Anonymous ID: 17c0f8 June 16, 2021, 11:53 a.m. No.13918052   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8093


It doesn't take very long to look up social autopsy.

It doesn't take very long to see her rapid 180.

It doesn't take very long to see her testimony in congress (impressive and well spoken rebuttals to many questions).

She's got a show now, but it doesn't "feel" like the obvious MKUltra nonsense elsewhere in the tv-sphere.


People can change. People can also be chameleons. As long as the right (patriotic) message is coming from her, just roll with it. When they fuck up and show true colors, that's when you ditch their ass like a trash bag. This anon believes anonymity on the internet created the opportunity to have real conversations by way of free (and protected) speech. Some anons would have NEVER been able to participate in conversations on a "public" stage if it weren't for chans or using anonymous social media accounts.


Not every person that has valid opinions/points to bring to the table has the financial portfolio to risk putting it all on the line, and many of these people do have financial backing in various forms. Anyone wanting to shut down anonymity and anonymous discussions on the web is an enemy to free speech, which is the bedrock of this republic. Let's hope her phase of changing when early on the scene is real. As long as her message is in line with efforts to contribute to the restoration/preservation of the Republic, then she's good to go.


As with many others that have the public eyes/ears, it's more about endorsing the message and not the person.

Anonymous ID: 17c0f8 June 16, 2021, 11:58 a.m. No.13918094   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Many UPS sort facilities have/had the exact same chutes for packages to travel down, and even then, you had to spray the fuckers with Armor All just to make them work efficiently. Sliding down one as a kid on a playground was a mistake I made only once in life.

Anonymous ID: 17c0f8 June 16, 2021, 12:24 p.m. No.13918270   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8279


I think that boils down to personal choice, anon. My opinion?



Stay anon where it matters, and be public where you can make it count most for the preservation of the Republic. IMAO, anonymity leads to the very best discussions in all the right venues, and pushing the boundaries of propriety and equality. Any time you can get a little "rude" (think passionate) about subjects, you can get to the most amicable solutions to problems. Think "iron sharpens iron". These anonymous discussions play out in the public stage for people who are good at putting a face with an idea, or are well-spoken enough to take rigid autistic ramblings and sculpt a statue of truth for the public to appreciate and adhere to.



Someone has to maintain the meeting place (like 8kun, for example) and will always be able to know who's who. NSA will always know who's who regardless of who's running the anonymous sandbox, so you're never really, truly anonymous. That being said, there should be something in place to catch truly awful people posting/inciting truly awful things against other people (stuff that breaks laws, or brings about harm to others).


This anon has had some personal experiences here and on twitter, and that led to me knowing who knows what. I take comfort in that because I put trust in people being able to discern better than me, A, and B, they can read intent of the things I've posted over the years and see a flawed anon that was just trying to find the truth in everything (even if I was a bit harsh, and probably had a bit much to drink at times). Over 3 years of doing mental fencing with anons and shills alike, anon does believe in humanity and the goodness of others. I managed to kick some bad habits, and see the truth about things that have absolutely floored me. These are things that "church" was never able to do.


Thank God for this place, and for anons.