Just a Theory
DS sets up CCP sleepers to steal original strain of COVID from Secret US lab doing "gain of function".
CCP sleepers in US lab can't help themselves, stealing is what they do.
Original COVID strain is brought back to ChInA in Wuhan ( Fauci/Lieber funded lab etc. ) where more gain of function is done. What additional modifications were done there? ( Blood type A?)
DS then releases novel strain of COVID in Wuhan to make it look like an accident yet frame CCP.
DS has now framed CCP (put in a box).
CCP stole U.S. research
CCP was using U.S. research to bolster their own Bio-weapon program.
Create hostile global situation (war?)
DS now has CCP trying to figure out how not to implicate it's self in more criminality if the truth is told. (White Hat back channels with CCP are important ) de-escalation?
DS Now has dept/Agencies looking bad in allowing CCP to infiltrate labs.
At least 2 layers of deniability between events and DS Intell manipulating the operations.
Use your adversaries abilities against themselves.
"To know your Enemy, you must become your Enemy."- Sun Tzu