then-president Donald Trump signed an executive order restricting entry from non-citizens and residents from China on Jan. 31, 2020.


The episode is recounted in an internal report that circulated among various national security and law enforcement agencies on June 3. That report surmises that the Chinese students returned to the United States earlier than expected in order to avoid future travel restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The United States recorded its first COVID-19 case on January 21, the same day a Chinese scientist said the virus could spread person to person.


"The team examined 58,000 inbound Chinese F/J visa holders in the [Passenger Name Record] database and identified 396 individuals whose return travel was [scheduled] after January 2020 but had returned in January 2020," the report reads.


Although intelligence officials have not concluded whether the hundreds of monitored students were confirmed spies, the students' modified travel suggests that many Chinese nationals were aware of the severity of COVID-19, in spite of assurances to the contrary from their government and U.S. health officials. The World Health Organization did not declare a global health emergency until Jan. 31, 2020, even though China ordered a quarantine for the entire city of Wuhan eight days before.


Education watchdogs say the memo highlights the risk to national security posed by America's lax student visa system.


"The Chinese government relies on nontraditional collectors of information as an important piece of its espionage efforts. Academia is not immune," said Rachelle Peterson, a senior research fellow at the National Institution of Scholars. "Cutting-edge research, technological inventions, and other forms of intellectual property are key targets for the Chinese government, which has sought to create in its foreign-based citizens a sense of obligation to bring back something of use for the Chinese Communist Party."


U.S. intelligence agencies have long warned universities and research facilities about the threat of Chinese espionage. Roughly 30 percent of all foreign students in the country come from China—totaling about 340,000 people. In September 2020, the United States canceled more than 1,000 student and research visas for Chinese students, claiming the recipients had ties to the Chinese military.


The Trump administration made confronting China's military and espionage practices a cornerstone of its agenda, with Trump spy chief John Ratcliffe calling China "the greatest threat to America today, and the greatest threat to democracy and freedom world-wide since World War II." Trump signed an executive order in May 2020 barring "certain graduate-level and above Chinese nationals associated with entities in China" from entering the country.


The National Institutes of Health opened an ongoing investigation into recipients of its research grants in 2019. The Free Beacon reported on June 14, 2020, that at least 54 scientists who received National Institutes of Health grants were fired for failure to disclose their ties to foreign governments, particularly China.

Anonymous ID: 846238 June 15, 2021, 1:04 p.m. No.13911234   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How Rigidly Controlled European ‘News’-Media Are


NATO is America’s military alliance against Russia and China — primarily against Russia, because at the start of the Cold War, the two nuclear superpowers quickly emerged to be U.S. and U.S.S.R.


If America blitz-nuclear-attacks Russia, as the U.S. Government’s “Nuclear Primacy” geostrategy ever since at least the year 2006 has envisioned to be the end-game in the Cold War (in order to ‘win’ that War, since a blitz-attacker has a vastly higher likelihood of winning a war, whereas a defender has no opportunity to plan in advance when and where to strike and no opportunity to obliterate the opponent’s defenses at the very start of the conflict and thereby to prevent retaliation — only a blitz-attacker can have such opportunities), then what countries will Russia nuke in return (if any of its retaliatory forces do survive such a blitz by America)? All of America’s allies would likely be nuked, in response, though mainly the U.S. itself would be. However, European countries are nearer to Russia than America is, and therefore will be taking the hits from the shorter-range Russian missiles — more “bang for the buck” there. All of the U.S., and all of Russia, could be totally destroyed, but America’s allies also would be. By being America’s ally, each other NATO-member-nation becomes a target for Russia to retaliate against in the event of an American blitz-attack against Russia. Although America’s goal (since 2006) is a 100% successful blitz attack and 100% shielding of America from any possible Russian counter-attack, that’s not yet possible (and probably it can’t ever be): ‘winning’ a nuclear war between America and Russia would mean merely having the last person to die from the war.


This means that (in practical fact) the safest countries will be non-aligned ones — not allies of either side. In other words: NATO membership greatly increases a European country’s risk. That’s the actual fact.


However, by overwhelmingly high margins within each one of the NATO countries, the publics there believe exactly the opposite.


Here is from the “NATO Secretary General Annual Report 2020”:


p.42 of the document = p.44 of the pdf:


Support for NATO remains high. As in 2019, most citizens would vote for their country to remain a member of NATO in a referendum (62%, compared to 64% in 2019), with only 11% stating they would vote for their country to leave the Alliance. The graph below shows responses to the question “If you could vote for or against your country’s membership in NATO, how would you vote?”:


Albania 94/5 (94% for, 5% against), Lithuania 83/7, Poland 82/5, Romania 80/7, Portugal 78/6, Estonia 76/10, North Macedonia 76/14, Hungary 73/8, Luxembourg 73/7, Denmark 72/8, Germany 69/12, Italy 68/11, Latvia 67/15, Norway 67/18, Canada 66/7, Croatia 65/16, Netherlands 64/10, UK 64/8, Belgium 63/10, Czechia 63/17, Greece 61/20, Turkey 61/16, Spain 60/16, Bulgaria 67/22, U.S. 57/10, Slovenia 55/26, Iceland 52/14, Slovakia 51/27, France 50/13, Montenegro 50/30.


The majority of Allied citizens (58%) continue to see NATO membership as decreasing the likelihood of attack by a foreign nation, with only 16% disagreeing with that statement. The graph below shows agreement with the statement “Our membership in NATO makes it less likely that a foreign nation will attack our country”:


Lithuania 78/8, Albania 76/14, Poland 76/8, Norway 74/10, North Macedonia 73/9, Denmark 72/7, Portugal 72/9, Romania 70/12, Estonia 69/15, Hungary 69/12, Turkey 69/17, Croatia 67/14, Netherlands 66/10, Latvia 63/15, Spain 63/13, UK 61/12, Belgium 60/12, Bulgaria 60/19, Germany 60/15, Canada 58/11, Greece 58/23, Luxembourg 58/14, Slovenia 58/20, Italy 57/17, Czechia 54/21, Iceland 52/13, Slovakia 51/23, U.S. 51/17, France 47/19, Montenegro 45/22.

Anonymous ID: 846238 June 15, 2021, 1:06 p.m. No.13911242   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1296 >>1653

MASS HYPNOSIS: The disturbing psychology behind the global vaccine SUICIDE CULT


The global vaccine suicide cult is very real, and it’s a product of mass hypnosis combined with a widespread desire for self-annihilation. Driven to the point of insanity by crazed culture and the psychological terrorism of the mainstream media, many people are now either consciously or unconsciously seeking to end their own lives — global suicides have skyrocketed since the covid lockdowns began — and now they’ve stumbled upon their final solution: The covid vaccine.


Heaven’s Gate was a California cult that ended in the 1990s when nearly all its members committed suicide after having faith that their leader — a man named Applewhite — would bring them to salvation.


In much the same way that Heaven’s Gate cult members thought they could achieve ascension and rise above humanity by consuming poison that they believed would teleport them to an “alien mothership” waiting for them on the far side of Haley’s Comet, today’s vaccine suicide cultists believe they can achieve ascension by injecting themselves with a deadly biological weapon that will transform them into a “free” human being and give them VIP status in society (thanks to their vaccine passports).


In exactly the same way that Heaven’s Gate cultists committed suicide in search of ascension to a false god, today’s vaccine worshipers are killing themselves as they pay homage to the false god of “science.” And the outcome will be the same: Mass death and shattered delusions.

When people turn their backs on God, they no longer recognize their own self-worth

Anonymous ID: 846238 June 15, 2021, 1:08 p.m. No.13911253   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1326 >>1450

AG Merrick Garland Announces DAG Lisa Monaco Will Lead DOJ Effort to Frame Political Opposition as Domestic Terrorists, Equates January 6th DC Protest to 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing


The coordination of narrative engineering across all agencies of the U.S. government is quite remarkable. Today Attorney General Merrick Garland announced that Deputy AG Lisa Monaco (Obama crew) will lead a “whole of government” effort to label any political opposition to the Biden regime as “domestic terrorists”.


To facilitate that objective, Garland announced that DAG Monaco is reconstituting “the domestic terrorism executive committee“, an investigative agency process used in the aftermath of the Oklahoma bombing in 1995. Additionally, Garland is noting the January 6th Capitol Hill protest was the current equivalent of the 1995 bombing that killed 168 people and injured 680. The Domestic Terrorism committee, led by Monaco, will focus their efforts at ensuring the center of U.S. government is never again put at risk.


You only need to watch the first 4 minutes of the video below to see the framework of the narrative being deployed. Garland’s statements align with Nancy Pelosi’s legislative demand to weaponize a January 6th Commission for the same political intents and purposes. [White House Announcement Here]


As announced the Biden administration will use the opportunity of the protest against the 2020 election outcome to set into place various multi-agency monitoring systems to “identify threats”, “monitor behaviors” and “conduct surveillance” on all Americans, in effort to identify the “domestic extremists”. This, they hope, will help eliminate any political push-back in the upcoming 2022 mid-term election.


The purpose of this announcement should be crystal clear to everyone. We discussed and outlined the background previously. {Go Deep 1} and {Go Deep Two}


In the background of these maneuvers Big Tech and Corporate Media have been instructed to push the “domestic extremist” narrative; and any truth-tellers are considered subversive, ie. against the interests of the U.S. government.


The January 6th DC protest is being used as evidence for that narrative. Deplatforming, censorship and ultimately control of voices who would warn of the larger issues continues daily.


Let me be very clear… stop and hear the drums… Something is about to happen. Approximately 100 million American voters are considered dissidents now.

Anonymous ID: 846238 June 15, 2021, 1:14 p.m. No.13911291   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1303 >>1321 >>1330

Wells Fargo Cancels Lauren Witzke’s Bank Account, Leaves Her Stranded Out of State With No Money


"Get your money out of Wells Fargo if you are a conservative"


Wells Fargo has shut down the bank account of America First activist Lauren Witzke, leaving her stranded out of state with completely no money.


In a post on Telegram, Witzke, who ran as the Republican candidate for the Senate in Delaware in the 2020 elections, revealed that Wells Fargo had completely shut down her bank account, removing all of her money from the system, leaving her with a “zero balance” instead. In a call with the bank, Witzke was informed that the action taken was a purely “business decision,” and that they have the right to close her account down at any time. “Had I not been surrounded by friends in Florida, I would be completely stranded,” she wrote, as she would be stuck out of state with absolutely no money at all.


The lack of explanation from Wells Fargo as to why they closed down Witzke’s bank account opens questions as to why the decision was taken to begin with, and if it had anything to do with her Christian conservative politics. Witzke is a current presenter with TruNews, a Christian broadcast network, and has stood up for America First policies, including joining with fellow conservative activists Nick Fuentes, Laura Loomer, and Michelle Malkin, to push for a greater crackdown on Big Tech in Florida. She had been removed from Twitter after calling out a transgender activist for saying that little girls are “kinky.”


National File contacted Wells Fargo for comment before publication, asking not only why her account was shut down, but if Wells Fargo would extend this action to other account holders. Witzke warned that other conservatives should remove their money from Wells Fargo in case they did take action on others, describing what had happened to her as being “so evil.” National File did not receive a response by the time of publication.


Witzke is not the first conservative to face seemingly punitive action from banks as a result of her politics. Gab founder and CEO Andrew Torba earlier this year revealed that he and his New Tech social media platform had been banned from 4 banks within the space of 4 weeks, due to media smears that the site is a “haven for extremists” and other spurious claims. In February, pro-Trump coffee brand “Covfefe Coffee” were banned from using Chase Bank’s WePay processor – after National File and others reported on the incident, sales for Covfefe Coffee shot up over 7,500%.

Anonymous ID: 846238 June 15, 2021, 1:17 p.m. No.13911304   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1397 >>1693

Pentagon’s anti-extremism moves now part of a larger national strategy


The White House on Tuesday announced a national effort for countering domestic extremism, which includes moves the Defense Department put into action earlier this year.


Among them are initiatives to better screen potential recruits, monitor extremist activity while in uniform and better educate new veterans about the possibility of being targeted for recruitment into an extremist group. The White House strategy would like to see those measures extended to law enforcement, according to a Tuesday release.


“While domestic law enforcement agencies take the lead, the Department of Defense will do our part to support this important strategy,” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said in a statement. “That includes maintaining the Department’s robust relationship with federal law enforcement as well as refining our policies to better address this issue within the Department.”


The strategy builds off of a study released to Congress in March, a senior administration official told reporters on Monday.


“… it found that domestic violent extremists, motivated by a range of ideologies, pose an elevated threat to our country in 2021, with racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists — and specifically those who espouse the superiority of the white race — and anti-government militia violent extremists posing the most lethal threat,” the official said.


A government-wide anti-extremism push has been in the making since the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. DoD took much of that lead earlier this year, after multiple reports that service members and veterans made up as much as 20 percent of the people charged for participating.


“… obviously, the Defense Department has really shown a lot of leadership on this, starting early in this administration, to ensure that those critical and sensitive positions — positions of trust that service members and others within the Defense Department hold — can’t be abused or exploited for the sort of nefarious purposes that domestic terrorists would like to see them exploited for,” the official said.


DoD’s work, including its Countering Extremism Working Group, is basically one arm of a larger strategy across the federal government, the official added.


That group is tasked with developing a definition of extremism that commanders can use when handling potential cases; something more specific than the current DoD instruction, which allows for membership in organization extremist groups, as long as a service member is not “actively” fundraising, planning action or participating in public events.


Elsewhere, the president’s 2022 budget request includes nearly $31 million to help the department develop a punitive regulation for prosecuting extremism.


The Justice Department may go a similar route, the senior administration official said, though that’s still under review.

Anonymous ID: 846238 June 15, 2021, 1:19 p.m. No.13911320   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Over 1100 Detained in China for Money Laundering Via Cryptocurrencies


Over 1100 Detained in China for Money Laundering Via Cryptocurrencies


Print article

Published: 15 June 2021

Written by Emily Tian


In the latest crackdown on cryptocurrency fraud, China said last week that it rounded up more than 1,100 suspects and dismantled over 170 criminal groups believed to have used virtual currencies to provide money transfer and laundering services for telenetwork scams.


A press release published by the Ministry of Public Security said that police in 23 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities carried out the simultaneous operations on June 9.


The ministry explained that fraudulent networks usually transferred stolen money into the bank account of a “coin farmer,” who then would purchase and transfer virtual currency on a trading platform to a designated wallet address.


According to the statement, the commission obtained by the “coin farmers,” usually between 1.5 and 5% “attracts a large number of people to participate, causing serious social harm.”


The press release did not indicate how much money had been transacted via cryptocurrencies in the alleged cases of fraud.


“In order to avoid investigation and crackdown, fraudsters turn to use virtual currency to transfer the funds involved in the case,” the press release reported.


However, Dr. Garrick Hileman, the Head of Research at, said that he’s skeptical if concerns over money laundering are the central driving force behind the recent governmental crackdown.


“The bigger concern of the Chinese authorities is maintaining financial control,” Hileman said. “People who are worried about currency devaluation might move funds into cryptocurrency, which could potentially undermine Chinese monetary policy.”


Although China has banned domestic cryptocurrency exchanges in 2017, “over the counter” transfers between parties looking to trade Chinese yuan and Bitcoin and VPN-enabled access to offshore cryptocurrency exchanges have made it challenging for regulatory agencies to enforce cryptocurrency regulations.


Meanwhile, the government left mining — the complex computational process where blocks of cryptocurrency payments are verified and inputted into a public ledger, also entering new virtual coinage into circulation — more or less unregulated. Bitcoin mining in China accounted for about 75% of all Bitcoin mining activities worldwide as of April 2020.


The crypto-related arrests made last week come after the government’s recently announced plans to clamp down on mining as well.


On May 21, the financial committee of the State Council — the government’s chief administrative authority — outlined a “prudent” financial policy that prevents financial risks by cracking down on Bitcoin mining and training behavior.


In the days and weeks following, officials in Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Qinghai and Yunnan — resource-abundant provinces where power-draining crypto mining has largely been clustered — have all announced new regulations against mining.

Anonymous ID: 846238 June 15, 2021, 1:20 p.m. No.13911333   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1419 >>1446

Fresh Charges in 1MDB Case


Two individuals implicated in the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) scandal were charged on Thursday with engaging in a “back channel lobbying campaign” to influence the Trump administration and the U.S. Justice Department to drop the investigation and “have a Chinese dissident sent back to China.”


1MDB, a scheme that largely revolved around Malaysian businessman and fugitive Low Taek Jho (Jho Low), saw an estimated US$4.5 billion stolen from a state-owned development fund in Malaysia. The scheme implicated a number of high-ranking officials including Malaysia’s former Prime Minister, Najib Razak, who was sentenced last year to 12 years in jail and fined $49.4 million.


The superseding indictment, returned by a federal grand jury in the District of Columbia, also alleged that Jho Low and U.S. singer and entertainer Prakazrel “Pras” Michel conspired to “commit money laundering related to the foreign influence campaigns,” while Michel was also accused of “witness tampering and conspiracy to make false statements to banks.”


The investigation, which has been ongoing since 2015 and led by the Justice Department and the FBI, also found that the pair allegedly used “straw donors” to funnel millions of dollars into the U.S. presidential election as “purportedly legitimate campaign contributions, all while concealing the true source of the money,” for which they were charged in 2019.


If the latest allegations are found to be true, Low could face a maximum penalty of 5 to 10 years in prison, whereas Michel would face a range of maximum penalties from five to 20 years in prison.

Anonymous ID: 846238 June 15, 2021, 1:22 p.m. No.13911346   🗄️.is 🔗kun

HSI El Paso-led multi-agency operation results in recovery of 24 missing children


EL PASO – A multi-agency effort, led by Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), has resulted in the recovery of 24 missing and/or runaway children throughout El Paso County and Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.


The following agencies assisted in the effort, dubbed Operation Lost Souls: El Paso Police Department, El Paso Sheriff’s Office, Socorro, Ysleta and El Paso Independent School District Police departments, U.S. Marshals Service, El Paso County Juvenile Probation Department, Ysleta Del Sur Tribal Police Division, Texas Anti-Gang Center, the Border Prosecution Unit for the District Attorney’s Office for the 34th Judicial District, El Paso County Attorney’s Office, Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, and the Texas Department of Criminal Justice Parole Division.


The week-long operation conducted in mid-May is ongoing. The Paseo Del Norte Center of Hope, the El Paso Center for Children Youth Outreach & Housing Division and Drop-in Center also assisted.


This is the first time that more than 15 area agencies and non-governmental organizations collaborated to locate missing children reported through the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) and local law enforcement agencies.


As a result of the operation:


24 missing or runaway children were located or recovered.

Of the 24, four missing children were located or recovered internationally - three in Mexico and one in Puerto Rico.

Two of the missing children were located or recovered out-of-state – one each in California and Oklahoma.

A child sexual assault and a human trafficking case are under investigation.


“Runaway children are at high risk of becoming trafficking victims and falling prey to individuals who want to hurt them and jeopardize their health and safety,” said Erik P. Breitzke, special agent in charge for HSI El Paso. “I commend the law enforcement agencies and non-governmental organizations that participated in this operation that very well may have helped save lives. We will continue to collaborate and work tirelessly to identify and recover missing children.”


Individuals located were offered the services of DPS Victims Services as well as the HSI Victim Assistance Program, a central piece of HSI’s victim-centered approach to assist with the investigation of crimes.


This investigation highlights how local, state and federal law enforcement partners work together to combat child sex trafficking and human trafficking. If you think you have seen a missing child, or if you have information on online solicitation/exploitation of a minor; contact the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC). The NCMEC Hotline (1-800-843-5678) is staffed 24 hours a day.


Victims of human trafficking or people with information about this type of criminal activity, should call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 888-373-7888.


HSI and DPS are participating agencies in the TAG. Anonymous tips may be reported at


HSI is the principal investigative arm of DHS and a vital U.S. asset in combatting transnational crime and threats. One of HSI’s top priorities is to protect the public from crimes of victimization, and HSI’s human trafficking and child exploitation investigations programs are central components of this mission set. HSI is recognized as a global leader in these investigative disciplines, and is committed to utilizing its vast authorities, international footprint and strong government and non-government partnerships to identify and rescue child victims, identify and apprehend offenders, prevent human trafficking, prevent transnational child sexual abuse, and help make the internet a safer place for children.

Anonymous ID: 846238 June 15, 2021, 1:24 p.m. No.13911350   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1447 >>1515

AMO Seizes Cocaine Haul Worth $17.6M Concealed inside Vessel Near Vieques, Puerto Rico


FAJARDO, Puerto Rico— US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Air and Marine Operations (AMO) agents seized 1,299 pounds (589.4 Kilos) of cocaine from a vessel inspected on Wednesday evening. The estimated value of the seized cocaine is $17.6 million. A total 516 bricks of cocaine.


“Transnational criminal organizations try to move their illicit contraband through various means,” indicated Hector Rojas, Acting Director of the Caribbean Air and Marine Branch. “Our agents will continue to use our advanced aeronautical and maritime capabilities to detect and interdict them throughout our coastal borders.”


On June 9, an AMO Fajardo Marine Unit stopped a 26-foot center console Mako vessel navigating southwest, about 4 nautical miles north of Vieques. The vessel had one occupant.


The vessel was escorted to the Fajardo Marine boathouse for full inspection. Inside the vessel agents found hidden compartments where they found a total of 516 bricks. A field test resulted in the identification of cocaine.


The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) assumed custody of the boat occupant and the contraband for investigation.


“Federal, state and local law enforcement agencies continue to work together to secure our island’s borders. It’s a non-stop effort that constantly disrupts these drug trafficking organizations and in doing so we help make our communities safer”. Said John Kanig, Acting Special Agent in Charge of the DEA Caribbean Division.


AMO safeguards our Nation by anticipating and confronting security threats through our aviation and maritime law enforcement expertise, innovative capabilities, and partnerships at the border and beyond. With approximately 1,800 federal agents and mission support personnel, 240 aircraft, and 300 marine vessels operating throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands, AMO conducts its mission in the air and maritime environments at and beyond the border, and within the nation's interior.

Anonymous ID: 846238 June 15, 2021, 1:25 p.m. No.13911364   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1379 >>1502

'People Need an Enemy and Soros Is an Easy Target: He’s Jewish, Wealthy and Secretive'


FilmmakerJesse Dylan, the eldest son of Bob Dylan, tells Haaretz how he tried to get the real story on the Jewish billionaire philanthropist who’s loathed by far-right forces


“Nazi collaborator,” “the world’s biggest drug dealer,” “a traitor to the United States,” “one of the most evil people in the world,” even “Satan’s seed.” To judge by some of the epithets hurled at him over the years, Jewish-American billionaire George Soros may certainly be one of the most hated people in the world.

Anonymous ID: 846238 June 15, 2021, 1:28 p.m. No.13911381   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biden Taps Former Deputy Secretary of State Tom Nides for U.S. Ambassador to Israel


Pending a Senate confirmation, Nides – currently Morgan Stanley's vice chairman – will be key to executing President Biden's Mideast policy with the new Bennett-Lapid government


WASHINGTON – U.S. President Joe Biden formally announced Tuesday Tom Nides, a former deputy secretary of state during the Obama administration, as his nominee for the next ambassador to Israel on Monday, ending months of speculation and filling the key position in pushing through the White House's Middle East Policy.

Anonymous ID: 846238 June 15, 2021, 1:29 p.m. No.13911393   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NATO Summit: The American Empire Deploys Troops for Battle


The NATO Summit took place yesterday at the headquarters in Brussels: the North Atlantic Council at the highest level of State and Government Leaders. It was formally chaired by Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, de facto by the President of the United States Joseph Biden, who came to Europe to call to arms his Allies in the global conflict against Russia and China. The NATO Summit was preceded and prepared by two political initiatives that saw Biden as the protagonist – the signing of the New Atlantic Charter, and the G7 – and they will be followed by President Biden’s meeting with the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin on June 16 in Geneva. The meeting outcome is heralded by Biden’s refusal to hold the usual final press conference with Putin.


The New Atlantic Charter was signed on June 10 in London by the President of the United States and the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. It is a significant political document to which our media have given little importance. The historic Atlantic Charter – signed by the US President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Churchill in August 1941, two months after Nazi Germany had invaded the Soviet Union – enunciated the values on which the future world order would be based with “Great democracies” warranty: above all the renunciation of the use of force, the self-determination of peoples, and their equal rights in access to resources. Later history has shown how these values have been applied. Now the “revitalized” Atlantic Charter reaffirms its commitment to “defend our democratic values against those who try to undermine them“. To this end, the US and Great Britain assure their Allies that they will always be able to count on “our nuclear deterrents” and that “NATO will remain a nuclear alliance”.


The G7 Summit, held in Cornwall from June 11 to June 13, ordered Russia to “stop its destabilising behaviour and malign activities, including its interference in other countries’ democratic systems“, and it accused China of “non-market policies and practices which undermine the fair and transparent operation of the global economy“. With these and other accusations (formulated in Washington’s own words), the European powers of the G7 – Great Britain, Germany, France and Italy, which are at the same time the major European NATO powers – aligned with the United States before the NATO Summit.


The NATO Summit opened with the statement that “our relationship with Russia is at its lowest point since the end of the Cold War. This is due to Russia’s aggressive actions” and that “China’s military build-up, growing influence and coercive behaviour also poses some challenges to our security”. A veritable declaration of war that, by turning reality upside down, leaves no room for negotiations to ease the tension.

Anonymous ID: 846238 June 15, 2021, 1:33 p.m. No.13911416   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1429 >>1451 >>1707

The Same Shady People Own Big Pharma and the Media


Big Pharma and mainstream media are largely owned by two asset management firms: BlackRock and Vanguard


Drug companies are driving COVID-19 responses — all of which, so far, have endangered rather than optimized public health — and mainstream media have been willing accomplices in spreading their propaganda, a false official narrative that leads the public astray and fosters fear based on lies


Vanguard and BlackRock are the top two owners of Time Warner, Comcast, Disney and News Corp, four of the six media companies that control more than 90% of the U.S. media landscape


BlackRock and Vanguard form a secret monopoly that own just about everything else you can think of too. In all, they have ownership in 1,600 American firms, which in 2015 had combined revenues of $9.1 trillion. When you add in the third-largest global owner, State Street, their combined ownership encompasses nearly 90% of all S&P 500 firms


Vanguard is the largest shareholder of BlackRock. Vanguard itself, on the other hand, has a unique structure that makes its ownership more difficult to discern, but many of the oldest, richest families in the world can be linked to Vanguard funds




What does The New York Times and a majority of other legacy media have in common with Big Pharma? Answer: They’re largely owned by BlackRock and the Vanguard Group, the two largest asset management firms in the world. Moreover, it turns out these two companies form a secret monopoly that own just about everything else you can think of too. As reported in the featured video:1,2


“The stock of the world’s largest corporations are owned by the same institutional investors. They all own each other. This means that ‘competing’ brands, like Coke and Pepsi aren’t really competitors, at all, since their stock is owned by exactly the same investment companies, investment funds, insurance companies, banks and in some cases, governments.


The smaller investors are owned by larger investors. Those are owned by even bigger investors. The visible top of this pyramid shows only two companies whose names we have often seen …They are Vanguard and BlackRock.


The power of these two companies is beyond your imagination. Not only do they own a large part of the stocks of nearly all big companies but also the stocks of the investors in those companies. This gives them a complete monopoly.


A Bloomberg report states that both these companies in the year 2028, together will have investments in the amount of 20 trillion dollars. That means that they will own almost everything.’”

Anonymous ID: 846238 June 15, 2021, 1:35 p.m. No.13911432   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1467 >>1484

Ariz. Gov. Signs Executive Order Banning Schools From Requiring Vaccines, Masks, COVID Tests


PHOENIX — Governor Doug Ducey today issued an Executive Order protecting access to Arizona’s public universities and community colleges for all students.


Under the Executive Order, students cannot be mandated to take the COVID-19 vaccine or submit COVID-19 vaccination documents. Students also cannot be mandated to be tested or wear masks in order to participate in learning.


The Executive Order provides exemptions for students participating in medical or clinical training. It does not prevent institutions of higher learning from encouraging vaccinations, providing testing or having voluntary mask usage, consistent with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control.


“The vaccine works, and we encourage Arizonans to take it. But it is a choice and we need to keep it that way,” said Governor Ducey. “Public education is a public right, and taxpayers are paying for it. We need to make our public universities available for students to return to learning. They have already missed out on too much learning. From K-12 to higher education, Arizona is supporting in-person learning.”

Anonymous ID: 846238 June 15, 2021, 1:36 p.m. No.13911434   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1464

The Fucking President Has Fucking Dementia: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix


When receiving information about the world it’s necessary to scrutinize not just the information, but also the means by which the information was brought to your attention and who could benefit from its circulation. Few bother doing all of these things, which is why most people are confused about the world.


The fact that Biden is continuing all of Trump’s policies means those who believed Trump was fighting the establishment must now admit that either (A) they were wrong or (B) Biden is also fighting the establishment.


The only people promoting the idea that Joe Biden has dementia are right wingers, left wingers, and Joe Biden.


People tell me I should criticize Biden’s policies and not his obvious mental decline, but a very clear sign that the most powerful government on earth is not being run by its elected officials is actually an extremely noteworthy fact that everyone should be talking about.


The only face more suitable for the US empire than a sociopathic billionaire is a decrepit warmongering corporate whore with dementia.


When imperialists say an issue is “complicated” what they really mean is that a very simple matter has been covered over by a lot of complicated spin and propaganda narratives.


I tried to infiltrate MSNBC and CNN but they won’t hire me because I have no CIA experience.


Jimmy Dore lives so rent-free in Cenk Uygur’s head that BlackRock is trying to buy it.


The best way to get rich as an intelligence agent is to run media influence operations posing as a “former” intelligence agent.


The main difficulty with socialism is that when a nation tries to move away from the most toxic aspects of capitalism, the most toxic aspects of capitalism immediately begin arming local proxy militias and working to cut it off from the world economy.


Any evil deeds you suspect the US empire might be perpetrating in secret are probably not as bad as what it is doing openly in Yemen as you read this sentence.


A society which supports the butchery in Yemen is not going to abandon factory farming and animal cruelty. We are very, very far from treating our animal cousins properly if we can’t even stop slaughtering our own.


The difference between a centrist Democrat and a progressive Democrat is that one favors slow incremental changes which never actually happen, whereas the other favors slow incremental changes which never actually happen.


The shrinking audiences for The Intercept and TYT shows there’s not actually much demand for the area between (A) real criticism of capitalist imperialism and (B) MSNBC. Once your eyes begin to open you tend to move quickly from mainstream to radical without hovering in between.


My whole life is interacting with binary-minded dimwits. You hate Democrats so you must be a Republican. You criticize the US empire so you must think China is perfect. You’re skeptical of the Pentagon’s UFO narrative so you must think all UFOs are weather balloons and swamp gas.


I know this UFO thing doesn’t interest some of my regular readers, or leftists in general, but it is a major news story of a highly suspicious nature which just so happens to fit in nicely with preexisting US cold war objectives. It does need critical coverage and analysis.


Mainstream media: We must stop the spread of crazy conspiracy theories even if we have to censor the entire internet.



Anonymous ID: 846238 June 15, 2021, 1:38 p.m. No.13911443   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rep. Mo Brooks UNLOADS on Media Hack Defending Chinese Communists During Presser on Fire Fauci Act


On Tuesday Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and several lawmakers introduced their “Fire Fauci Act” in a press conference on Capitol Hill.


The legislation will lower Dr. Fauci’s pay from over $400,000 a year to $0.00 per year.


It’s time to cut this megalomaniac loose and then charge him for the mass murder of hundreds of thousands of American citizens.


During the press conference, a liberal hack compared the Chinese Communist Party to Chinese Americans.

How disgusting! Especially since thousands of Chinese Americans fled the Communist regime and create a new life for themselves in America.


That’s when Rep. Mo Brooks tore into the garbage reporter!


Rep. Mo Brooks: Let’s be clear about something. I am very disturbed that you would even ask that type of question… For you to associate the Chinese Communist Party to Chinese Americans as you have done I would submit is egregious and wrong!

Anonymous ID: 846238 June 15, 2021, 1:40 p.m. No.13911449   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fentanyl Seized at Southern Border Jumps 300 Percent over Last May


U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials seized 934 pounds of fentanyl at the southern border in May, a 300 percent increase over last May, according to CBP data.


The agency’s most recent statistics also reveal that in the eight months of fiscal year 2021, officials have seized 7,039 pounds of fentanyl, more than the entirety of fiscal year 2020, in which they seized 4,544 pounds.


Fentanyl, an opioid, is akin to morphine but is estimated to be 50 to 100 times more potent.


The updated data from CBP comes amid a surge of illegal migration at the southern border beginning in the first four full months that President Joe Biden has been in office. In May, for instance, border officials encountered more than 180,000 migrants crossing the border illegally, a 675 percent increase over last May.


Rep. Yvette Herrell (R-NM), who represents one of the four border states directly impacted by the growing crisis, posted to social media:


Fact: The 180,034 border crossings in May is a new 21-year high.


— Rep. Yvette Herrell (@RepHerrell) June 14, 2021


CBP also reported encountering more than 101,000 illegal migrants in February, more than 173,000 in March, and more than 178,000 in April. Those monthly totals represent a 175 percent increase, a 403 percent increase, and a 944 percent increase over last year’s monthly totals, respectively.


In Texas, where the illegal crossings were most prevalent last month, Gov. Greg Abbott (R) stated in a press release about fentanyl specifically, “Lives are at stake as dangerous drugs like fentanyl pour into our communities at an astonishing rate, and we must act now to crack down on this proliferation of this deadly drug.” The governor announced Saturday he signed a law to lengthen prison time for those “manufacturing and delivering” the substance:


Texas is going after the drug cartels and the gangs that help them push dangerous drugs like fentanyl.


I just signed a law to increase prison time for manufacturing or delivering fentanyl.


It also limits probation and parole for these criminals.


— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) June 12, 2021

Anonymous ID: 846238 June 15, 2021, 1:51 p.m. No.13911498   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Two Lexington men arrested on child sexual abuse related charges


COLUMBIA, S.C. (WIS) - Two Lexington County men were arrested in unrelated cases on child sexual abuse related charges, officials say


According to South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson, Jeremy Joseph Denny, 29, of Lexington, S.C., and Cameron Lee Myers, 21, of Lexington, S.C. were arrested on ten total charges connected to the sexual exploitation of minors.


Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force investigators with the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department made the arrests in these unrelated cases. Investigators with the Attorney General’s Office, along with a member of the state’s ICAC Task Force, assisted with these investigations.


Investigators say they received a CyberTipline report from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children which led them to Myers. Investigators say Myers distributed child sexual abuse material.


According to officials, Denny solicited and traveled to meet a person they believed to be a minor for sex.


Officials say Denny was arrested on June 9 and is charged with one count of criminal solicitation of a minor, a felony offense punishable by up to ten years imprisonment; and one count of attempted criminal sexual conduct with a minor.


Myers was arrested on June 10 and is charged with eight counts of sexual exploitation of a minor, second degree, a felony offense punishable by up to ten years imprisonment on each count.


These cases will be prosecuted by the Attorney General’s Office.

Anonymous ID: 846238 June 15, 2021, 1:52 p.m. No.13911505   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1531

800 sexual misconduct allegations against police in three years



Police forces in England, Scotland and Wales received nearly 800 allegations of sexual misconduct by police officers over three years, including reports of rape and sexual assault, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism can reveal.


The reports include 29 rapes and 149 cases of sexual assault, abuse or other sexual offences. The most serious cases included an officer alleged to have raped a child, three officers reported for crimes relating to indecent images of children, and another accused of “grooming a young female”.


Many of the accusations were about officers’ alleged behaviour during searches in custody and arrests. One woman reported an officer “touched her vagina when he searched her”; another that her nipple was pinched by an officer restraining her; and another that “an officer grabbed her breast while trying to force her into a police car”. One man alleged “the custody sergeant touched his testicles while searching him”.


While the majority of the 789 allegations were made by members of the public, more than 40% were lodged by other police employees. More than 90% of the accused officers were men.


Four officers were reported for indecent exposure, one for revenge porn and one for filming himself having sex without the woman’s consent. There were three allegations of stalking and another 148 of sexual harassment, including unwanted contact or advances, sexualised comments and behaviour, and sharing inappropriate images.


There were 57 allegations of officers abusing their position for sexual gain with members of the public, where a lack of consent was implied.


The data was gathered via freedom of information requests and covered the years 2018-2020. Some of the largest forces – including the Metropolitan, Greater Manchester and West Midlands police – did not respond to our requests. The Bureau asked for all “allegations” of sexual misconduct by officers. As each force records its data differently, some of the allegations relate to multiple officers, and multiple allegations can relate to a single officer.


Among forces that shared their data on the criminal outcomes of complaints, nearly 4% of the allegations led to a charge and 3% in a conviction.


Not all of the allegations were of a criminal nature – many related to inappropriate behaviour at work, such as comments to fellow staff members, or having sex at work. Among forces that shared their disciplinary outcomes, a fifth of total allegations led to the officer losing their job, either through dismissal or resignation. A further tenth led to a written warning.

Anonymous ID: 846238 June 15, 2021, 1:57 p.m. No.13911533   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The New Irish Soviet: State Bans Seniors from Traveling Until They’ve Had ‘Second Dose’ of AstraZeneca Jab


It’s an incredible state of affairs that no one could have really foreseen a year ago.


Since the crisis began in March 2020, there has been a distinct air of medical fascism which has gradually permeated Irish political rhetoric and policy – which has left many conscientious residents shocked.


This dark state of affairs appears to be coming to a head now, as technocrats in Dublin push the totalitarian envelope even further.


Suddenly, after 15 months of running an open-ended crisis narrative, the great and good are now saying, “Now is certainly not the time to be taking risks on travel,” as the government and media operatives begin ramping-up Project Fear once again.


As usual, the state has singled-out the most vulnerable target demographic upon which to leverage its power, and to mete out some of the most outlandish policies ever seen in the western world over the last 150 years, including policies would even have been beyond the pale for Stalin’s Soviet Union.


Incredibly, after the Irish government pushed some 400,000 of its older citizens to inject the highly controversial, unlicensed experimental gene-based AstraZeneca jab, the government is now banning them from leaving the country – until they have received their second dose.


Irish Independent reports…


More than 400,000 people who are waiting for a second dose of the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine have been told they cannot travel abroad.


The “vaccine bonus” for those who are a month on from their first AstraZeneca jab does not involve foreign travel, the updated advice from the HSE has warned.


People in their 60s, and a significant number of those with underlying conditions, have been left waiting for a second dose of the vaccine, which will take at least eight weeks, but may be even longer for many.


They can avail of the vaccine “bonus”, with one dose after 28 days, allowing certain limited meeting up with others indoors, but “this does not include foreign travel”.


By definition, this can be classed medical fascism – where state and corporations have codified policy in order to coerce and effectively enforce an experimental medical procedure. On paper, this is in direct violation of the Nuremberg Codes which have been recognised for decades as de facto international law. Moreover, citizens are being denied informed consent, which is also a violation of both Irish and European law and contravenes the human rights charter.

Anonymous ID: 846238 June 15, 2021, 1:59 p.m. No.13911542   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Church pastor's little children hug him and cry — 'Bye, Daddy' — as he's arrested again for violating Canadian COVID-19 orders


A church pastor in Canada was arrested again for holding services in violation of Alberta province's pandemic gathering rules, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation News reported.


Tim Stephens of Fairview Baptist Church in southeast Calgary was arrested Monday for allegedly violating Section 127 of the Criminal Code by failing to obey a Court of Queen's Bench Order obtained by Alberta Health Services, the network said.


Stephens' little children hugged him and cried as police took him away from his home:


Stephens was arrested last month for similar violations, but CBC reported that charges were withdrawn because the injunction was improperly served.


Calgary police told the network Stephens' second arrest was "for hosting an illegal outdoor gathering that did not comply with current restrictions."


AHS physically closed the Fairview church to prevent access to the building until Stephens could "demonstrate the ability to comply with these restrictions," CBC said.


Under Stage 2 of Alberta's reopening plan, places of worship are required to limit attendance to one-third of their building's maximum fire code occupancy, the network reported.


"For several weeks, AHS has attempted to work collaboratively with leadership at Fairview Baptist Church to address the ongoing public health concerns at the site," police said in a statement to CBC. "It is only when significant risk is identified or continued non-compliance is noted that AHS resorts to enforcement action."


The network added that Stephens was previously fined and ticketed for defying public health regulations by holding over-capacity gatherings and not enforcing mask use.

What happened to Stephens this time?


CBC said Stephens has been released from custody and is set to appear in court June 28.


"We will challenge his arrest and defend against the new 'health' charge," Jay Cameron, a lawyer with the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, told the network.


Here's video of Stephens' arrest on Monday: