Anonymous ID: 35d91a June 15, 2021, 8:10 p.m. No.13913724   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3758 >>3778 >>3874 >>3972 >>4059 >>4171 >>4259

Armor-piercing grenades bound for Pennsylvania went missing, and the military remains stumped. The rounds can penetrate three inches of steel and have a kill radius of nearly 50 feet.


The green, metal box was stuffed in a bright pink pillowcase and stashed in the bushes behind Christopher Zachery’s house. He hauled it out for a better look.


Stenciled on the box: “Cartridges for weapons.” Inside were 30 armor-piercing grenades.


“I was scared,” said Zachery, who runs a construction company. And confused. How did these high-powered explosives end up in his southwest Atlanta backyard? Where did they come from?


Investigators determined the waylaid grenades were last seen eight month prior on an ammunition train that rolled out from Florida. Someone had stolen them somewhere on the rails to Pennsylvania, another example in an Associated Press investigation that shows how the military’s vast supply chain is susceptible to theft.


Marines call the squat, 40mm rounds that appeared in Zachery’s yard on that sunny morning in February 2018 “40 mike-mikes.” They’re linked together to feed into an MK 19 launcher, a weapon that is like a machinegun for grenades, able every second to shoot one nearly a mile.

Anonymous ID: 35d91a June 15, 2021, 8:11 p.m. No.13913730   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Facebook’s Stunning Confession: Our Fact Checkers Are ‘Highly Biased’ With A Secret Political Agenda To Eradicate Conservatives


The Vice President of Facebook recently confessed that the company’s “fact-checkers” are prejudiced and have a hidden political agenda that they carry out through their relationship with Facebook.


Former British Deputy Prime Minister and current Facebook VP Nick Clegg stated in a European Commission document that Facebook’s fact-checkers, who censor so-called “fake news,” are secretly pursuing a political agenda aimed at eradicating conservatives from the online community.


Clegg made the startling remark to EU authorities last November during conversations regarding the internet giant’s handling of misinformation on its platforms.


In 2016, Facebook introduced its fact-checking initiative in the hopes of preventing future events like President Trump’s election and Brexit.


Many people applauded Facebook’s move, but others were eager to point out what looked to be instances of prejudice in the implementation of the new fact-checking policy, according to Facebook has been accused of restricting public discourse by blocking valid content. Most recently, the firm has been accused of blocking reports about the possibility that coronavirus may have leaked from a Wuhan facility.


Facebook had been removing or placing warning labels on stories linked to this hypothesis for months, until President Joe Biden ordered an investigation into the claims last month, when it completely reversed its position.


The minutes of the meeting state: “He [Mr Clegg] also stressed that independent fact-checkers are not necessarily objective because they have their own agenda.” Former UK Cabinet Minister David Jones commented on Clegg’s statement, saying that it was “deeply worrying.”


Jones added: “The admission completely destroys the credibility of Facebook’s own procedures. It offers news organizations no right of appeal when it censors them, even though it may have acted on the advice of fact-checkers who are motivated by ‘their own agenda’.”


“‘Nick never suggested there is bias in our fact-checking program,” Facebook said in a statement. “One advantage of having a number of independent fact-checking partners, he said, is the variety of specialties they bring from different nations and topic areas.”

Anonymous ID: 35d91a June 15, 2021, 8:24 p.m. No.13913799   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3820 >>3828 >>3845 >>3868 >>3874 >>3972 >>4005 >>4059 >>4171 >>4259

I posted this a while back


NOW WE HAVE PROOF: FBI and DHS Attempted to Recruit Green Beret to Infiltrate Oath Keepers Before Jan. 6 Riot — AND HE RECORDED IT


Throughout 2020 the Black Lives Matter terrorist group was linked to conservatively 91% of the riots that resulted in the most expensive property damage in US insurance history


There were zero Trump rallies that turned violent during this same time period.


Then on January 6, after one million Trump supporters rallied with President Trump at the Ellipse outside the White House, some 900 individuals went inside the US Capitol. Over 400 have since been arrested even those who were waved into the US Capitol by the police standing at the exits.


Since January the Deep State and Democrats will not release videotapes to Republican lawmakers from January 6th inside or outside the US Capitol.


On Tuesday Revolver News published an important piece on the “unindicted co-conspirators” in the Jan. 6 attack who were never charged by the DOJ or FBI for their part in the violence on Jan. 6.


The “unindicted co-conspirators” were frequently the most violent and leaders of the assault on the US Capitol. They are also likely FBI informants.


We posted on that earlier today.


And now we have proof that the FBI was actively recruiting military members to infiltrate and spy on the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys before the Jan. 6 protests.


On March 23rd, The Gateway Pundit posted this article on former Green Beret Jeremy Brown.

Anonymous ID: 35d91a June 15, 2021, 8:26 p.m. No.13913811   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3874 >>3972 >>4059 >>4171 >>4259

US Indo-Pacific Commander Requests More Spending To Contain China


Facing the Chinese communist regime’s increasing aggression in the Asia-pacific region, the newly appointed Indo-Pacific Commander John Aquilino has recently requested an additional $890 million in spending from Congress to strengthen military equipment in Guam, Alaska, and Hawaii for possible military confrontations. Meanwhile, the Biden administration’s top Asia official revealed a new strategy to contain China in the region.


Adm. John C. Aquilino and Adm. Philip S. Davidson with Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin arrive at at a Change of Command ceremony for the U.S Indo-Pacific Command, at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam west of Honolulu, Hawaii, on April 30, 2021. (Cindy Ellen Russell/Honolulu Star-Advertiser via AP)


Aquilino said that the spending request is less than 1 percent of the total authorized amount allocated to the Department of Defense, but is “critical for deterring China’s decision calculus,” Foreign Policy reported on June 8.


Portions of the additional spending request will be used for missiles and improving facilities—$231 million will be used to strengthen air defense and missile defense in Guam, because it is within the range of Chinese missiles; $114 million will be used to improve facilities in Alaska and Hawaii to ensure that they can maintain digital communications with U.S. forces and allies conducting military drills in the Western Pacific. Prior to this, the budget proposed by the Indo-Pacific Command was $5.1 billion.


Aquilino sent a letter to the Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee Adam Smith, and other members of Congress last week, emphasizing the importance of increasing funding and proposing plans “to ‘seize the initiative’ by providing a pragmatic and viable approach that deters potential adversaries from unilaterally attempting to change the international rules based order, reassures allies and partners, and shapes the security environment.”


He also warned that the time for Beijing to launch an attack on Taiwan may be sooner than what most people think. He said the Hawaii-based military command needs more resources and troops to respond to the Chinese regime’s possible rapid attack on Taiwan.


Meanwhile on June 8, the Deputy Assistant to the President and Coordinator for Indo-Pacific Affairs on the National Security Council Kurt Campbell, talked about a few key areas of a new strategy to contain the Chinese regime in the region, at an event organized by the Center for a New American Security.

Anonymous ID: 35d91a June 15, 2021, 8:34 p.m. No.13913857   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3874 >>3972 >>4059 >>4171 >>4259

Congressman Paul Gosar Grills FBI Director Wray on Who Executed Ashli Babbitt?


An Amazing Moment of Courage From A GOP Lawmaker


Arizona Republican Congressman Paul Gosar grilled beleaguered FBI director Christopher Wray Tuesday in a hearing, pressing Wray on why the name of the law enforcement officer who executed unarmed Capitol protester Ashli Babbitt has not been released to the public. Wray dodged Gosar’s pointed questions.


“Do you approve of lethal force against unarmed citizens, particularly a 110-pound woman with no warning, no use of non-lethal force prior, while lying in wait?” Gosar asked Wray. When Wray smugly replied “Not gonna try to answer a hypothetical, especially one based on a case that I just said I-” Gosar snapped back “That actually wasn’t a hypothetical, that’s actually what happened.”


Ashli Babbitt’s widowed husband appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight on Monday night with an attorney to demand the name of the officer who shot and killed his wife.


NATIONAL FILE REPORTED IN APRIL: As the Department of Justice continues to hide the identity of the officer who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt, the Biden administration has arrested a journalist who recorded her murder.


Ashli Babbitt, the unarmed election integrity protestor and USAF veteran, was gunned down by a Capitol Police officer on January 6th, during the protests at the US Capitol in Washington DC. On Wednesday, the Department of Justice announced that they would not pursue charges against the officer responsible, claiming that there was “insufficient evidence” to determine whether her civil rights had been violated.


Video footage of Babbitt’s killing was seen around the world, documenting the tragic incident, and one journalist who filmed the “clearest” footage was Samuel Montoya, a video journalist from Texas. Montoya, however, was arrested by federal agents on Wednesday morning, and charged with four counts, including “interfering with government business,” and “disorderly and disruptive conduct in a Capitol Building.”


According to the FBI arrest warrant affidavit, Montoya had repeatedly “described himself to others inside the Capitol Building as a ‘reporter’ or ‘journalist’ as he attempts to get through crowds,” but because “no one by that name has Congressional press credentials as an individual or via any other organizations,” he couldn’t apparently count as a journalist, despite documenting much of the day’s events, including Babbitt’s killing, for Infowars, a major media outlet.

Anonymous ID: 35d91a June 15, 2021, 8:42 p.m. No.13913897   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3972 >>4059 >>4171 >>4259

Human trafficking ring exposed in Mogadishu as police arrest 27


MOGADISHU, Somalia – At least 27 people have been arrested in Mogadishu, Somalia’s capital, for human trafficking offenses, police said, in what would have been a well-coordinated network that includes even more criminals.


Police spokesperson Sadiq Aden Doodishe told reporters that 27 people, including two women, have since been arrested and are all awaiting trial for human trafficking offenses.


The arrests, he added, were made between June 8 and to date, with suspects recording various statements about the cases. A good number of traffickers are believed to be on the run given the cases reported at various stations across the country.


He said the suspects were responsible for smuggling young people out of the country, but did not give details of the ring. Most of the young people are transported out of the country to the Middle East for odd jobs and some are said to be recruited into terrorist groups, the spokesperson added.


The human trafficking union has been operating the capital for some time, the police acting on denunciation, have successfully arrested the operators. “Our officers are investigating their cases and they will soon be brought to justice to face charges,” Doodishe said.


Last year, Northeastern State authorities said they had rescued more than 300 children who had been taken from their families in the hope of being given rewarding jobs and ended up in the hands of human traffickers who used the children. for, among other things, organ harvesting.


In addition, Mogadishu police rescued children aged seven months to 12 years after they broke up a network of traffickers and arrested eleven people, including eight women. The incident took place in September 2019.


Most people trafficked out of the country are exposed to inhuman treatment and sometimes find themselves stranded in host countries. A number of cases have been reported in Libya and the Middle East involving Somali citizens trafficked out of the country.


Somalia faces a myriad of challenges and human traffickers have often taken advantage of them to commit such crimes. Among other things, Somalia is keen to fight terrorism and adopt a political order that would minimize conflict in the Horn of Africa nation.

Anonymous ID: 35d91a June 15, 2021, 8:43 p.m. No.13913911   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3952 >>3972 >>4059 >>4171 >>4259

Investigation reveals mass trafficking of women from Bangladesh into India


Bengaluru police uncover another prostitution racket


While investigating the gang rape and torture of a Bangladeshi woman in the city, the Ramamurthy Nagar police have unearthed another prostitution racket in their own backyard.


The rescued women told the police that they and “hundreds of other women” had been brought illegally into India from Bangladesh by traffickers.


During a raid recently, the police arrested four people and rescued seven women in Kanakanagar K. Channasandra, close to the police station. The police also rescued a five-year-old girl, believed to be the daughter of one of the women.


The arrest of the prime accused, Shobuj, helped the police uncover the prostitution racket. The women were allegedly brought to the country by the gang that Shobuj is part of.


“They told us that they were among the hundreds of women who crossed the border illegally from Bangladesh to India a few months ago. They were assisted by one Rafiq Ashraful from Bangladesh who helped them evade the border security personnel. We believe he is part of the gang and operates from Bangladesh,” said a senior police official.


After entering India, the women were taken to Howrah in West Bengal and remained there for a few days, while the traffickers allegedly organised identity proof documents. They were then divided into small groups and sent to different cities.


“The traffickers had promised them good jobs, but once they arrived at a city they were forced into prostitution. In Bengaluru, Shobhu and the others would retain a major share of what the women earned,” said the police official, adding that investigation is ongoing


During the raid on the house, the police recovered 46 sets of documents, including Aadhaar cards, for the women and the girl.

Anonymous ID: 35d91a June 15, 2021, 8:50 p.m. No.13913948   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4015 >>4199 >>4243

NYC Gallery Owner Predicts Hunter Biden’s Artwork Will Sell over Double Its Worth Because of His Family Name


A New York City art gallery owner predicts that Hunter Biden’s latest venture as a full-time artist will prove to be profitable, with his art selling significantly over its actual value because of his family name alone.


Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden’s scandal-ridden son, is now reportedly engaged as a full-time artist and is already working with a Soho art dealer, who reportedly has some ties to China — Georges Bergès.


Bergès is expected to hold a private viewing displaying the president’s son’s work and will hold an exhibition in New York in the coming months. Prices for Hunter’s artwork range from $75,000 to half a million dollars, according to Artnet.


Alex Acevedo, owner of the Alexander Gallery in Midtown Manhattan, told the New York Post he believes Hunter’s venture will prove to be profitable — and not just because of the pieces themselves.


“I’ve been in the art business since 1956,’’ Acevedo told the outlet.


“I’m not impressed with modern art at all. But I was floored by that guy,” he said, describing the palette as “wonderful” and adding that he would “buy a couple of them.”


“And anybody who buys it would be guaranteed instant profit,” Acevedo explained, suggesting the Biden name will play a hefty role in the prices of Hunter’s pieces. “He’s the president’s son. Everybody would want a piece of that. The provenance is impeccable.’’


Acevedo told the Post that Hunter’s pieces would typically have a range of $25,000 to $100,000, but his family name plays a significant role on the price point.


“The art consultant said he expects some of the works to possibly top $1 million in the end,” the Post added.


His remarks coincide with the news of the 51-year-old Hunter “laying low” in his Los Angeles home, focusing on his artwork.


“I don’t paint from emotion or feeling, which I think are both very ephemeral,” Hunter Biden said of his work. “For me, painting is much more about kind of trying to bring forth what is, I think, the universal truth.”


“The universal truth is that everything is connected and that there’s something that goes far beyond what is our five senses and that connects us all,” he told Artnet.


“The thing that really fascinates me is the connection between the macro and the micro, and how these patterns repeat themselves over and over,” he continued, explaining that art is “not a tool that I use to be able to, in any way, cope.”


“It comes from a much deeper place. If you stand in front of a Rothko, the things that he evokes go far beyond the pain that Rothko was experiencing in his personal life at that moment,” he added.


Stevie Wonder can see this is pay for play!

Anonymous ID: 35d91a June 15, 2021, 8:52 p.m. No.13913964   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3972 >>3988 >>4059 >>4113 >>4141 >>4171 >>4259

Hunter Biden, Burisma pals tried to enlist help of Secretary Kerry's daughter


Newly unearthed emails show they hosted 2015 fundraiser for Vanessa Kerry's charity, then sought her help in shining up reputation of Ukrainian energy firm shadowed by corruption allegations.


In the summer of 2015, Hunter Biden and his longtime business partner, the now-convicted felon Devon Archer, already had an ace connection to then-Secretary of State John Kerry: a third partner in many of their Rosemont Seneca ventures was Christopher Heinz, the secretary's stepson.


But when Archer and Hunter Biden jumped into business with a Ukrainian energy company called Burisma Holdings in 2014, Heinz wanted no part because of the firm's reputation for corruption.


So Archer, the younger Biden and their Burisma cohorts targeted another family member, Secretary Kerry's daughter Vanessa, as they tried to improve Burisma's reputation amidst corruption investigations in Ukraine that were being cheered on by the Obama-Biden administration's diplomats in Ukraine.


Emails turned over to the FBI on an abandoned Hunter Biden laptop detail an effort to court Dr. Vanessa Kerry by raising money for her global health charity and then asking the same group to provide help to the Ukrainian people through a partnership with Burisma that would almost certainly burnish the gas firm's reputation.


On July 22, 2015, Archer sent a fundraiser invitation to his wife and Hunter Biden, among other contacts. "I am writing to invite you to our upcoming event in the Hamptons for Seed Global Health, the organization founded by Vanessa Kerry," Archer wrote. "We are hosting a small cocktail party on Sunday, August 16th, at the Quogue Club at Hallock House to raise funds and awareness from my friends there," the email invite beckoned.


Archer's private fundraiser endeavored to raise $100,000 for Seed Global Health and offered three tiers for prospective donors: $10,000 for a "Chair" of the fundraiser, $5,000 to be a fundraiser "Host," and each "Guest" of the fundraiser would have to pony up $1,000.


Archer wrote he had "already lined up several chairs and hosts, and each will bring a few guests." Archer hoped that his friends would "consider supporting Vanessa's project by joining us" and a leaked copy of a separate invitation showed that Vanessa Kerry's name was in a larger font than that of Seed Global Health.

Anonymous ID: 35d91a June 15, 2021, 8:58 p.m. No.13914017   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4058 >>4060 >>4076 >>4138

Texans Are Getting Blackout Warnings in June. Why?


Texans have been unpleasantly surprised with blackout and usage warnings from ERCOT this week. That’s the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which was no one’s friend during the great freeze back in February. Its rolling blackouts left Texans alternately freezing and fuming but not quite enough of the latter to keep our homes warm. Many had to go without heat during the worst freeze in the state in living memory. There had been colder snaps here and there through the years, but those were local. In February 2021, the entire state froze over. That demand for heat along with human errors strained and broke the grid. It was a historic disaster in which dozens died.


Now it’s June, which we know will be hot, but we also know we’re not yet at the peak of a Texas summer. It’s hitting the low 90s now. It will top 100 in July and August. This is an immutable fact of life, at least where I am in central Texas. It’s Texas. It gets hot. Hopefully, it’ll at least burn up the mosquitoes outside. But we need A/C inside or we’ll all be living in saunas.


Not only will this dog not hunt, it won’t even get up from its cool spot under the shade tree to go get a drink of water.


June isn’t the peak of summer but we’re already getting blackout warnings saying demand may exceed supply. Texans who work from home most of the time recognize a dual threat: if we lose power we’ll roast in our homes and we also may not be able to use our gadgets to work. Goodbye Netflix and chill, hello playing Uno and burning up.


So given the fact that Texas is blessed with incredibly abundant amounts of oil and natural gas, and we have miles and miles of plains for generating wind and solar power, what’s going on with blackout warnings in Texas in June?


As I set about researching this piece, I naturally turned to ERCOT for information. This is what I got.

Anonymous ID: 35d91a June 15, 2021, 9:19 p.m. No.13914144   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Arizona governor BANS public universities from demanding students get Covid-19 vaccines, wear masks in class


Governor Doug Ducey has issued an executive order barring Arizona public colleges and universities from demanding Covid-19 vaccinations and documents, or forcing students to get tested or wear masks for in-person classes.


“The vaccine works, and we encourage Arizonans to take it. But it is a choice and we need to keep it that way,” Ducey said on Tuesday, announcing the order. “Public education is a public right, and taxpayers are paying for it. We need to make our public universities available for students to return to learning. They have already missed out on too much learning.”


The portion of Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey's executive order that prohibits state universities, community colleges from requiring COVID-19 vaccine:

— Anne Ryman (@anneryman) June 15, 2021


Ducey’s order exempts medical students or those working with patients, and does not prevent colleges from encouraging vaccinations and voluntary mask usage or providing testing.


The order applies to Arizona State University in Tempe, Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, and the University of Arizona in Tucson – along with its College of Applied Science & Technology in Sierra Vista.


According to local media, the Republican governor’s order appears to be directly related to Monday’s announcement by the Arizona State University that students arriving on campus for in-person classes in August will be fully vaccinated.


Arizona State University issued requirements for this fall:-Show vax records-Or daily health check, twice-weekly COVID tests + wear mask.Today, Ducey issued EO barring "invasive restrictions," specifically that ASU cannot require masks or testing unless "significant" outbreak

— Vaughn Hillyard (@VaughnHillyard) June 15, 2021


The university believes “it is imperative for the health and well-being of our community for all to be vaccinated,” ASU said in the statement.


Students who do not agree to disclose their vaccination status, or cannot be vaccinated for whatever reason, will be “required to participate” in ongoing “health management protocols” – starting with a daily health check, Covid-19 testing up to twice a week, and wearing a mask “in all indoor and outdoor spaces on ASU campuses.”


If implemented, this would run afoul of the governor’s orders. ASU has not yet commented on the matter, and Monday’s coronavirus update remains up on their site.

Anonymous ID: 35d91a June 15, 2021, 9:23 p.m. No.13914175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4288

Easing of Scotland’s Covid-19 lockdown to be delayed by 3 weeks to boost vaccinations, Sturgeon says


Scotland’s Covid-19 lockdown will not be eased for another three weeks, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has warned, saying that more people must be vaccinated against the virus first.


Under the government’s five-tier plan, all areas had been set to enter ‘Level 0’ from June 28, meaning the complete return of the hospitality sector and some large-scale public events.


But on Tuesday Sturgeon told MSPs it is “unlikely that any part of the country” will see restrictions eased on that date, with Level 0 not set to kick in until “later in July.”


“We need to buy sufficient time for vaccination to get ahead and stay ahead of the virus, and that is the reason for caution at this juncture,” Sturgeon said in a speech from Holyrood.


The government will make a formal decision on whether to postpone Scotland’s lockdown easing next week


Sturgeon suggested a delay in lifting restrictions was “reasonable” given that only around 55% of adults are fully vaccinated.


Scotland has been hit by a rise in Covid-19 infections throughout May caused by the Delta variant of the virus, which was first detected in India.


A further 974 cases and another two deaths due to the virus were reported on Monday.


Just a day earlier, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that the next and final step of England’s lockdown easing will be delayed by four weeks until July 19, amid an increase in Covid admissions to hospital intensive care units.

Anonymous ID: 35d91a June 15, 2021, 9:36 p.m. No.13914249   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4259 >>4262 >>4268 >>4311

All Set: Russian Foreign Ministry Shares Sneak Peak of Room Where Putin and Biden Will Speak


The Russian and American leaders are scheduled to meet in Geneva on 16 June, and Villa La Grange, located in a park of the same name, will host the meeting. The preparations started several days earlier, and now, a day before the summit, everything appears to be ready.


The Russian Foreign Ministry took to Facebook on Tuesday to share a picture of the room in Villa La Grange where Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden will hold their highly-anticipated meeting.


The photo shows two chairs, with Russian and American flags just behind, and wooden bookshelves filled with tomes in the background.


"Everything ready for negotiations: this is where Russian and American presidents, Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden, will speak tomorrow", the caption says.


The two presidents will meet on Wednesday at 13:00, local time [11:00 GMT], according to the Kremlin, with the White House schedule for Biden saying that the meeting will begin at 13:35 local time. Putin and Biden are scheduled to discuss the coronavirus pandemic, the fight against cybercrime and bilateral relations that have recently intensified.


Villa La Grange, chosen to host the tete-a-tete, is located in a park of the same name, the biggest in Geneva. Here, the First Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded in Armies in the Field was signed in 1846.

Anonymous ID: 35d91a June 15, 2021, 9:40 p.m. No.13914264   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Melbourne Do not drink tap water warning issued for Kallista, Sherbrooke, The Patch


A ‘do not drink’ warning has been issued for thousands of residents in Melbourne’s east with people told boiling the water won’t even help.


Do not drink tap water warning issued for Kallista, Sherbrooke, The Patch


A ‘do not drink’ warning has been issued for thousands of residents in Melbourne’s east with people told boiling the water won’t even help.