Anonymous ID: a6e390 June 16, 2021, 4:47 a.m. No.13915615   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Looks like the UK Government is going a little scorched earth over something that can be easily treated with HCQ (assuming it's even real in the first place).. Yet people still consent and comply to this crap.. If the whole country wakes up and finally says enough is enough then it'll be over but there are still to many brainwashed here.


Facemasks forever, WFH, self-isolation and travel quarantine to stay, and MORE restrictions in winter? Leaked Step 4 Whitehall document reveals how 'new normal' could look even AFTER July 19 new Freedom Day - as Boris faces Commons revolt in vote tonight


A leaked document gave a glimpse of the UK's potential 'new normal' today with facemasks, working from home and travel quarantine rules set to stay beyond July 19.


The Whitehall paper suggests that the government will stop short of urging workers to return to offices even after 'Freedom Day' finally arrives.


There is also a suggestion that face masks will be needed in some settings long-term, as well as keeping post-travel isolation rules.


Anyone who has coronavirus symptoms will still be expected to isolate, according to the draft proposals. And fears have been raised that more restrictions will be needed if the disease surges again in the winter.


The document - seen by Politico - emerged as furious Tories predicted up to 70 MPs could inflict a bloody nose on Boris Johnson in a crunch lockdown vote tonight.


The PM is facing a bruising revolt from his own benches as the Commons is asked to approve the delay of 'Freedom Day' until July 19.


Victory is guaranteed for the government as Labour has thrown its backing behind the extension of the brutal restrictions.


The shift from Mr Johnson, amid warnings from scientists that the Indian variant will cause thousands more deaths, has incensed many Conservatives who argue that vaccines have protected the most vulnerable and the country must learn to live with the virus.


Mr Johnson also came under fire from Keir Starmer at Prime Minister's Questions, with the Labour leader saying he had 'blown it' by failing to block flights from India soon enough.

Anonymous ID: a6e390 June 16, 2021, 4:53 a.m. No.13915634   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5647

Just doing a bit of covid research and came across this Hindustan Times article from June 7th 2021 saying that the Indian government has removed ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and the antiviral drug favipiravir from its list of advised treatment.


Considering that Dr Fauci has been exposed in his emails as recommending treatments like this in the past, it's curious that the government have stopped using them.


The nine-page guidelines shared by the health ministry do not cite the use of these medicines which have been used widely by doctors to treat Covid-19 patients.

Use of Ivermectin has been prescribed in certain quantities only, according to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR).

The revised guidelines do not mention medicines such as zinc, multivitamins which were prescribed by the doctors for asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic Covid-19 cases. However, the new guidelines mention the use of antipyretic and antitussive for symptomatic relief.

Among the key guidelines which have been routinely stressed on include use of wearing masks, physical distancing and hand hygiene.

Suggesting a moderate use of other drugs like Remedesivir and Tocilizumab, the guideline advises the former to be used only in select moderate/severe hospitalised Covid-19 patients on supplemental oxygen within 10 days of onset of disease.


Tocilizumab, an immunosuppressant drug, was approved by the Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI) and is mentioned in the guidelines on what conditions the drug should be used.

What do the experts say

Experts have said Covid-19 patients on home care should not take Remdesivir medication and they should get admitted at a hospital if the oxygen level drops below 94.

"Remdesivir should never be taken at home. Positive attitude and regular exercise are a must for patients in home isolation, Dr Neeraj Nishchal of All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) had said.

Informing about the use of Ivermectin and Paracetamol, Dr Manish from AIIMS said that their use depends on the immunity level and other patient-specific conditions so one should take medicines only as prescribed by the doctors.


While informing about the medicines taken to fight Covid-19, he said, many patients insist on the use of Azithromycin, but the guidelines clearly discourage the use of these tablets.

Anonymous ID: a6e390 June 16, 2021, 5:15 a.m. No.13915722   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5748


This is what the UK government is now bleating on about, the 'Delta variant' which seems to be a version of the Indian variant..🙄


It's how they can continue to impose their agenda on everyone..


I wonder if there's a certain amount of 'crying wolf' going on here.. They keep telling the world that there's a new variant, which is clearly benign to impose their communist order on everyone despite emails exposing him/them etc..


The Boy Who Cried Wolf kept on doing it until no one believed him anymore. Then a real wolf came along, he cried, no one believed him and he was eaten or something like that..


Could they be crying wolf to wear everyone down until 'the real one' comes along by which time people have given up? Psychological manipulation and games?

Anonymous ID: a6e390 June 16, 2021, 5:30 a.m. No.13915773   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Dominic Cummings today posted bombshell private messages from Boris Johnson attacking 'hopeless' Matt Hancock over the coronavirus response.


The maverick former No10 chief revealed a slew of extraordinary WhatsApp messages on social media as he stepped up his attack on the government.


In an exchange from March 27 last year Mr Cummings criticised the Health Secretary over the failure to ramp up testing. Mr Johnson replied: 'Totally f** hopeless.' He then tried to call his senior aide three times without managing to get through.


Another from the same day saw Mr Cummings complain that the Department of Health had been turning down ventilators because 'the price has been marked up'. Mr Johnson said: 'It's Hancock. He has been hopeless.'


On April 27, Mr Johnson apparently messaged Mr Cummings to say that PPE was a 'disaster', suggesting that Michael Gove should take charge instead.


'I can't think of anything except taking Hancock off and putting Gove on.'


Mr Cummings dropped the incendiary revelations in a lengthy post on the Substack blogging platform just minutes before PMQs.


It included vicious passages condemning Mr Johnson for 'telling rambling stories and jokes' instead of chairing crucial meetings properly, and a claim that the PM is intending to quite in order to 'make money' rather than serving a full term if he wins the next election.


Sir Keir Starmer did not pick up on the allegations in his grilling - and although SNP Westminster leader Ian Blackford did mention the news Mr Johnson ignored that and answered a different part of the question.


In other developments as the feud between Mr Cummings and his former colleagues boiled over:


A leaked document gave a glimpse of the UK's potential 'new normal' today with facemasks, working from home and travel quarantine rules set to stay beyond July 19;

Furious Tories predicted up to 70 MPs could inflict a bloody nose on Boris Johnson in a crunch lockdown vote tonight;

Over-21s are now being urged to book appointments for their first vaccine dose as the UK's rollout continues;

NHS and care home staff are set to be obliged to get vaccinations.