This psychotic projection the leftist scum engage in is getting very, very tiresome. It's like the 10,000th rerun of the very same episode that just gets played over and over and over and………………… mentally, these people are less mature children. My Golden Retriever has a far superior intellect.
Jax Off. Degenerate.
Previous anon is correct but tell us what you think.
Well, it is the thought that matters. kek
This is one weird motherfucker this Tom Wolf. He's got that kinda thingy that Da Nang Dick Blumenballs has got going on. Degenerate. Pervert.
Well, that's a liddle bit of winning. I want moar!!!!
I can think of 1000's that deserve exactly that anon. "Hang Em' High".
Thank you for that anon. I try to follow that damn thing but it gets a little scattered for me.
This is it. What conspiracy would you like to plan? We have all kinds of conspiracies. All flavors, colors etc……….we can be blamed for really…………………..anything you want. What cha have in mind?
Gonna need moar construction habbening down there. Yea, 100 million sounds about right.
DIY. Cheap!!! KMFAO!!
Fuck that idiot anon. Hannity and Levin are Patriots and have done moar to inform, warn and educate people in this country then this lame retard could do in 20 lifetimes. Other anon? You reading this? Neck your fucking self.