Boomer cucks… kek.
I was voting every day, with every dollar, before you were born.
This boomer is (barely) living proof that you can work yourself to death. Started that process at age 11 (construction).
Your pre-manufactured, MSM installed world view is as spurious as your intellect.
Yeah… I'm gonna take life advice from a child whose contribution here is an attempted boomer slide.
If age means nothing, why did you use "boomer" in the first place?
Logic fail… we're done.
What I want to know is who hired the divisionfags, straight outa Jr High.
Frankly, it is! It's even tempting to me… if I showed him my balls, he would never show his again, to anyone.
Remember, soy is a relatively new addition to the national diet… and, ask any nurse if the difference is obvious. Or, just watch the levels of overcompensation displayed by the owners of a young, but desiccated pair.