As long as they are scrambled, does it really matter?
Wonder the odds of tomorrows meeting will be painful enough to have the fucker stoke out in the middle of it.
Hope Putin calls his cheating ass out, along with supporting assassination and holding of U.S. Citizens as Political Prisoners led and framed by the FBI.
Let Putin go all Tucker on Biden's ass and chew it fucking hard, Putin has no doubts he was fraudulently emplaced. Anon honestly hopes it is called out in front of the World.
>Putin would chew him up and spit him out over and over again and elder abuse is never funny
However if they do, anon just wants the Truth shoved in that pedophiles caw and forced to eat it in front of the World. It's a slim hope.
>Including having the US President getting his ass kicked by the Russian President.
The US President getting his ass kicked by the Russian President???
President Trump isn't getting his ass kicked motherfucker, and that is the Legitimate President.
This is War, there were, are, and shall be causalities. Non are desired nor wished, and all innocents are cherished and mourned, but this is War.
Sadly it's only the Nightmares we awaken from with urgency, not the pleasant dreams we try to keep grasp of and attempt to hold to follow.
Armor of God, it needs to be worn now.
>Not during Clown World presents… The Limbo.
Every movie ends…Clown World is about to head the way of Golan-Globus… Even though they had worse effects and production quality and skills.
Dubs & Chek't
>Helps keep things in perspective when the inner nowfag in all of us acts up.
Yeah, anon's been doing "Hurry Up & Wait" since prior to Initial Entry back in the 80's… Well known and understood indeed. Embrace the Suck, again, just not eating shit this time with a smile, or otherwise.
Only wanting Good things to Happen.
>>>13914686 Everyone who posts here know they are put on a list for extinction.
Anon was put on that list the day Anon was born. Shill Harder.
Very Comphy!
Truth, but Not Everyone Lives, even though no one makes it out Alive.
>>13914719 ??? Has it ever been?
>>13914723 ← Ready to Live in the Fire Swamp Too? Beware the ROUS!!
>>13914728 ← She's Scared!
>>13914732 Sounds Ready for Deployment: Meme release is Authorized!
>>13914736 →She can't help it, she was born that way…
>>13914737 ← 8Kun a Honey Pot? Pretty Sweet place to be!
>>13914743 They already have by their own post, right? KEK
o7 all anons, there be panic….
>You mean to say Gerbil is obese? Not surprised
Have no Clue… I leave Them all alone..
>1. Patriots have it all, China found unequivocally guilty for everything Covid and the world agrees.
>that would let the JEWS, who were the brains of it, off the hook.
>Blaming China is going to boomerang back on us. American jews were heavily involved in this and not just as employees.
They need to have their wealth confiscated and them imprisoned and/or executed.
Let it be a cherry on the top.
Makes every day glorious.
Anon once Served, Now anon is to be of Service here still.
Part of that same club.
But this one doesn't believe for a moment that you shit all over anons and Q for the same side.
How much do you make on the side shilling for all those <(YOU)s? Tell us, were you damaged with all your hate as a child you have to shit all over Q so much now?