Anonymous ID: 9ee2cd June 16, 2021, 6:46 a.m. No.13916090   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6124 >>6149 >>6310

And MSM criticized for days if Trump used a word they didnt understand. Now i completely understand and avow, Biteass is not my and our president!



It literally means covfefe.


Originated from Donald Trump's tweet: "Despite the constant negative press covfefe"

"It's time to nuke this place down." "What's the code?" "covfefe."

Anonymous ID: 9ee2cd June 16, 2021, 6:49 a.m. No.13916106   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Can I get an Amen? Take care of our veterans

Anonymous ID: 9ee2cd June 16, 2021, 6:55 a.m. No.13916141   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6156 >>6258 >>6473


Meme makers, I’ve got an idea


Take this quote and hashtag, “Save the children from a needless dangerous vaccine”. Use your magic get it trending.


"In reviewing the medical literature and news reports, and in talking to pediatricians across the country, I am not aware of a single healthy child in the U.S. who has died of COVID-19 to date," the Johns Hopkins University professor of medicine and public health said Thursday.

Anonymous ID: 9ee2cd June 16, 2021, 7:05 a.m. No.13916199   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6276 >>6315


You know whats going to happen when all these “white people” spokemen that stoke the fires of hatred against white people?These “white people” spouting this nonsense will the first ones taken down when the other black, brown, etc. aggrieved races attack!

Anonymous ID: 9ee2cd June 16, 2021, 7:19 a.m. No.13916292   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6335


Biteass is a pussy, real men dont cross tgeir legs like a woman, Putin shows him how to sit like a man. I’m so embarassed to have the world think he’s the President. My only solace is anons know WW, hes not!

Anonymous ID: 9ee2cd June 16, 2021, 7:30 a.m. No.13916369   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6400 >>6408


Theres a real theory that has happenned, the Putin before was known as a killer, this version comes out and talks anout his mothers Christian faith and stops cracking down on rekigious worship. Based on pics its seems likely


‘Putin is DEAD’ Shock claims Vlad was killed YEARS ago and Russia led by ‘body double'

VLADIMIR Putin was killed in a plot by the CIA and MI6 and replaced with a body double who still leads Russia, according to astonishing claims. Henry Holloway

• Russia’s hardman leader Vlad is not the man we all thought him to be according to shocking theories which state the former KGB spook has actually been dead since 2014.

• Putin has remained a thorn in the side of the West as he made it his mission to return Russia to glory – first being made President back in 1999.

• But the current Vlad – who recently boasted Russia is now the most powerful country in the world – could actually be a doppleganger, according to conspiracy theories.

• Theorists claim dramatic changes in Putin’s appearance, apparent inconsistencies in his ability to speak German, and a divorce from his wife are all "proof" the Russian President is not the real Vlad.

• Astonishing claims circulated online – and explored in YouTube videos viewed hundreds of thousands of times and dozens of blogs and articles – assert the current Putin is a double most likely under the control of the CIA.

• Claims about when he was replaced vary – with some saying he was poisoned in the halls of the Kremlin after annexing Crimea in 2014.

• While other says he was quietly replaced in a secret coup in 2015 when Vlad mysteriously was not seen in public for 10 days between March 5 and March 15.

• Putin announced a divorce from his wife in 2014, just after some conspiracy theorists – such as self-described “historian” Patrick Scrivener – claim he was killed in the Kremlin.

• An article circulated online – reportedly originally published in a German newspaper in 2015 – features strange quotes attributed to Lyudmila Putin which seems to support the theory of the death of Vlad.

• She is claimed to have said: ”My husband, unfortunately, has long been dead.

• “I have to admit it publicly, because I could no longer see what is happening on his behalf. It’s terrible people.”

• The authenticity of the interview is unverified.

• Conspiracy theorist Scrivener claims “the one person who could expose the fake very conveniently disappeared” when referring to Putin’s divorce in April 2014.

• Scrivener – who also claims Abraham Lincoln’s murder was an inside job – goes on to claim Putin’s ability to speak German has also changed.

• Putin famously speaks fluent German and studied the language as a youth at Saint Petersburg High School.

• But images in 2014 showed him appearing to be using an interpreter while at a press conference with German chancellor Angela Merkel.

• Putin is wearing an earpiece in pictures, suggesting he is listening to a translation – something he would not need to do if he could speak German.

Anonymous ID: 9ee2cd June 16, 2021, 7:34 a.m. No.13916400   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6434


Freelance journalist Jim Stone claims pictures before and after Putin’s disappearance show it is a different man leading Russia.


He said the new Putin has a his “header rounder, nose fatter and shorter, dimple missing, lips thicker, mouth larger and a serious double chin”.


Pictures of Putin in his youth do show a dramatic shift in his appearance.


But there are also reports Vlad has at some point had plastic surgery – however conspiracy theorists argue this could just be a cover.


Putin has even responded to rumours of his death in the past – telling the Guardian: “Life would be boring without gossip.”


His notorious disappearances are written off by most as problems with sickness.


Rumours of Putin's demise in 2016 were written off by the Kremlin as him responding to the “international situation”.

Anonymous ID: 9ee2cd June 16, 2021, 7:39 a.m. No.13916434   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6503 >>6593


Putin’s Ex-Wife States That The Real Vladimir Died a Long Time Ago and Replaced by a Body Double

May 30, 2021

Putin‘s ex-wife offered an interview and she stated that Vladimir died a long time ago. Moreover, Putin was replaced by a body double. The interview was offered for the German newspaper Die Welt.


According to Lyudmila, when she got married she was really in love with him. However, the reality was very different from what he really was, since Putin was a very violent and cruel man.


Vladimir Putin never respected his wife and he constantly hit her and mocked her. His wife asked for a divorce but Putin did not accept it and sent him to a psychiatric clinic.


When Lyudmila got out of the clinic she had a conversation with Putin and he told her that he had to go on a trip and he would be back very soon.


Shortly after that, his double arrived. Lyudmila was surprised because they looked identical. However, she knew that man was not her husband. She was sure that her husband died many time ago and that everything has been programmed.


There are people whose identities cannot be revealed that helped Lyudmila escape. Now she lives abroad and she’s extremely afraid of what is happening in Russia.


Have a look at this video for more information.