Anonymous ID: a2244e June 15, 2021, 12:57 p.m. No.13911187   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>>13910409 CDC says vaccine link to heart inflammation is stronger than previously thought

>>13910418 Fox 26 Reporter Who Announced She Went to Project Veritas Live on Air Has Been Suspended — Posts Audio of the Call

>>13910419 Gov. Newsom will draw 10 grand-prize winners who will receive $1.5 million each as part of California’s COVID-19 vaccine incentive program

>>13910497 28 Chinese military planes enter Taiwan’s air defense zone in largest fly-over to date, Taipei says

>>13910522 U.S. Chamber of Commerce endorsed and funded Democrat candidates in the 2020 election

>>13910541 Fulton County Election Official Admits Chain of Custody Documents Missing for 2020 Election Drop Box Absentee Ballots

>>13910553 Facebook’s CCP-Linked ‘Fact-Checker’ is Now Censoring Stories Critical Of Zuckerberg-Funded Wuhan Lab Partners.

>>13910589 Biden Admin Unveils Strategy To Combat ‘Domestic Terrorism,’ Labels White Supremacy As ‘Lethal’ Threat

>>13910616 UK Expands Trials on ‘Third Jab’ Coronavirus Vax Booster Shots

>>13910639 Soldiers charged with alien smuggling

>>13910667 First Autopsy of COVID Vaccinated Patient Finds Every Organ of Body Infested with Spike Proteins

>>13910715 Moderna patent application March 28 2019

>>13910741 Bill Gates’ Vaccine Experiment with Indian Tribal Girls in 2009

>>13910773 Legal Notice for ‘Contempt of Court’ and ‘Crimes against Humanity’ served to Dr Tedros of the WHO

>>13910775 Unindicted Co-Conspirators in 1/6 Cases Raise Disturbing Questions of Federal Foreknowledge - Revolver

>>13910863 Top Republicans demand CRIMINAL charges for whoever leaked files showing billionaires including Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos paid no tax

>>13910893 Clinton Whistleblower ‘Feared for His Life’ Shortly Before Being Found Dead Of Supposed Suicide

>>13910953 White House to Democrats: Get ready to go it alone on infrastructure

>>13910965 ‘Death to Arabs’: Nationalist Jerusalem flag march held under ramped up security

>>13910980 Officials today would not disclose why three missile-armed Hawaii Air National Guard F-22 fighters were scrambled Sunday afternoon for an “irregular air patrol”

>>13911137 Biden Administration Asks Americans to Report ‘Potentially’ Radicalized Friends and Family


Anon Bun