Anonymous ID: fa6f0f June 16, 2021, 3:52 a.m. No.13915449   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5484 >>5768

Fact Check: Are $1.2K Tickets for Trump's Second Inauguration Being Sold on QAnon Sites?

Newsweek on|4 hours ago

Images appearing to suggest that tickets are being sold for the ceremony in front of the U.S. Capitol steps on August 15 have appeared online.


As Mike Flynn stokes QAnon conspiracy theories, his brother commands U.S. Army in Pacific

YAHOO!News|5 hours ago

Rachel Maddow points out lingering questions and the unsettling fact that while disgraced former Donald Trump NSA Mike Flynn tours the country stoking conspiracy theories and entertaining the idea of a military coup to reinstall Donald Trump as president,


FBI warns lawmakers frustrated QAnon conspiracy followers could again turn violent

ABC on|17 hours ago

The FBI has warned congressional lawmakers that frustrated QAnon conspiracy theorists could turn from being "digital soldiers" to causing real-world violence.


The F.B.I. warns that some QAnon believers could turn to violence as predictions fail to bear fruit.

New York Times|22 hours ago

The predictions of Q — including mass arrests of Democrats and the return of Donald J. Trump as president — have not come to pass, sowing doubt among believers.


FBI says followers of QAnon conspiracy theory could engage in "violent action"

CBS News|17 hours ago

The June 4 bulletin from the FBI warned some QAnon adherents could harm Democrats and political opponents they believe are part of a corrupt cabal.


U.S. intelligence report warns of more violence by QAnon followers

Los Angeles Times|23 hours ago

A new intelligence report warns that adherents of the QAnon conspiracy theory could target Democrats and other political opponents for more violence.


Researchers say they have unmasked a major QAnon influencer

The Hill on|20 hours ago

Researchers at the intelligence firm Logically said Tuesday that they have identified an influential figure in the QAnon conspiracy community who pushed dangerous narratives about coronavirus and child trafficking.


FBI warns QAnon conspiracy theorists may engage in 'real world violence'

Washington Times|17 hours ago

The FBI has warned that more QAnon conspiracy theorists may be driven to violence and even feel obligated to attack Democrats they believe to be members of a purported cabal of satanic child traffickers.


FBI warns of potential for more violence from QAnon followers

NBC News|12 hours ago

In a new FBI assessment, the agency warns that some QAnon followers have become more violent since the Capitol attack and could target Democrats and other political opposition.


As QAnon fizzles, DHS warns conspiracy's followers pose a new threat

YAHOO!News|16 hours ago

As QAnon's false prophecies increasingly fail to come true, a new FBI report warns that followers of the conspiracy theory could target Democrats. NBC's Ben Collins and Ken Dilanian report.


QAnon Politician Claims She's Being Harassed By Megan Thee Stallion Fans

AllHipHop|10 minutes ago

According to TMZ, failed Republican congressional candidate DeAnna Lorraine Tesoriero believes Megan Thee Stallion was targeting her with the "Thot S###" video. She even claim


US officials see QAnon adherents as an evolving security threat

MSNBC on|21 hours ago

As ridiculous QAnon prophecies increasingly fail to come true, the threats posed by QAnon adherents are evolving, not disappearing.


New U.S. intelligence report points to heightened threat of QAnon violence

MarketWatch on|11 hours ago

A new federal intelligence report warns that adherents of QAnon, the conspiracy theory embraced by some in the mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol,


Full List of Republicans Who Voted Against Medals for January 6 Police

Newsweek|22 minutes ago

The House bill to award Congressional Gold Medals to the Capitol Police and the Metropolitan Police Department passed by 406 votes to 21.


QAnon Followers Are Likely Planning More Violence Against Lawmakers, Warns FBI

Truthout|15 hours ago

QAnon followers may carry out violence against Democrats and others they perceive to be threats, the FBI says.

Anonymous ID: fa6f0f June 16, 2021, 4:04 a.m. No.13915484   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5488 >>5492 >>5768



Former Follower Reminds John Berman: Qanon Is Already Violent

Crooks and Liars|21 hours ago

"The more disenfranchised you are, the stronger that belief is because of the lack of meaning and purpose in your own life," Jitarth Jadeja said.


FBI Warns Lawmakers of More 'Real-World Violence' From QAnon Followers

Rolling Stone on|14 hours ago

"In the FBI's view, the top domestic violent extremist threat comes from racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists," Attorney General Merrick Garland said on Tuesday


FBI warns lawmakers that QAnon 'digital soldiers' may become more violent

WRCB|19 hours ago

FBI Director Christopher Wray pledged to provide an assessment that could be released to the public. The FBI has warned lawmakers that online QAnon conspiracy theorists may carry out more acts of violence as they move from serving as "digital soldiers" to taking action in the real world following the January 6 US Capitol attack.


Four Corners misses the big stories on QAnon

The Australian|7 hours ago

The ABCs Four Corners report into the cult of QAnon now only stands relevant on the basis of semantic argument as we were reminded the term ritual abuse was identified by the Royal Commission into Institutional Child Sexual Abuse as a regular experience of victims,


FBI Warns QAnon Could Turn Violent

Political Wire|18 hours ago

"The FBI said this month that QAnon adherents could turn to violence as some of the conspiracy theory's major predictions, including that Democrats would be subject to mass arrest and detention, have not come to pass,


Former Qanon Supporter Explains How Followers May Become Violent

Crooks and Liars|21 hours ago

In light of the FBI warnings about the group, John Berman spoke to a former Qanon follower. For 16 years we have been exposing Washington lies and untangling media deceit. We work 7 days a week, 16 hours a day for our labor of love,


'The Rundown': Stewart clashes with Cuomo over QAnon

The Salt Lake Tribune|22 hours ago

Utah Rep. Chris Stewart had a testy exchange with CNN's Chris Cuomo over QAnon and the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol


Did the PM try to keep his ties with an QAnon supporter secret?

Australian Broadcasting Corporation|1 day ago

Corners aired an episode detailing links between Prime Minister Scott Morrison and a man who supports QAnon - a group the FBI considers has the potential for domestic terrorism. The report detailed concerns about the radicalisation of Tim Stewart,


'Ritual abuse' in sex abuse royal commission report, despite claims QAnon inserted it to Scott Morrison's speech

The Australian|1 day ago

Ritual abuse was identified by the royal commission into institutional child sexual abuse as a regular experience of victims, despite claims Scott Morrison used the term in a speech under the influence of a conspiracy theorist.


FBI Warns QAnon Followers Could Engage in 'Real-World Violence'

|1 day ago

The FBI has warned that followers of the QAnon conspiracy theory could again engage in violence against political opponents out of frustration that the theory's predictions have not come true.


FBI Warns that QAnon Followers Could Become Legitimate Threat|20 hours ago

A bulletin from the FBI to Congress warned that frustrations of QAnon believers could boil over into full-fledged violence.


Scott Morrison pushes back after friends linked to QAnon in ABC report

Newstalk ZB|20 hours ago

The Prime Minister has slammed the ABC's "baseless conspiracy theories" over claims he was influenced by old family friends linked to the QAnon cult to ref


Editorial: QAnon is new spin on old panic

Decatur Daily|7 hours ago

The so-called QAnon conspiracy is a new spin on an age old paranoia that has cropped up many times down the centuries. Moral panics don't die; they simply evolve and come back in a slightly altered form.


Hungary's QAnon government|17 hours ago

"Save our children!" This exhortation appeared on the bumpers of dusty North American pick-up trucks, on the darker corners of the Internet and occasionally on Facebook newsfeeds, signaling that